Saturday, February 18
5:00 am Honolulu, Hawaii
The temperature is +22 °C with a high of +26 °C forecast, cloudy with sunny breaks. I have added the + symbol for emphasis.
7:30 am Life
Our first morning in Hawaii. Lots of Spotted Doves, a Zebra Dove, a few Red-vented Bulbuls, and lots of House Sparrows. Heavy rain clouds on the mountains, lots of joggers on the path by the canal, a few outrigger canoes. Still windy. Shorts and sandals instead of long pants and shoes. Feels good.

Lunch was a superb break at an upscale Italian restaurant. We returned home with wine and nibblies and had a relaxing snack before heading out for dinner. This was the time that everyone else also wanted to eat so there were lineups everywhere. We finally opted for a sandwich at a food court. Then back to the unit for another glass of wine before hitting the bed.

5:00 PM Birding
We are back from a leisurely stroll along the canal to the east end of it, and then back along the shoreline and the shops. This time I had my camera and was able to get a few good photos of the birds that we saw.
Here are the different birds we saw today, in the order that we first saw them.
Spotted Dove
House Sparrow

Zebra Dove
Tricolored Heron

Common Waxbill (lifer)
House Finch
Java Sparrow (lifer)
Pacific Golden Plover

Red-crested Cardinal
Hawaiian Duck (lifer)

Yellow-fronted Canary (lifer)

Red-vented Bulbul
That is 4 lifers today, plus 4 yesterday. The one bird I thought I would see was the White Tern, but no sign of it so far.