Dale's Daily

Science Activities

The following table indicates each section within the Daily pages when I focused on Science. The oldest event is at the bottom and the most recent is at the top of the table. One has a choice of whether to link to the page or the specific heading within the page.


1. Read "Cycles of Time" (2010) by Roger Penrose.


Table of Specific Activities


Date Time Description
2011.12.05 6:40 am Complete mind map for "The Tree of Knowledge"
2011.12.04 8:20 am Complete reading (chaps. 8 - 10) of "The Tree of Knowledge"
2011.12.03 1:30 PM Read chaps. 6 & 7 of "The Tree of Knowledge"
2011.12.02 8:10 am Mind map for chaps. 3 - 5 of "The Tree of Knowledge"
2011.12.01 10:00 am Mind map for chaps. 1 - 2 of "The Tree of Knowledge"
2011.11.06 5:15 am Make notes for "Molecular Biology" byDavid Clark & Lonnie Russell
2011.10.11 4:00 PM Complete reading "Microcosmos" by Lynn Margulis
2011.10.07 4:00 PM Continue reading "Microcosmos" by Lynn Margulis
2011.10.06 4:00 PM Begin reading "The Earth Machine" by Mathez & Webster
2011.10.04 7:00 PM Begin reading "Microcosmos" by Lynn Margulis
2011.09.24 8:00 PM Begin rereading "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking
2011.09.22 9:00 PM Reread "Deep Time" by David Darling
2011.09.06 11:00 am Receive "The Tree of Knowledge" by Maturana & Varela
2011.09.05 6:30 am Complete reading "The Hidden Connections"
2011.09.04 5:00 PM Continue reading "The Hidden Connections"
2011.09.02 11:30 am 3 books on bacteria and evolution arrive
2011.09.01 4:00 PM Continue reading "The Hidden Connections"
2011.08.31 4:00 PM Continue reading "The Hidden Connections"
2011.08.28 9:00 PM Chart based on Capra's "The Hidden Connections"
  3:00 PM Complete reading "Quantum Man: Richard Feynman's Life in Science".
2011.06.10 7:40 am Continue reading "Quantum Man: Richard Feynman's Life in Science".
2011.06.09 5:00 PM Continue reading "Quantum Man: Richard Feynman's Life in Science".
2011.05.30 7:00 PM Complete reading "The Beginning of Infinity" by David Deutsch.
2011.05.29 4:00 PM Continue reading "The Beginning of Infinity" by David Deutsch.
2011.05.28 9:00 PM Continue reading "The Beginning of Infinity" by David Deutsch.
2011.05.23 2:15 PM Begin reading "The Beginning of Infinity" by David Deutsch.
2011.04.19 1:30 PM Begin reading "Quantum Man: Richard Feynman's Life in Science".