Wednesday, February 22
6:00 am Honolulu, Hawaii
The temperature is +22 °C with a high of +24 °C forecast, sunny.
1:00 PM Life
The agenda for today was to try snorkling at a state park. The bay was very scenic and popular, but the snorkling was disappointing - only a few fish.

1:00 PM Birding
We saw a couple of Red Avadavats (lifer) and Northern Cardinals as well as numerous Cattle Egrets, House Finches, Java Sparrows, Red-crested Cardinals, Red-vented Bulbuls, Spotted Doves, Zebra Doves, and Pacific Golden Plovers. We even saw 3 mongooses.
This brings our total number of different birds seen on this trip to 20, 11 of them lifers. Surprisingly, only the White Tern was a sea bird. Check the Birds Summary page for an overview table.
9:00 PM Life
Dinner in the evening was neat. A gregarious waiter coaxed us out of a line-up and we ended up on a balcony area overlooking the main thoroughfare. He brought our beers balanced on his head, and overall was a delight.