Sunday, April 1
5:30 am McLeans Ridges, NSW, Australia
18 C forecast high 26 C with some showers.
11:00 am Life
We have moved in with friends at McLeans Ridges where we will stay for the next 10 days. This was only a short drive west of Ballina and is quite close to Lismore.
2:00 PM Birding
We spotted and identified 3 Pacific Baza (aka Crested Hawk). This is another Lifer. I think I should have some good photos of them as well. Plus we saw a Figbird.

Pacific Baza

They are very beautiful birds. We watched three of them in the tree across from the veranda for over half an hour. Serious bird watching with a glass of wine in the hand. How good can it get? Stunning.
9:00 PM Life
The entire day has been a delight. Lots of good food, wine and conversation. There is a special atmosphere when one is among friends. One is not so much a guest as being part of the family.
The view over the valley from their verandah is one of my favorites. I could sit here for hours.
I have seen a really beautiful cookbook, "The Free Range Cook" by a New Zealand author. I will have to see if I can find it online. The author's name is Annabel Langbein. Yes, it is available at . I will order it when we return to Canada.