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The Journey of a Lifetime
A Cloud Chamber on the Mind
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Sunday October 12, 2008 6:30 am Edmonton

It is -2 C with a high forecast of +11 C. Sunrise 7:54 Sunset 18:47 Hours of daylight: 10:53.
See current Lethbridge forecast here. See current Lethbridge news here.

This page last updated on: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 5:31 AM

A. Morning Musings

Today we will have our Thanksgiving turkey. Showers are forecast for this afternoon.

Yesterday's venture into geology, sparked by the Earth Cache I saw at Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park, and further kindled by the reading I have done about two Earth Caches for Edmonton, have me eager to return to this topic. I recall taking Geology 201 in first year university in 1961, and thoroughly enjoying it. But with rain forecast for this afternoon, I am not too sure about venturing out to complete the requirements for having "found" Earth Quest #2. I will see how the day goes.

Learning Category Planned Activities for Today Time
Literature Continue slow reading "Midnight's Children" by Salman Rushdie
2 hr
Geocaching Look at Edmonton Earth Cache #2
2 hr

B. Actual Learning Activities

7:00 am

Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie
Book Two chapter 16 Alpha and Omega

Saleem Sinai: the narrator
Padma Sinai: Saleem's wife
Amina Sinai: Saleem's mother
Nadir Khan: Amina's first husband
Shiva Winkie: the boy born at the same time as Saleem (actually Amina's & Ahmed's son by birth - but they were switched in the hospital)

  • "Everything has shape, if you look for it. There is no escape from form." [p. 226]
    • But sometimes the form is only in the mind of the viewer.
  • "Because I had found that I was not immune from the lure of leadership." [p. 227]
    • I flirted with this idea once, but quickly decided against it.
  • "... we refused to look at the dark side ..." [p. 229]
    • it is okay to be an optimist, but one should also consider the implications of being wrong. Sometimes avoiding a costly mistake is better than doing something positive.

Historically, this chapter mentions the riots in Bombay following a general election that showed a strong split in the parties and the idea of partition.

Because of the severe drought, and the presence of water where the Sinai's lived, they were overrun with a plague of cats. Then Evie arrived with her air gun and shot them. This infuriated the Brass Monkey who started a fight with Evie and thoroughly beat her. Evie and her father moved back to the US a few weeks later.

But the chapter is primarily about the events in Saleem's head, and "the early days of the association of the midnight children". There were 581midnight children still alive in India from the original 1001. Only Saleem and Shiva had the power to communicate with them, but Saleem could set things up so they could all communicate with one another through his mind. They would "meet" for one hour, between midnight and 1 am and have a national forum among themselves.

Saleem introduces the ideas of purpose and meaning to the group of midnight children and they put forward a wide variety of suggestions: collectivism, individualism, filial duty, infant revolution, capitalism, altruism, science, religion, courage, cowardice, women's rights, power, ... but fail to realize that there is a downside to their unusual gifts.

During a fight at the school dance, Saleem's finger is cut off by a slamming door. He is rushed to a hospital where they determine his blood type so they may give him a transfusion. This leads to the discovery that he is not the son of his parents.

I am only half way through this story, but I am captivated by its scope. I have always been impressed with Rushdie's way with words, but this novel is a delight at the level of imagination and the contrast between history as we know it and history as it may have been, and between the history of a nation and the history of a family.

At this point I have decided to stop making notes for the novel. I have the structure of the story firmly in hand and am anxious to return to a more normal speed, rather than stay at the level of "slow reading". If I feel that I am missing something, I can always return to this point and continue making these notes. But now the story is the thing, analysis secondary.

12:30 PM

I am back from a successful Earth Cache trip to downtown Edmonton. Here is a report of my activity

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