February 9, 1:30 PM Model Trains
I have completed the 4:00 PM schedule for Session 2. This involved running Train #100, a passenger, east from Jasper and finally pulling into the Valemount siding. Then Train #201, a unit coal train, left the Coaldale siding heading west with a load of empties and ended up completing its run by arriving in Black Diamond at the Mercoal Mines. The last run for this time slot involved Train #600, a local freight, which left the Queenston siding and headed east. There were no switching moves for Wild Rose so it continued on to the Coaldale siding.
It was a good feeling to finally get the trains running smoothly on the outer mainline. I have experienced problems on two of the corners over the last two days and finally decided to replace a couple of sections of track which seems to have solved the problem, at least for the moment.
February 6, 9:30 PM Model Trains
I began my afternoon session by running the same three trains that are involved in the 2:00 PM schedule of Session 2. These are Trains #101, a passenger, Train #600, a local freight, and Train # 201, a unit coal train.
But I soon encountered intermittent track problems with a section of track behind Distillery Row. I finally decided that it made sense to remove about 2.5' of track and replace it with some new track. But since I was doing that I then decided to straighten out a small curve in the same area in order to reduce the likelihood of problems later. This then meant moving a switch about 6" which meant making a few more adjustments, including rewiring the switch as the existing wire would not reach the additional 6". I then moved the refinery about a foot which opened up some space for a new spur line.
In the process of making these adjustments I came to realize the value of making the mountain in two separate sections which will, in principle, easily lift up if there are problems inside the tunnels.
I finally completed the 3:00 PM schedule of Session 2 for the three trains.
Here is a photo of Train #600 going over the wooden trestle.

February 5, 2:00 PM Model Trains
I began my session by running the three trains that are involved in the 2:00 PM schedule of Session 2. These are Trains #101, a passenger, Train #600, a local freight, and Train # 201, a unit coal train. This all went very well. Train #600 carried out switching moves at both Pine Ridge and Prairie Dog.
Here is a photo of Train #201 in the Coaldale siding:

Mountain building continues. I have begun using masking tape to fasten the various newspaper roll-ups to the cardboard base.

I need to convince myself that this is the way I want it before I try adding the plaster strips to this. But I need more paper before continuing.
February 1, 5:00 PM Model Trains
The mountain is slowly taking shape. The fundamental principals are slightly different than those involved in creating the mountains that I can (almost) see from my window.