Saturday, April 21
6:50 am
It is +-3 °C, with a high forecast of +18 °C.
From the Environment Canada website:
Today Mainly sunny. High 18. UV index 6 or high.
Tonight Clear. Low plus 2.

7:00 am Musings
Finally! I have slept through the night. Now to see if I can stay awake all day. I am feeling normal for the first time since we arrived home from our trip to Australia.
And I have just had my first sip of coffee. And now my second sip. Aaaahhh.
I have 2 priorities. First - fitness. Second - reading.
I went shopping yesterday and we now have some fresh fruit (navel oranges, pineapple) but we still need a couple of granny smith apples and some grapes in order to make a bowl of fruit salad. I also bought the ingredients for homemade granola. I will start on that in a few minutes. I plan to visit a fitness center later this morning and see what they offer in terms of programs and facilities. I feel that I have both diet and cardiovascular fitness under control but I think I need some help with muscular fitness.

Now for reading. I am pleased with the list I created last night. I was particularly impressed with the brief article by Nicholas Carr on the effect the Internet is having on changing our intellect to one of shallowness. It struck a responsive neuron in my head. I also found myself reading Dale's (not me) version of the Tao Te Ching and am delighted with this book.
But the first goal this morning is to make some granola ...
11:00 am Cooking
I have made my first batch of granola. Overall it seemed to go very well. The recipe is from the Web. Instead of regular rolled oats I used steel-cut oats which made for a much crunchier granola. I tried it with some yogurt and it was delicious.

4:00 PM Life
My coulee walks are back on track, but my weight is still holding steady. Stubborn tummy cells have a mind of their own. But somewhere in there is a tummy muscle trying to get out. I visited a Lethbridge fitness facility today and got the information on the programs they provide. I have the weekend to think it over, but it looks like having a personal trainer for one session is essential to get a program set up plus showing me how to use the equipment. The last time I tried any of this one was shown a bunch of weights and the only instruction was to lift them.
My reading is getting back to normal. I spent a couple of hours with Perlman's "The Street Sweeper". I do like his writing.
But I feel the need for some meaty non-fiction material as well.