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The Journey of a Lifetime
A Cloud Chamber on the Mind
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Monday December 15, 2008 5:20 am Lethbridge

It is -30 C with a high forecast of -23 C. Sunrise 8:22 Sunset 16:31 Hours of daylight: 8:09.
See current Lethbridge forecast here. See current Lethbridge news here.

This page last updated on: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 5:34 AM

A. Morning Musings

With the wind, the wind chill temperature is -40 C.

This is a good time to think for a few minutes, as soon as I have a cuppa in hand.

Model trains come to mind. I continue to develop an appreciation of the level of detail that one must attend to in order to have a truly functioning layout. Even though I thought I had one, yesterday's running session in the Coaldale Yard revealed a few weaknesses in my technical setup. There is a definite problem with running my S-4 switcher locomotive in the area where there are multiple switches. I think this may primarily be a combination of dirty track, weak electrical connections between sections of track, and slight differences in elevation of some track sections. There may also be a problem with dirt on the wheels of the switcher.

I can eliminate the last possibility by running the locomotive forward and back at the lowest possible speed setting on a section of flex track near one of the terminal track sections. I am pretty sure it will run just fine, but this would be the definitive test.

I have also verified that my idea of using some Atlas switch controllers to handle the operation of opening and closing the numerous switches in the Coaldale Yard will work. The next step is to add some sort of edging material along the table top that will permit me to fasten the controller in a way that is both accessible and attractive. This edging material should also rise above the surface of the table by about an inch to provide a retaining wall preventing any cars or locomotives from falling off the table if they happen to derail for any reason. Once again, I want this to be attractive.

The above comments apply only to the Coaldale Yard and will involve a combination of electrical wiring as well as construction activities. However none of this really interferes with me running an operational train from the Coaldale Yard to the Jasper Yard. That is one of the nice features of the hobby, there are so many different dimensions to it. Another nice feature is that it is an indoor activity.

I now have 3 diesel locomotives running on the layout under DCC. However there is a difference in the sound level of the two locomotives with the Loksound decoders in them when compared with the one that has the Quantum QSI decoder. I would like to increase the level of the two Loksound decoders. I think this has something to do with a CV (configuration variable) but am not sure.

Moving on ... books.

I am beginning to enjoy "The Middle Way" and am thoroughly enjoying "The Falls". Early morning is a good time for serious reading.

Learning Category Planned Activities for Today Time
Literature Continue "The Falls" by Joyce Carol Oates
1 hr
Model Trains Perform maintenance on diesel S-4, CN 7985
4 hr
Technology Continue "Born Digital" (2008) by John Palfrey & Urs Gasser
1 hr
Philosophy Continue "The Middle Way" by Lou Marinoff
1 hr

B. Actual Learning Activities

7:00 am

The temperature is now -34 C with a wind chill reading of -44 C.

The Middle Way

Lou Marinoff

I have been reading, and skim reading, the first few chapters of "The Middle Way". This is one of those books that I am quickly ambivalent about. The author writes clearly and persuasively, but at the same time I have a sense that he is an entrepreneur out for personal gain. Having said that, I like his summaries of the ABC's (Aristotle, Buddha and Confucius). I am less impressed by his attempt to integrate mathematics in support of his arguments. This is simply facile and detracts from his philosophical arguments.

The dilemma for me is to decide whether this book merits "slow reading". Should I make detailed notes as I go, or should I simply read the book as a novel, or should I just skim read it and move on to another book? I will begin making a few notes and see how it goes.

Chap. 1 Globalization and Its Discontents

Tags: philosophy, religion

2:30 PM

It took about 4 hours, but I finally determined the problem with my S-4 diesel locomotive, CN 7985. The copper brush that rubbed against the wheel also was touching the side of the locomotive frame, causing it to short circuit out. This has now been fixed and the unit is performing perfectly.

Books on the Go Today
see below



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