Monday, February 13
7:30 am
It is 0 °C, with a high forecast of +3 °C.
From the Environment Canada website:
Today Cloudy with 30 percent chance of flurries. Wind becoming northwest 20 km/h late this morning. High plus 3.
Tonight Flurries. Wind becoming north 20 km/h overnight. Low minus 5.

6:00 PM Technology
I have finished viewing "The Taming of the Shrew". I have a cable that connects my laptop to our HD screen. This worked without any difficulty. Simply attach the cable and whatever is on the laptop is also displayed on the HD screen. Controlling the showing of the movie was also straight forward. Great.
I have also been playing with moving Pages files between my iPad2 and my laptop. I had some problems at first but think I now have it under control. I learned that one cannot move a Pages file from the laptop to the iPad2 if the file was originally created with a template. This makes sense as there is no provision for templates in the Pages version for the iPad2. I accomplished this using email with the Pages file added as an attachment. I was not able to share the files using either iCloud or the iTunes store. I'm not sure what the proper procedure is for this.
6:30 PM Life
I enjoyed the movie "The Taming of the Shrew".

I was impressed with the costumes and settings. It was much more elaborate than I was expecting. I now have a much better sense of European life in the 15 century.
It really was a movie rather than a play. The settings helped make much of the dialogue totally understandable. The acting by both Taylor and Burton was superb - a perfect case of type casting.
At the moment I like my sequence of first reading the commentary about the play by Marjorie Garber, then reading the play, and finally viewing a movie based on the play.