Sunday, March 25
5:00 am Ballina, NSW, Australia
18 C forecast high 25 C with some showers
9:30 am Geocaching
On our way to the Sunday markets at Bangalow, we stopped off at Lake Ainsworth to try to find a geocache along the west side of the lake. We were familiar with this area and the trail system along the lakeshore so were able to park only about 60 metres from the cache site. I had no difficulty making the find.
- GC1M972 Tea Tree Lake
This was my first find for the March 25 date, and my 5th find in Australia.
11:30 am Life
We were a little late arriving at the markets and our "regular" parking spot by a church was taken but we found a spot in the normal parking area as soon as we entered it (someone was just leaving). Our primary goal was to buy some Lemon Myrtle soap and we accomplished that in short order. We met Allan & Katie as soon as we entered the shops area, and soon found Steve & Sue as well.

We left the markets and returned to Lennox Head where we had a BLAT (Bacon, Lettuce, Avacado & Tomato) sandwich. Delicious.
1:30 PM Birding
We then drove to Flat Rock beach and did a little birding. As soon as we entered the short path from the parking area to the beach a beautiful Superb Fairy-wren appeared right in front of us. In the evening we walked along the path by the Richmond River to its mouth. Along the way there were a number of sand bars that gave us an opportunity to see a number of waders and shore birds.
Here is a list of the birds we saw today:
- Pacific Black Duck
- Willy Wagtail
- Noisy Friarbird (first for 2012)
- Australian Raven
- Superb Fairy-wren (first for 2012)
- Ruddy Turnstone (first for 2012)
- Little Tern (first for 2012)
- White-fronted Tern (first for 2012)
- Crested Tern
- Common Tern (first for 2012)
- Sanderling (first for 2012)
- Pied Cormorant
- Little Black Cormorant
- Little Egret (new for 2012)
- Black-tailed Godwit (new for 2012)
- Pied Oystercatcher
- Red-necked Stint (new for 2012)
- Masked Lapwing
- Bar-tailed Godwit (new for 2012)
- Pacific Golden Plover (new for 2012)
- Great Egret (new for 2012)
- White-faced Heron
- Darter
- Rainbow Lorikeet
- White Ibis
- Spotted Turtle-dove

Willy Wagtail

Superb Fairy-wren

White-fronted Tern

Crested Tern

Little Terns

Common Tern

Bar-tailed Godwit

Rainbow Lorikeet

Rainbow Lorikeet
The White-fronted Tern was the 50th different species that we have identified on this trip.