Science Activities
The following table indicates each section within the Daily pages when I focused on Science. The oldest event is at the bottom and the most recent is at the top of the table. One has a choice of whether to link to the page or the specific heading within the page.
1. Read "Cycles of Time" (2010) by Roger Penrose.
Table of Specific Activities
Date | Time | Description |
2011.12.05 | 6:40 am | Complete mind map for "The Tree of Knowledge" |
2011.12.04 | 8:20 am | Complete reading (chaps. 8 - 10) of "The Tree of Knowledge" |
2011.12.03 | 1:30 PM | Read chaps. 6 & 7 of "The Tree of Knowledge" |
2011.12.02 | 8:10 am | Mind map for chaps. 3 - 5 of "The Tree of Knowledge" |
2011.12.01 | 10:00 am | Mind map for chaps. 1 - 2 of "The Tree of Knowledge" |
2011.11.06 | 5:15 am | Make notes for "Molecular Biology" byDavid Clark & Lonnie Russell |
2011.10.11 | 4:00 PM | Complete reading "Microcosmos" by Lynn Margulis |
2011.10.07 | 4:00 PM | Continue reading "Microcosmos" by Lynn Margulis |
2011.10.06 | 4:00 PM | Begin reading "The Earth Machine" by Mathez & Webster |
2011.10.04 | 7:00 PM | Begin reading "Microcosmos" by Lynn Margulis |
2011.09.24 | 8:00 PM | Begin rereading "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking |
2011.09.22 | 9:00 PM | Reread "Deep Time" by David Darling |
2011.09.06 | 11:00 am | Receive "The Tree of Knowledge" by Maturana & Varela |
2011.09.05 | 6:30 am | Complete reading "The Hidden Connections" |
2011.09.04 | 5:00 PM | Continue reading "The Hidden Connections" |
2011.09.02 | 11:30 am | 3 books on bacteria and evolution arrive |
2011.09.01 | 4:00 PM | Continue reading "The Hidden Connections" |
2011.08.31 | 4:00 PM | Continue reading "The Hidden Connections" |
2011.08.28 | 9:00 PM | Chart based on Capra's "The Hidden Connections" |
3:00 PM | Complete reading "Quantum Man: Richard Feynman's Life in Science". | |
2011.06.10 | 7:40 am | Continue reading "Quantum Man: Richard Feynman's Life in Science". |
2011.06.09 | 5:00 PM | Continue reading "Quantum Man: Richard Feynman's Life in Science". |
2011.05.30 | 7:00 PM | Complete reading "The Beginning of Infinity" by David Deutsch. |
2011.05.29 | 4:00 PM | Continue reading "The Beginning of Infinity" by David Deutsch. |
2011.05.28 | 9:00 PM | Continue reading "The Beginning of Infinity" by David Deutsch. |
2011.05.23 | 2:15 PM | Begin reading "The Beginning of Infinity" by David Deutsch. |
2011.04.19 | 1:30 PM | Begin reading "Quantum Man: Richard Feynman's Life in Science". |