Sunday, February 19
6:00 am Honolulu, Hawaii
The temperature is +21 °C with a high of +26 °C forecast, light rain.
3:00 PM Life
We walked along the shoreline to the major shopping mall in Honolulu.

I bought 2 books at Barnes & Noble:
* Tao Te Ching (2002) by trans. R. A Dale
* A Book of Abstract Algebra (1990) by Charles C. Pinter.
4:00 PM Birding
While on our walk we saw the following new birds:
- White Tern (lifer)
- Chestnut Mannikin (lifer)
- Black-headed Night Heron
- Mallard

White Tern

3 Chestnut Mannikins plus a Zebra Dove

Black-crowned Night-Heron
plus the regulars:
- Java Sparrow
- Red-vented Bulbul
- Common Myna
- Common Waxbill
- Pacific Golden Plover
- Spotted Dove
- Zebra Dove
- Red-crested Cardinal
- Yellow-fronted Canary.

2 Java Sparrows
5:30 PM Geocaching
I went geocaching in the afternoon and found 2 caches:
* GC1TC6X - Geckos in Paradise - Kamuela Anakala
* GC6F0C - Life is But a Dream
These were my first two caches in the state of Hawaii. The first one was also the furthest west (from the Prime Meridian) of all the caches that I have found: W 157° 49.401. Keep in mind that the maximum possible is W180°. I have now found caches in 9 different states - not too impressive, but one more than I had before.