Cædmon’s Hymn

A reconstruction of the hypothetical written ancestor to all surviving recensions of the poem

Based on M (orthographic forms) and the West-Saxon eorðan recension (substantive readings) with collations from B1, Bd (parallel view only), Br, Ca, CArms, Di, H, Hr, Ld, Ln, Mg, N, O, P, P1, SanM, T1, To, Tr1, W.

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    Nu scylun hergan[2]      hefaenricaes uard,

    metudæs maecti,      end his modgidanc,

    uerc uuldurfadur      sue[3] he uundra gihuaes,

    eci dryctin,      or astelidæ!

5     He aerist scop      eordu barnum

    heben til hrofe,      haleg sceppend;

    tha[4] middungeard,      moncynnæs uard,

    eci dryctin,      æfter tiadæ

    firum foldu,      frea allmectig.

Apparatus (All witness readings (analytic))

1a Nu] {([Nu M Nu P Nu T1 Nu O (Pre-Correction)])([Ne N])}{([Nu ƿe H Nuƿe W Nu ƿe Mg Nu ƿe Ln Nuƿe B1 Nu ƿe To Nu\ƿe/ O (Post-Correction) Nu ƿe| Ca Nu ƿe Hr \Nuƿe/ CArms Nu ƿe Ld])([Nu| pe Tr1 Nupe SanM])([Nupue Di])([Nupuc P1 Nupuc Br])}.

1a scylun hergan] {([scylun herge\a/n M][scılun herga P][scwlun herga Di][scinlun horga Br][sculon her gean N])([sculon herıgean T1][sculan herıan O][sceolan herıgean Ca][sceolon herıan To \sceolon/| herıan CArms][sceolan herıan Hr sceolan herıan herıan Ld][sculon herıan H sculon herıan|herı W sculon herıan Mg sculon herıan SanM][sculun herıan Ln][sceolon herıon Tr1])([scııılııı herga| P1])}{([herıgan sculon| B1])}.

1b hefaenricaes] {([hefaen rıcaes M][hefen rıcæs P][heofon|rıces T1 heofonrıces B1 heofonrıces To heofon rıces N heofon|rıces O heofon rıces Ca hel{o}fon|rıces Hr heo|fon rıces Ld heofon rıces H heofon rıces W heofon|rıces Mg heofon rıces Ln heofon|rıces SanM][heofanrıces CArms][heofenrıces· Tr1][he fu\n/rıca es| Di])([hesııı rıııca es P1][hesım|ruica es Br])}.

1b uard] {([uard M uard P][pueard· Di pueard P1 pueard Br][ƿeard T1 ƿeard B1 ƿeard· To ƿe:|ard N ƿeard O ƿeard Ca ƿeard Hr ƿeard CArms ƿeard· Ld ƿeard· H ƿe[ard]| W ƿeard· Mg ƿeard· Ln])([peard· Tr1 peard· SanM])}.

2a metudæs] {([metudæs M metudæs P][meotodes T1][metodes B1 metodes To metodes N metodes O metodes Ca metoddes W][metudes Hr metudes CArms metudes Ld metudes H metudes Mg metudes Ln metudes Tr1][metuda es Di])([mecudes SanM])([ıııetııııdaes P1][metundaes Br])}.

2a maecti] {([maectı M][mehtı P][mechtı· Di ıııechtı P1 mechti| Br][meahte T1][hte| B1 mıhte To mıhte· N mıhte O mıhte Ca mıhte Hr mıhte· CArms mıhte| Ld mıhte W mıhte·| Mg mıhte| Tr1 míhte| SanM][myhte· H][mıchte· Ln])}.

2b end] {([end M])([and P and Di and P1 and Br][Ond N][ T1 B1 To O Ca Hr CArms [] Ld H W Mg Ln Tr1])([ æ SanM])}.

2b his] {([hıs M hıs P hıs Di hıs P1 his Br hıs T1 hıs B1 hıs To hıs N hıs O hıs Ca hıs| Hr hıs CArms hıs Ld hıs H h[ıs]| W hıs Mg hıs Ln hıs Tr1 hıs SanM])}.

2b modgidanc] {([modgıdanc M][ıııodged|aııc P1][modged auc Br][modgedeanc| Di][mod gıthanc P][modgeþanc T1 mod ge þanc B1 mod|geþanc· To mod ge þanc· Ca modge þanc Hr modgeþanc· Ld mod ge þanc| H mod ge þanc W mod ge þanc· Mg modt{g}e þanc· Ln modgeþanc· Tr1 mod ge þanc SanM][mod geþonc N mod ge þonc| O])([modre þanc CArms])}.

3a uerc] {([uerc M uerc P][ƿeorc| T1 ƿeorc B1 ƿeorc To ƿeorc Hr ƿeorc Ld ƿeorc W ƿeorc| Ln][ƿurc H ƿurc| Mg])([peorc Tr1])([pure| SanM])([seorc CArms])([puere P1 puere Br])([puerc Di])}{([ƿeoroda N])}{([ƿero O (Pre-Correction)])}{([ƿer{a} O (Post-Correction) ƿera| Ca])}.

3a uuldurfadur] {([uuldur fadur| M uuldur fadur P][ƿuldor fæder T1 ƿul:|dor fæder N ƿuldor fæder O ƿuldor fæder· Ca ƿu[l]|dor fæder W ƿuldor fæder· Mg ƿuldor fæder· Ln][ƿulder fæder To ƿulder fæ|der Hr ƿulder fæder| CArms ƿulder fæ|der· Ld][ƿuldu{a}r fæder· H])([puldor· fæder SanM])([puldor feder· Tr1])([puldur fudur Di])}{([fadur P1 fadur Br])}{([ƿuldor godes| B1])}.

3b sue] {([sue M sue P][suae Di suae P1 suae| Br][sƿa T1 sƿa B1 sƿa To sƿa N sƿa O sƿa Ca sƿa Hr Sƿa Ld sƿa H sƿa W sƿa Mg sƿa Ln][sua CArms])([spa Tr1 spa SanM])}.

3b he] {([he M he P he P1 he Br he T1 he B1 he To he N he O he Ca he Ld he Hr he H he W he Mg he Ln he Tr1 he SanM])([hae Di])}{([-- CArms])}.

3b uundra] {([uundra M uundra| P][ƿundra T1 ƿund ra B1 ƿundra To ƿundra N ƿundra O ƿundra Ld ƿundra H ƿu[n]|dra W ƿun|dra Mg ƿundra Ln])([pundra| Tr1 pundra Di puııdra P1 pundra Br])([ƿundre CArms])([pnn|dra· SanM])}{([ƿuldres Ca])}{([-- Hr])}.

3b gihuaes] {([gıhuaes M gı huaes| Di gı huaes P1][gı huæs P][gehƿæs T1 gehƿæs· To geh{ƿ}hƿæs N ge hƿæs| O ge hƿæs Ca gehƿæs Ld])([geƿas· CArms])([gi hnaes Br])}{([fela B1])}{([-- Hr])}{([ge hƿılc H ge hƿılc W ge hƿılc Mg][ge hƿylc· Ln])([ge hpılc· SanM][gehpylc· Tr1])}.

4a eci] {([ecı M ecı P ecı Di ecı P1 eci Br][ee{c}e T1 éce B1 ece To ece N ece O ece Ca ece CArms ece| Ld ece H ece W ece Mg ece Tr1][eche Ln][ecce SanM])}{([-- Hr])}.

4a dryctin] {([drın{yc}tın M dryctın P][drıchtın Di dro\ı/ch tııı P1 drıch tin Br][adrihten T1 drıhten B1 drıhten To drıhten N drıhten· Ca drıhten H drıh[ten]| W drıhten| Mg drıhten Ln drıhten Tr1 drıhten CArms drıhten Ld][dryhten O])([drıdhten| SanM])}{([-- Hr])}.

4b or] {([or M or P or Di or P1 or Br or T1 or| N])}{([ord| B1 ord Ca ord H ord Mg ord Ln ord Tr1 ord SanM][oór\d/ O])}{([ær| To])}{([-- Hr -- Ld -- CArms])}{([ƿord W])}.

4b astelidæ] {([astelıdæ M astelıdæ P])([astealde· H astealde W a stealde· Ln astealde· Tr1 astealde B1 astealde· To][astalde Di astalde| P1 astalde· Mg])([astnl|de Br])([astald SanM])}{([on|stealde· T1 onstealde N onstealde O onstealde Ca])}{([-- Hr -- Ld -- CArms])}.

5a He] {([he M he P he Di he Br he T1 he B1 He To he N he O he Ca He| H he W He Mg He Ln he SanM])}{([ Hu Tr1])}{([her P1])}{([-- Hr])}{([þa he CArms þa he Ld])}.

5a aerist] {([aerıst M aerıst Br][ærıst P][ærest T1 ærest B1 ærest N ærest O ærest Hr ærest CArms ærest Ld ærest H ærest Mg ærest SanM][ærost To][[æ]|ræst W][ærust Ln][erust Tr1][æres Ca])([u\a/erst Di])([aeırst P1])}.

5a scop] {([scop M scop P scop N scop CArms][scoo p Di scoop P1 sco op Br][sceop T1 sceop B1 sceop· To sceop Hr sceop Ld])}{([ge scop· W ge|scop Mg ge scop| Ln gescop·| Tr1 ge|scóp Ca][ge sceop H gesceop| O])([ge stop| SanM])}.

5b eordu] {([eorðan T1 eorðan B1 eorðan To eorðan O |e|orðan Ca][eor du| Di eor du P1 eor du Br])([eorðe| Hr eorðe CArms eorðe| Ld])([eorþū N])}{([aelda M][ylda H ylda W ylda Mg ylda Ln ylda Tr1 ylda SanM])([aeldu P])}.

5b barnum] {([barnum P][barnū M][bear|num B1 bearnun{m}um{::} O bearnum Mg bearnum· Ln bearnum· Tr1 bearnum· SanM bearnum Di][bearnū T1 bearnū To bearnū N bearnū Ca bearnū Hr bearnū CArms bearnū Ld bearnū H [bear]|nū W])([pearıııım P1])([peannum Br])}.

6a heben] {([heben M][hefen P he |fen Br][efen Di efen P1][heofon T1 heofon B1 heofon To heofon N heofon O heofon Ca heofon Hr heofon CArms heofon Ld heofon H heofe\o/n W heofon| Mg heofon Ln heofon Tr1 heofon SanM])}.

6a til] {([tıl M])}{([to P to Di to P1 to Br to T1 to B1 to To to N to O to Ca to Hr to CArms to Ld to H to W to Mg to Ln to Tr1 to SanM])}.

6a hrofe] {([hrofe| M hrofe Di hrofe P1 hrofe Br hrofe| T1 hrofe B1 hrofe· To hrofe| N hrofe O hrofe· Hr hrofe· Ld hrofe· H hrofe· Ln][hrofæ P][rofe W rofe· Mg rofe| SanM rofe Ca rofe| CArms])([hrope· Tr1])}.

6b haleg] {([h[a]leg M][halıg P halıg Di halıg P1 halig Br halıg T1 halıg B1 halıg| To halıg N halıg| O halıg Ca halıg H [halıg]| W halıg Mg halıg Ln halıg Tr1 halıg SanM])}{([-- Hr -- Ld -- CArms])}.

6b sceppend] {([sceppend| P sceppend Di sceppend P1 sceppend Br][scyppend· T1 scyp|pend B1 scyppend O scyppend· Ca scyppend H scyppend·| Mg scyppend· Ln scyppend Tr1][sc\y/pend· N][scıppend W])([styppend SanM])}{([scepen· M])}{([drıhten· To])}{([-- Hr -- Ld -- CArms])}.

7a tha] {([tha M tha P][da· Di][| P1][da̽ Br][ða O][þa T1 þa To þa N þa Ca þa| Hr þa CArms þa Ld])}{([þe B1])}{([-- H -- Mg -- Ln -- Tr1 -- W -- SanM])}.

7a middungeard] {([n{d}dun geard M][mıddıngard P][mıddangeard T1 mıddan geard B1 mıddan geard N mıddan geard Ca mıddan geard Hr mıddan geard CArms mıd|dan geard Ld][mıddon geard O][mıddan eard To])([mıd|dumgeard Di mıddum geard P1])([middum|gaerd Br])}{([mıddan gearde| H mıddan gearde Mg mıddan gearde| Ln mıddan|gearde Tr1][mıddan ear[de]| W][myddan ge|arde SanM])}.

7b moncynnæs] {([moncynnæs M moncynnæs P][moncınnes Di][moncynnes T1 moncynnes N moncynnes O mon|cynnes Ca moncynnes| Hr moncynnes CArms moncynnes Ld][mann cynnes| B1 mann cynnes W][mancynnes To man cynnes H mancynnes| Mg][mankynnes Ln mankynnes Tr1])([moııeıııııes P1 moneınnes Br])([mancımes SanM])}.

7b uard] {([uard M uard P][ƿeard T1 ƿeard B1 ƿeard To ƿeard N ƿeard| O ƿeard Ca ƿeard Hr ƿeard CArms ƿeard Ld ƿeard H ƿeard| W ƿeard Mg ƿearde{:} Ln])([peard Di peard P1 peard Br peard· Tr1])([pærd SanM])}.

8a eci] {([ecı M ecı P é Di][ece| T1 éce B1 ece To ece| N ece O ece Ca ece Hr ece CArms ece| Ld éce H ece W ece Mg ece Tr1][eche Ln][ecce| SanM])([eeı P1 eei Br])}.

8a dryctin] {([dryctın M dryctın P][drıhten T1 drıhten B1 drıhten To drıhten N drıhten CArms drıhten Ld drıhten· H drıhten W drıhten· Mg drıhten Ln drıhten· Tr1 drıhten· SanM drıhten Hr][drıh Ca][dryhten O])([drıntın Di])([drıchtıııı P1])([drichtin| Br])}.

8b æfter] {([æfter M æfter P æfter T1 æfter B1 æfter N æfter O æfter CArms æfter Ld Æfter H æfter W æfter| Mg Æfter Ln][æfť To æf Ca][After SanM][aef ter P1 aef ter Br])([c ef|ter Di])([t efter| Hr])([epter Tr1])}.

8b tiadæ] {([tıadæ M tıadæ P][tıade Di tıade P1][teode T1 teode| B1 teode·| To teod{:}de O teode Ca teode Hr teode Ld])([cia de Br])}{([eode N])}{([-- CArms])}{([tıda H tıd[a]| W tıda Mg tıda Ln tıda Tr1 tıda SanM])}.

9a firum] {([fırum M fırum P fırum· Di fırıııı| P1 firum Br n{r}um T1 fırum To fırum O fırum H fırum Mg fırum Ln fírum| SanM][fırū Ca][fyrum B1 fyrum Ld fyrum W][fyrū Hr])([sysū CArms])([fınū N])([pırum| Tr1])}.

9a foldu] {([fold\u/ M foldu P])([foldan T1 foldan B1 foldan· To foldan N folda\n/ O foldan Ca])}{([onfoldu Di])([olfoldu P1 olfoldu Br])([onfolden Hr onfolden CArms on| folden Ld])([on foldum H onfoldum| W onfoldum| Mg on foldum| Ln onfoldum SanM])([on poldum Tr1])}.

9b frea] {([frea M frea P frea Di frea P1 frea T1 frea B1 frea To frea N frea| O m{fr}ea Ca frea| Hr frea Ld frea H frea o{:} W frea Mg frea Ln frea SanM])([fre Br fre CArms])}{([euca Tr1])}.

9b allmectig] {([allmectıg| M][all mehtıg·| P][allmechtıg·| Di all ıııechtıg P1 all|mechtig· Br][ælmıhtıg· T1 ælmıhtıg| B1 ælmıhtıg·| To ælmıhtıg· N ælmıhtıg· O ælmıhtıg· Ca ælmıhtıg·| Mg ælmıhtıg·| Ln][ælmyhtıg| H][ealmıhtı·| W][elııııhtıg· Tr1])}{([ælmíhtes| SanM])}{([ælmıhtıg halıg scyppeod·| Hr ælmıhtıg halıg |scyp|peod·| Ld])([almnhtyg| \halıg scyppend/ CArms])}.


[2]scylun] scylun is either first person plural with an unexpressed subject (i.e. [uue] scilun), or third person plural with uerc uuldurfadur, 3a, as subject. The former interpretation is supported by the form in Bede’s paraphrase, debemus; but the latter interpretation is suggested by a lack of convincing syntactic parallels in Old English (see especially Mitchell 1985b). As Mitchell points out, there are parallels to uerc as subject.

In addition to P and M, scilun (and variant spellings) is found without uue or equivalent in N the uncorrected form of O, and T1 (all reflecting early forms of the West-Saxon eorðan recension); the fact that the West-Saxon eorðan recension appears to acquire a we in the course of its transmission indicates how this reading could have arisen through scribal trivialisation. See also §§ 5.18-5.20 for a discussion.

[3]sue] Howlett suggests that sue may be intended as an adverb (“thus”) rather than a causal conjunction (“as, because”). For a discussion of the evidence, see above, § C.9. The punctuation here assumes sue is a conjunction.

[4]tha] tha can be construed as either a causal conjunction (“when”) or an adverb (“then”). While the reading has considerable effect on our understanding of the poem’s structure and theology (see above, § C.9, and esp. Blockley 1998, 20-26), neither reading can be ruled out conclusively. The punctuation in this edition follows that of most modern editions in treating tha as an adverb.