Thursday, January 12
7:00 am
It is -5 °C, with a high forecast of 0 °C
From the Environment Canada website:
Today Clearing early this morning. Wind west 30 km/h gusting to 50. High zero.
Tonight Clearing. Wind west 30 km/h gusting to 50 increasing to 50 gusting to 70 overnight. Low minus 3.

Normals: Max. -2 °C Min. -14 °C
7:10 am Technology
I have just purchased Bento 4 for the Mac. I have been using a trial version for the last couple of weeks. I am delighted with Bento and have already made the switch of my birding database.
4:00 PM Technology
I have now converted my Filemaker Pro data bases (fiction books, nonfiction books, model trains) to Bento on my laptop and have then synced them with my iPad2. This was also a good opportunity to bring my books files up-to-date. While doing this I am getting a better sense of the overall interface and "tapping" commands.
8:00 PM Literature

Vanderhaeghe's novel is a delight on at least three counts: it is a good yarn, it provides cameo snippets of history that are new to me (I assume they are factual - but they may be part of the novel), and there are many passages that I find particularly enjoyable.
I have been making small pencil marks in the margins opposite many of these. They will help me find them later if I decide to capture some of them for this website.
For example; "So why do I take the trouble to copy choice selections of his tirade into this journal?" [p. 9].