Friday, January 13
6:00 am
It is +1 °C, with a high forecast of +3 °C
From the Environment Canada website:
Today Mainly sunny. Wind west 50 km/h gusting to 70 diminishing to 30 gusting to 50 this afternoon. High plus 3.
Tonight Clear. Wind west 20 km/h gusting to 40 becoming light this evening. Low minus 8 with temperature rising to minus 3 by morning.

Normals: Max. -2 °C Min. -14 °C
8:20 am Technology
I began this morning updating my Contacts file on my iPad2 and then verifying that it automatically synced this with my iPhone.
It has taken me far too long to realize that the reason the Address Book on my laptop was not corresponding with either my iPad2 or my iPhone was because I was using Thunderbird as my email client, and that the Address Book provided by Thunderbird was not the same as the Contact file on my laptop. Obvious in hindsight!
10:10 am Musings
Another good morning. The sun is shining and the wind hasn't started up, yet.
I now have my iPad2 and iPhone addresses up to date. The automatic synching is a joy, now that I have it working, and understand why this is not connected to my laptop.
All of my databases have been converted to Bento 4 on my laptop and are synched to Bento on my iPad2.
Between the databases, this website, and my contacts files, I have been spending most of my time on technology activities. I still have a couple of questions about my iPhone and my Garmin Montana 600 unit, but they are not a high priority at the moment. I would like to reduce the time on Technology and begin focusing on everything else. Literature and Model Trains need attention.
10:30 am Birding
We spotted a Black-capped Chickadee on a neighbour's tree a few minutes ago. That will count as another new bird for 2012 (bringing my total to 4). Bento databases updated (data entered into iPad2 and synced with laptop). eBird report submitted.
1:30 PM Birding

I took my camera and binoculars and walked around Henderson Lake to see if there were any birds on the water. The sun was shining and there was no wind so it was a good time to be outside. The lake was completely frozen over with the exception of a small spot that was about 10' x 4'. There were about 150 Canada Geese around this area. I was pretty sure that I saw some Mallards in the center because of the orange legs. When I returned home I zoomed in on the digital photos and sure enough, there were about 15 Mallards. I have submitted a report to eBird and updated my Bento databases.

4:30 PM Life
Here is a photo of me at Tims at 3:00 PM. Note the iPad2!

9:30 PM Literature

This is historical fiction at its best - a superb blend of good writing combined with lots of historical fact.
What started out as a neat description of what might have happened during the Sioux uprising of 1876-7, has turned into a real-life drama among the major protagonists. Not everyone will be alive at the end.