April 3

Tuesday,  April 3

6:00 am McLeans Ridges, NSW, Australia

14 C forecast high 28 C Possibility of showers.

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6:30 am Life

I awoke to the sounds of the local rooster, which was quickly answered by a Laughing Kookaburra. There were 3 White-headed Pigeons in a nearby tree as well as a couple of Grey Butcherbirds which come for a feeding of mince and cheese every morning.

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Then I heard the sound of the heaters from a hot air balloon.

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This place is magic in the morning, and the coffee tastes great.

7:00 am Birding

While enjoying the coffee I noticed a large bird circling overhead. I took a few pictures of it but since it was so high I never gave it much thought. However looking at the photos when we returned to Lethbridge it became clear that this was a Little Eagle, a new lifer for us.

3:00 PM Life

We visited Beatrice and Carmel in Lismore today - it was a great reunion for us all. They were our neighbors while we stayed in Lismore for 6 months for a Study Leave and we have been able to keep in touch for almost 20 years. The ladies put on a special lunch for us and we had a grand time bringing each other up to date on our lives. Relaxing and comfortable. I can't think of a better way to spend time.

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© Dale Burnett 2012