Monday, April 9
6:30 am McLeans Ridges, NSW, Australia
14 C forecast high 30 C Possible thunderstorms
2:00 PM Birding
We all went out to Rocky Creek Dam today to see the park and have a picnic. While there we saw 2 birds along the boardwalk that we were able to identify.
- Pale-yellow Robin
- Logrunner (male) [LIFER]

Picnic site
2:00 PM Photography
Here are two copies of the same image. The first is the original photo. The second is the photo after I clicked on the "enhance" button. Only the latter image permitted identification of the bird as a Logrunner.

4:00 PM Geocaching
We also did a little geocaching, searching for, and finding 2 geocaches:

Rocky Creek Dam geocache site

Steve spotted the container while I was still poking the brush for snakes
The second cache was found on the drive home.

Cache location

Happy geocacher

Local swimming hole
This was another day added to my grid for days with at least one find. It also brought the total of found Australian caches up to 10.
9:00 PM Life
After dinner we watched the DVD "As It Is In Heaven". I watched this when I was last here 4 years ago and it immediately became one of my favorite movies. This was a special treat. I had tried to find it in Lethbridge but was unable to locate a North American version.