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Tuesday October 7, 2008 6:30 am Lethbridge

It is +10 C with a high forecast of +16 C. Sunrise 6:41 Sunset 17:57 Hours of daylight: 11:16.
See current Lethbridge forecast here. See current Lethbridge news here.

This page last updated on: Tuesday, October 7, 2008 10:11 PM

A. Morning Musings

I have a wide variety of items on my list for today, but all of them are of the relatively short type. I am hoping to contact the Garmin technical people and see if they can help me figure out how to get my geocache favorites working properly on my unit. At the moment I am able to delete them using two different approaches (one involves editing an individual item, the other involves using the Tools/My Data feature) but when I add one of these all of the old ones reappear. Also I no longer seem to be able to add any new ones.

Learning Category Planned Activities for Today Time
Technology Problem downloading geocache information to Garmin
1 hr
Geocaching Set up planning sheets for 3 caches
1 hr
Model Trains Continue building Proto 2000 Series 52' 6" Drop End Mill Gondola
1 hr
Model Trains Join SAMRC
1 hr
Mathematics Continue reading "The Calculus Lifesaver"
1 hr
Literature Continue slow reading "Midnight's Children" by Salman Rushdie
1 hr

B. Actual Learning Activities

8:00 am

The Garman man was very helpful. I am still not sure what caused the problem but I now know how to delete files on the Garmin while it is connected to the Mac. I have removed all of my favorites. I now need to add a few that I will use plus I will create a folder that will hold only those geocaches that I plan to seek in the very near future. And I will delete these from the Garmin as soon as I find them.

12:30 PM

Now to set up my Garmin for my next couple of local trips. I have both the MyGarmin site as well as the geocache site open (on two separate tabs in my browser). The geocache site is better for displaying the caches as I can see which ones I have already found. But I will use the MyGarmin site to download the information to the GPS unit.

Here is a list of 6 cache sites in west Lethbridge that I would like to find:

Three of these are repeat efforts. Each of them will likely be a separate trip. I have already prepared a "Preparation Sheet" for this cache. The last three will all be new searches for me. I should be able to try for the last two on one trip. Now I want to create 5 new PS sheets for the last 5 searches.

I have downloaded all 6 cache sites to my Garmin using the MyGarmin web site. Good.

I have redesigned (again!) my Preparation Sheet. The idea is to make better use of space and try to get all, or almost all, of the preparation information on half a sheet, leaving space for comments and a photo or two on the bottom of the page. However the real proof is whether this proves useful. I am eager to give this a try, but the wind is moving at 52 kph, gusting to 68 kph, so this is not the day to try this out. The forecast is for winds near 100 kph this afternoon.

As a result of yesterday's trip, I now have 27 "finds" to my credit. I am debating whether to prepare PS's for each of these so that I will have a complete set. But first I need to convince myself that I have a worthwhile form.

5:30 PM

I have finished assembling the undercarriage of the gondola that I am building. I have also added 8 of the grabirons that are required. I still have another 8 to install. Click on the Dales Depot Website link in the top left margin and then on today's date to see the details.

Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie
Book One chapter 6 Many-headed Monsters

Saleem Sinai: the narrator
Amina Sinai: daughter of Aadam Aziz, now married to Ahmed Sinai
Ahmed Sinai: a young merchant
Lifafa Das: a Hindu entreprenuer who sells peepshow postcards to the public

  • " 'Who, after all,' she reasoned privately, 'ever truly knows another human being completely?' " [p. 68]
    • Or who even truly knows oneself completely?


Ahmed Sinai goes to the Old Fort (an ancient ruin) to pay his extortion money and Amina Sinai (aka Mumtaz Aziz) goes to the Red Fort (where The Mughals ruled and where the proclamation of a new independent India was announced) to meet Lifafa Das, the Hindu she saved from a Muslim mob, to have her future foretold.

Monkeys get to the money that Ahmed has left for the Ravana gang so the person who was to pick up the payment leaves thinking Ahmed has tricked him. Later that night his business is burned down.

Lifafa Das's cousin gives an ambiguous telling of the future which turns out to be accurate.

Ahmed decides they should move to Bombay where he will begin a real-estate business. They leave on the same day that Earl Mountbatten announces the Partition of India.


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