Tuesday, January 3
5:00 am
Time to begin the morning with a freshly brewed cup of tea. I found some tea bags for a variety called Apricot Ginger. This is marketed by Celestial Seasonings and the box describes it as a “rich Ceylon caffeinated tea”. It goes on to say, “Our Ceylon blend features deep blue-black tea leaves from Sri Lanka that brew a golden cup of rich and fragrant tea. All natural apricot flavour sweetens the taste and enhances the aroma. Our finishing touch is a bit of tangy ginger root for a crisp highlight. This is much like reading the label on a bottle of wine.
The temperature is +6° C, with a high predicted of +11° C, which is about 13 degrees above normal. Very nice - we have had an unseasonably warm winter so far. But it has been very windy.
From the Environment Canada website:
Today A mix of sun and cloud. Wind west 50 km/h gusting to 70. High 11.
Tonight Partly cloudy. Wind west 40 km/h gusting to 60. Low plus 5.
6:30 am Technology
I have been up for about an hour. It has been both interesting and frustrating. I began by opening up the Pages app to begin my Daily Dale logs. I began searching the manual for Pages and quickly learned that there was a program called iWeb that was designed specifically to prepare and publish web sites. Perfect, that is what I was looking for.
Pages permits one to publish a pdf file which can be read by a web browser but this is a bit cludgy if one wants to have links among the various files.
I then accessed the Apple app store and discovered an upgrade for iWeb. I clicked on this and about 15 minutes later had the upgrade file. However when I clicked on the icon to install the download I received a message saying that there was no file available for the upgrade. I had a version 2 and apparently the upgrade only works for version 3.
The next problem was to find out how to obtain version 3. This turned out to be much more difficult than I expected. As near as I can tell it is only available as part of the iLife package of programs. The reviews for iWeb are scathing!
11:00 am
We have taken down all of the Christmas lights and decorations and put them away for another year. The house looks a little less cluttered.
12:30 PM Geocaching
A new cache appeared in Lethbridge last week. I decided to search for this today. This will bring me up to date with all of the caches in the city. I suspected from the description that it would be a little green thing in a spruce tree. I was concerned as I approached the area as there were about 6 large spruce trees in a cluster. However it turned out to be a quick find. Whew!
- GC3A1FW - New Vista
My total number of finds is now 1209.
6:00 PM Literature

I have finished reading “The Cat’s Table”. This is a novel that grows on one as one continues to read it.
This is a fascinating novel. It is truly the work of a craftsman.
I have also begun reading “Bhagavad-gita”. I have finished rereading the first chapter and am now in the early stages of the second chapter. I must admit that I am enjoying it.