October 7/08 Geocache Activity


London Bridge
N 49° 39.228 W 112° 52.394
  Difficulty 2; Terrain 2; size - small. Creator: Crossstitcher. Date First Hidden: Apr 3/08 Date Last Found: Sept 27/08.
West Lethbridge
Description Paved path. Small camo-taped container.
Hints Is falling down.  

Since the last 3 people couldn't find this cache I decided I better go and see if it is still there. Yes, it is exactly where I hid the cache. You may have looked everywhere but you didn't "feel" everywhere! Good Luck. ... Sneaky little hide with good camouflage - TFTH and great walk in the park ... aw Canada Geese, Mallards, Northern Shovelers, American Widgens, Greater Scaup, Killdeer, and Ring-Billed Gulls.


The aerial photo of the map is out of date as the park is now finished and landscaped and the path is paved.

Driving Directions: Head south on Nevada Rd W toward Modesto Rd W 0.1 km
2. Turn left at Modesto Rd W 0.3 km
3. Turn right at Columbia Blvd W 0.4 km
4. Turn left at McMaster Blvd W 1.4 km
5. Continue on Mt. Burke Blvd W 0.5 km
6. Turn right at Rocky Mountain Blvd W 0.4 km
7. Turn left at Mt. Rundle Rd W 0.3 km


This will be my second new site search using this planning sheet. Even with the hint, this seems to give a number of people difficulty.