Dale's Daily

Technology Activities

The following table indicates each section within the Daily pages when I focused on Technology. The oldest event is at the bottom and the most recent is at the top of the table. One has a choice of whether to link to the page or the specific heading within the page.


1. To methodically go through the book "Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Classroom in a Book"

2. To spend time familiarizing myself with the iPad2

Table of Specific Activities

Date Time Description
2011.12.24 9:30 PM Apple store in Lethbridge, ebooks from amazon.com, Barnes & Noble
2011.11.14 7:00 am Update driver for Canon printer
2011.11.08 2:00 PM Update map on Montana 600
2011.11.04 11:30 am EveryTrail app for iPhone
2011.11.03 8:30 PM Update software on iPhone from 4.3.5 to 5.0
2011.08.18 7:30 am Update files on my iPhone
2011.07.27 11:00 am Continue reading "The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood" by James Gleick - chap. 4
2011.07.26 5:00 PM Continue reading "The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood" by James Gleick - chap. 3
2011.07.18 4:00 PM Note a compatibility problem with the Backroads map; a weakness editing geocaching files
2011.07.11 10:00 am Update North America NT 2012 map on my Garmin nuvi.
  4:00 PM Test use of BT-335 for geotagging and route mapping.
2011.07.08 5:10 am Review geotagging using my BT-335 Logger
2011.07.07 5:30 PM Geotagging photos using my iPhone; features of Garmin Montana 600 GPS unit
2011.07.06 10:30 am Fix a problem with my iPad2.
2011.07.05 4:00 PM Continue reading "The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood" by James Gleick
2011.07.02 8:00 am Find a solution to my Dreamweaver problem.
2011.06.23 1:30 PM I work with an Adobe techie for 2 hours but we do not yet have a solution
2011.06.22 7:00 am Adobe reply for DW5 problem (will phone me later this week)
2011.06.21 9:30 PM Repair hard drive using Disk Utility; Adobe reply for DW5 problem.
2011.06.20 3:00 PM Solve Garmin GPS problem; clarify possible purchase of a Garmin 62s + maps
2011.06.19 10:00 am Update maps on Garmin nuvi; download Garmon BaseCamp software. Problem with Garmin nuvi and geocache data.
2011.06.17 10:40 am Receive email from Adobe re. DW problem; tried their suggestion but problem remains. Sent sample screen shot to them.
2011.06.16 11:30 am Install Telus virus protection on Inspiron laptop; setup wireless printer access
2011.06.01 3:30 PM Encountered difficulties with DW5. Now working
2011.05.27 12:00 PM Update Windows system software. Install Ship It! program.
  8:30 PM Start up Inspiron laptop, install Firefox browser, create system recovery discs
2011.05.11 1:00 PM Arrival of Inspiron laptop computer
  9:15 PM Update software on iPad
2011.05.10 7:00 am Email indicates Inspiron has been shipped
2011.05.08 11:15 am Order Inspiron laptop; order Ship It! CD at a discount
2011.05.07 5:00 PM Ship It! files are missing from Parallels. Decide to remove Parallels from Mac. Done. I now need to buy a small PC laptop.
2011.05.04 10:00 PM Update map on my Garmin nuvi 850
2011.05.03 9:20 am Work with techie from Parallels about getting my upgrade working
  12:00 PM Improvements to the design of this website
2011.05.01 6:30 am Parallels reply failed to work; sent email to tech support
2011.04.26 7:00 am Reply from Parallels - will try it later
2011.04.25 11:00 am Error with Parallels software - will require tech support
2011.04.23 9:00 PM Begin reading "A New Culture of Learning"
2011.04.22 11:00 am Purchase 3 more nonfiction ebooks.
2011.04.18 9:30 PM Purchase "Quantum Man: Richard Feynman's Life in Science"
2011.04.16 4:30 PM Begin reading "The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood" by Gleick
2011.04.13 7:50 am Reading with iBook: first impressions
2011.04.12 10:00 PM iBooks, Kindle, & Kodo: 3 ereaders
2011.04.08 11:00 am Downloaded my first ebook - Information by James Gleick
2011.04.06 12:30 PM Picasa update, case for iPad2
2011.04.04 12:45 PM Create links between Activity tables and section headings
  8:00 PM Inconsistencies when wrapping text around an image
  3:30 PM Centering a photo using CSS
  2:00 PM The new website "2011DailyDale" has been uploaded to a server
  1:10 PM Identification of some formatting tasks
  11:20 am Links between pages working
2011.04.03 8:30 am Difficulties with links to CSS page
  5:30 PM Basic linking between pages is working
  1:20 PM Difficulties creating a web page using DW CS5
  7:30 am This website. Thumbnails for design.
2011.04.02 5:40 am This website. When should I provide images of book covers?
  9:10 PM Test linking to an id point in a web page using DW CS5.
  10:00 am Make notes for first 5 chapters of DW-CIB.
2011.04.01 7:00 am Read chapter 4 from the DW-CIB book. Plans for a new website.