Wednesday, February 1
6:20 am
It is 0 °C, with a high forecast of +7 °C. The wind continues.
From the Environment Canada website:
Today Mainly cloudy. Wind west 30 km/h. High 7.
Tonight Cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers this evening. Clearing near midnight. Wind northwest 30 km/h. Low minus 5.

7:00 am Technology
I have tried switching my index for January from one that I created myself (where one clicked on the date to branch to that page) to one generated by the software which produces a drop-down menu. Unfortunately this fails to work if the drop-down list is longer than the window. I have contacted the Sandvox technical support to see if this is a bug or if it is normal feature of long drop-down lists.
11:00 am Geocaching
I looked for this last October without success. February 1 is another day without a find so I thought I would give this another try. Although it is in Magrath, it is the closest cache to home that I have not found.
- GC346HV - Alston Scout
I have already found caches on 14 different days for February. This adds 1 to the total. Since this is a leap year, I still have 14 other days in February to go seeking a cache. This includes the next 4 days. I will give this some thought.
5:00 PM Model Trains
The mountain is slowly taking shape. The fundamental principals are slightly different than those involved in creating the mountains that I can (almost) see from my window.

9:00 PM Literature
The pace and suspense is beginning to build again. This is definitely a good yarn. Much of the action has shifted to southern British Columbia and Washington state.

The following definitely caught my attention:
"But geocachers had been at work planting Tupperware containers and ammo boxes of random kinickknacks in tree forks and under rocks in the vicinity of that turn around, and people kept visiting those sites and leaving their droppings on the Internet, making cheerful remarks about the nice view, the lack of crowds, and the availability of huckleberries. Normally Richard and the Schloss's other habitues would have at least another month of clear driving before these people began to show up, but these RVers had apparently decided to get a jump on the tourist season and be the first geocachers of the year to make it to the sites in question." [p. 719]