Hydrology II - Geog4400

I last taught this course in Spring 2013.


When: Mondays: 3:00 - 5:50 pm

Room: UHall E630 (Computer Lab)

Instructor: Dr. Stefan Kienzle
Office: Water & Environmental Science Building: WE2012
Phone: 403.380.1875
E-mail: stefan.kienzle@uleth.ca
Office Hours: Any time, please make an appointment


Class Notes: http://classes.uleth.ca/201301/geog4400a/private

Test Center:http://fusion.uleth.ca/crdc/testcenter/testcenter_student_info.htm

WebCT: https://moodle.uleth.ca/


Lab Instructor: Guy Duke

When: Wednesdays: 09:00 - 11:50

Room: C757

Recommended Textbook

Martin Hendriks: Introduction to Physical Hydrology (Oxford Press)


Other Textbooks:  
Dingman S Lawrence (2002): Physical Hydrology, Second Edition, 646pp. 
Viessman W and Lewis GL (2003): Introduction to Hydrology, Fifth Edition, 612pp. 
Rose, Calvin  2004:  An Introduction to the Environmental Physics of Soil, Water and Watersheds, Cambridge University Press

Course Description

The application of the principles of hydrology are the primary focus of this course. The emphasis is on understanding hydrological principles, including all elements and processes of the hydrological cycle, and on utilizing quantitative methods to develop solutions to hydrological problems. GIS analyses will play an important part of the labs, as all hydrological variables have a strong spatial component. Spreadsheets, as well as the ACRU agro-hydrological modelling system, are other major components of this course. Students will learn e.g. how to schedule irrigation applications based on climate, soils, and crops, to design the size of culverts for urban drainage, and to simulate the behaviour of a watershed using a sophisticated hydrological model.


The teaching philosophy for this course is that it is a senior level course dealing with applications of hydrological principles to address both routine problems and challenges that may arise in the real world. Students are expected to take the lead in learning! Readings should be done in advance and students should come to class prepared to address assigned work and participate in discussions based on the readings. Basic principles will be learned from the class and the textbook – laboratory time will be used to carry out hands-on applications, applying both Excel spreadsheets and ArcGIS extensively, and to clarify the theory and practice behind the principles of hydrology. Instruction will be in a seminar/discussion format whenever possible.


The labs are designed in such a way that students are given the opportunity to work with real hydrological data and carry out a wide range of analyses, utilizing Excel and ArcGIS. The labs are an opportunity to learn and to enable the students to solve hydrological problems independently. As such, the lab assignments themselves are given no marks. However, the Lab Exams are open book exams, and make up 50% of the final grade.


This is a tentative schedule only, slight changes are likely to occur:

Week Monday Lecture Wednesday Lab
Jan. 09
Introduction to Hydrology, Water Properties
no Lab
Jan. 14
Lab 1: GIS and climate data (GIS)
Jan. 21
Lab 2: Data estimation (GIS)
Jan. 28
ArcGIS Hydro Tools, Snow and Snowmelt
Lab 3: Watershed analysis (GIS)
Feb. 04
Lab Exam 1
Feb. 11
Soil Water
Lab 4: Solar radiation and snowmelt (GIS & Excel)
Feb. 18
(Reading Week)
no Lab
Feb. 25
Lab 5: Evaporation(GIS & Excel)
Mar. 04
Streamflow Generation
Lab 6: Soils (GIS & Access)
Mar. 11
Streamflow Analysis, Rainfall-Runoff Models
Lab 7: Irrigation scheduling 9Excel)
Mar. 18
GIS in Hydrology I: DEMs
Lab Exam 2
Mar. 25
GIS in Hydrology II: Spatial Interpolation
Lab 8: Rainfall-runoff (GIS)
Apr. 01
(Easter holiday) Lab 9: Streamflow analysis (Excel)
Apr. 08
GIS in Hydrology III: Modelling Lab 10: HRUs (GIS)
Apr. 15
Water Quality
Lab Exam 3


A student who misses an exam, quiz or lab exam without prior excuse or written documentation (e.g. doctor’s note) will receive zero marks.

The final grade will be composed of two Moodle Exams and 3 Lab Exams. The Moodle exams are closed book, and the Lab Exams are open book exams.


Plagiarism is an extremely serious academic offence and carries penalties varying from a written reprimand and failure in an assignment, to debarment from the University. Any student found to have plagiarized or cheated in this course would receive a mark of zero on the work in question, in addition to a written reprimand copied to the Registrar's Office. Definitions and policies regarding plagiarism can be found in the University of Lethbridge Calendar.

Grades will be posted on Moodle. A cumulative percentage mark will be determined using the weighting scheme below and converted to a final letter grade as follows:

Grading Proportions
Item Percent of overall grade
2 Exams @ 25% each 50
3 Lab Exams @ 10%, 18% and 22% 50
Total 100


Grading Scheme
Percentage Grade Grade Points
90.0 - 100.0 A+ 4.0
85.0 - 89.9 A 4.0
80.0 - 84.9 A - 3.7
76.7 - 79.9 B+ 3.3
73.4 - 76.6 B 3.0
70.0 - 73.3 B - 2.7
66.7 - 69.9 C+ 2.3
63.4 - 66.6 C 2.0
60.0 - 63.3 C - 1.7
54.9 - 59.9 D+ 1.3
50.0 - 54.9 D 1.0
0.0 - 49.9 F 0.0

Other Requirements

  • You are reminded to ensure that your e-mail account is never full, otherwise you will not be able to receive e-mail.
  • In order to back up your lab assignments and GIS data, it is recommended that you have a USB Flash Drive.