Introduction to Physical Geography - Geog1000B

Here is my Course Outline from Fall 2016.


When:                Tuesdays/Thursdays 09:25 - 10:40

Room:                 PE-250

Instructor:          Dr. Stefan Kienzle
Office:                 Alberta Water & Environmental Science Building: WE-2012
Phone:                403.380.1875
Office Hours:     Flexible - Please ask after class for an appointment


Class Notes:                       On Moodle
Textbook Homepage:      http://
Test Center:             

Required Textbook

Robert W. Christopherson: Elemental Geosystems, 7th Edition  (earlier editions will also work, but Chapter and Page numbers as well as content will differ slightly, and recent updates will be missing)

New or used (earlier editions) textbooks can be purchased from the University bookstore. The bookstore also sells a digital e-book (PDF) version of the text at a slightly reduced cost (but with a time limit). For more information on the various purchasing (or rental) options, contact the bookstore.

Course Description

The major objective of the course is to develop an understanding of the major elements and processes of the Earth system in which we live. In particular, student will learn to recognize the effects of human's activities on our environment, such as air and water pollution, global change, or ozone layer depletion.  We will cover many physical principles, as well as some chemistry and biology.  Where possible, connections to everyday life will be made to draw on the student's own experiences and observations.

In order to be able to cover the vast amount of material in this course, students are required to do a lot of reading.


The course outline follows the required textbook. Some topics will be covered in detail, while others will only be covered very generally. The main topics covered are:

  • Essential of Geography (The Science of Geography, Earth,  System Concepts, Remote Sensing and GIS)
  • The Energy-Atmosphere System (Solar Energy, Seasons, and the Atmosphere, Atmospheric and Ocean Circulations)
  • Water, Weather, and Climate Systems
  • The Earth-Atmosphere Interface (Tectonics, Earthquakes, Volcanism, Erosion, River Systems, Glaciers)
  • Soils, Ecosystems and Biomes

Use of electronic Devices in Class

Students are NOT allowed to use cell phones, PDAs, iPODs or similar devices in class. If student do use the devices, they will be asked to leave the class, as this distracts other students. Laptops and iPADs are only allowed if used to take notes - playing games or using social networks are not allowed during class!


Plagiarism is an extremely serious academic offence and carries penalties varying from a written reprimand and failure in an assignment, to debarment from the University. Any student found to have plagiarized or cheated in this course would receive a mark of zero on the work in question, in addition to a written reprimand copied to the Registrar’s Office.

Definitions and policies regarding plagiarism can be found in the University of Lethbridge Calendar.


There will be four Tests and one assignment. 
Three tests will account for 23% of the final grade; one test accounts for 25%, and the assignment will count for 6%.
All questions are multiple choice questions or matching questions.

If for some reason such as illness or a serious family problem you are unable to attend a test, you must inform the instructor BEFORE the Test. Otherwise, a doctor's or other official note is required within one week.  Failing to do so will result in zero marks for the missed test.

Only during lectures I will point out those parts of the chapters that will be tested.

I will NOT reply to e-mails that ask "What is on the next test?"

Examination Scheme: 
The topics tested will be announced in class and per e-mail


Moodle Dates (always Mon to Thurs)

Percent of Final Grade              


     to be announced


 Test 1

 Sep 30 to Oct 03


 Test 2

 Oct 21 to 24


 Test 3

 Nov 18 to 21


 Test 4

 Dec 02 to 05



Grading Scheme



  90.0 - 100.0


  85.0 -   89.9


  80.0 -  84.9


  76.7 -  79.9


  73.4 -  76.6


  70.0 -  73.3


  66.7 -  69.9


  63.4 -  66.6


  60.0 -  63.3


  55.0 -  59.9


  50.0 -  55.0


    0.0 -  49.9


Other Requirements

You are reminded to ensure that your e-mail account is never full, otherwise you will not be able to receive e-mails.