Group News
Current News (2025)
March 2025 | Paul receives a grant from the University of Lethbridge Research Fund! |
Edward's Can. J. Chem. paper accepted! | |
February 2025 | Edward submits his Ph.D. thesis! |
Emily receives Dr. Barbara June Whitlock Chemistry Scholarship - congratulations! | |
Jackson and Edward submit manuscript to Dalton Transactions! | |
January 2025 | Edward's manuscript is accepted in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. - Congratulations on an outstanding paper!! |
Jerrica Thompson joins the group to undertake an Independent Study - welcome!! | |
Edwatd submits paper on the first group 9 silylyne to the special issue of the Canadian Journal of Chemistry that Paul is orrganizing in honour of his undergraduate supervisor Steve Westcott. | |
Edward's Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. manuscript denoted as a "Hot Paper"! It's already been viewed >600 views! |
- 2024
December 2024 The annual group Holiday celebration was a great success! We went to the Winter Light Festival at Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden, followed by all you can eat sushi!
Former group member, Dr. Saif Zahir stopped by to visit. A great evening was had shooting pool, catching up and philosophising about life.
Paul had the annual Department Holiday party at his house. There was a great turn out with over 30 faculty members and their families. Peter’s famous glazed ham made an appearance and lots of laughs were had during the White Elephant gift exchange.
November 2024 Paul gives talk at the 9th Latin American Symposium on Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry (Silqcom9) in beautiful Havana, Cuba. Hurricane Raphael and its accompanying category 3 winds, cut the meeting short. There was a substantial amount of damage, but fortunately, no loss of life. Paul spent the day with Ivan Castillo from UNAM, enjoying some fine treats from Mexico.
Jason Masida (Saint Mary’s University) stopped by the department for a visit. Great to see one of our most successful alumni! October 2024 Paul had the great pleasure of hosting his Ph.D. supervisor, Prof. Warren Piers (University of Calgary) for a departmental seminar. It was Warren’s first time to the U of L in more than 20 years, and accordingly, his first time to see Science Commons. Paul and his family enjoyed a wonderful evening with Warren at their home.
Former group member (and recently promoted!) Prof. Jamie Ritch (University of Winnipeg) visited the department and gave a research seminar.
September 2024 Emilhy Trew joins the group as the newest M.Sc. student. Emily completed her B.Sc. at Mount Royal University where she learned synthetic chemistry while working in former group member, Dr. Dylan Webb's lab.
Thamara and Armina present their work at the 17th Annual Chinook Symposium. Congratulations to Thamara for receiving 1st prize!
Elise Green, former Hayes team member, starts Pharmacy program at the University of Alberta. Drew Correia starts Medical School at UBC. August 2024 Paul attends Saif Zahir's wedding in Calgary. Saif was an undergrad in the Hayes Lab between 2011 and 2013 and is now a physician in Calgary. Other former group members, including Jackson Knott (a groomsman!) and Majken Villiger were also at the wedding. The mini reunion was lots of fun. The most sincere congratulations are extended to Saif and his wife Arya, an absolutely fantastic couple! July 2024 Paul presents at XXXth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry in Agra, India. The Hayes Group welcomes the newest members of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Assistant Professors Jessica Willi, Dylan Girodat and Vineet Rathod! June 2024 Thamara, Armina and Paul present at the CSC Conference in Winnipeg. May 2024 Profs. Stephanie MacQuarrie and Russ Boyd visit the department as External Reviewers for the Academic Quality Assurance review of the B.Sc. in Chemistry program. It was wonderful to host Stephanie and Russ. Thanks so much for participating in this important process! April 2024 Paul participates in Detination Exploration STEM Day which brough keen middle school students to the department to learn more about Chemistry. Justin Walensky (University of Missouri) visits the department and delivers a seminar. Thanks for making the voyage north of the 49th! March 2024 Paul participates in Iniskim Future Students Day and has a wonderful time meeting energetic prospective students. February 2024 Congratulations Thamara for receiving the Mitacs Globalink Fellowship Award! January 2024 David Szucs, a 3rd year undergraduate, joins the Hayes Team.
- 2023
December 2023 The annual Hayes Group Holiday party, back by popoular demand, saw us tackle an Escape Room. Always a fun team-building activity! Paul hosts the department at his home for a Holiday get-together. So great to have people over for a fun filled evening. It's wonderful to work with such fantastic colleagues! November 2023 Paul organizes and participates in the first annual "Chemistry Day". A large group (48) of keen high school students from Lethbridge Collegiate Institute (LCI) spent a full day in the department engaging in fun and educational activities and demonstrations. Edward's cover art accepted for the cover of the issue of Chemistry - A European Journal that contains his recent paper! The image includes a fantastic photograph of the aurora borealis over Lethbridge this summer. October 2023 Paul delivers seminar at the University of Montana in Missoula. Thanks so much to colleague and friend Borries Demeler who joined me for the drive and welcomed me into his house in Missoula. A close encounter with a deer in Montana provided some excitement, but fortunately both the car (mostly) and the deer escaped without injury. Edward's manuscript accepted in Chemistry - A European Journal! September 2023 Congratulations Edward for earning 1st Prize for his oral presentation at the annual Chinook Symposium for Chemistry and Biochemistry! Paul delivers joint course entitled "Applications of Modern Organic and Organometallic Chemistry" with Prof. Fernando Ateaga Arteaga (Hokkaido University). Students from both Hokkaido University and the U of L participate! Prof. Jennifer Love visits from the University of Calgary. Elise Green joins the lab as an Independent Study student. Thamara rejoins the team as an M.Sc. student. Welcome back to Lethbridge! Paul returns to Lethbridge after an outstanding summer at Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan. August 2023 Paul gives lecture tour across Japan. Many thanks to the outstanding hosts who made his visits at Tohoku Univeristy (Hisako Hashimoto), Kyushu University (both Ito (Ken Sakai) and Maidashi (Takashi Niwa) campuses), Nagasaki University (Masanari Kimura) and Hokkaido University. ((Fernando Arteaga Arteaga). Paul teaches three courses at Hokkaido University: Ligand Design in Group 13 and f-Element Mediated Chemical Transformations, Multiple Bonding Between Transition Metals and Main Group Elements and Rationally Modified Smart Peptides for Fundamental Studies and Practical Applications. A special thank you to Profs Makoto Yamashita (Nagoya University) and Hisako Hasimoto (Tohoku University) for traveling to Sapporo to deliver guest lectures! July 2023 Sam starts her new job as a General Technologist at GreenCentre Canada in Kingston, Ontario. Paul heads to Japan where he will sepnd the summer as a Specially Appointed Professor at Hokkaido University. Paul delivers lecture at the Trilateral Japan-Canada-Germany Symposium on Smart Molecules, Design and Practical Applications in Chemical and Biochemical Processes in Sapporo, Japan. June 2023 Paul gives presentation at the CSC conference in Vancouver in the special symposium he co-organized in honour of his late undergraduate supervisor, Prof. Steve Westcott . Edward also speaks in another symposium. May 2023 Connor starts new job as a Research Scientist at Merck in Rahway, New Jersey. The group ventured out to test our skills at the local axe throwing establishment! Great way to have fun and burn off a few calories! Sam successfully defends their M.Sc. thesis - congratulations! Special thanks to Prof. Bob Morris of the University of Tornoto for serving as Sam's External Examiner. April 2023 Armina joins the team. She'll be doing course work over the summer and starting her M.Sc. in the fall. March 2023 Paul joins Professor Russ Boyd as an External Reviewer (for the CSC) of the undergraudate Chemistry programs at the University of Kuwait. Gab Menard (University of Calgary) visits and delivers a research seminar. February 2023 A huge welcome to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry's new Administrative Assistant to the Chair, Heather Weiler!! January 2023 Paul visits chemists in Santiago, Chile while en route to attempt a summit of Mount Aconcagua in Argentina, the tallest mountain outside of the Himalayas.
- 2022
December 2022 Congratulations Daisy on successfully defending your M.Sc. thesis! A sincere thank you to Prof. Roland Roesler (University of Calgary) for serving as Daisy’s External Examiner.
Prof. Fernando Arteaga Arteaga from Hokkaido University joined Paul to deliver their first co-taught course "Applications of Modern Organic and Organometallic Chemistry". It was exciting to see this venture come to fruition and to welcome students from Japan to the U of L!
The group’s Holiday celebration was lots of fun – we tested our problem solving skills in an escape room, and yes, we did get out!
November 2022 Paul delivers Keynote Lecture at the Catalysis Society of South Africa (CATSA) conference.
Paul visits the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa and gives a research seminar. Thank you Prof. Stephen Ojwach for being such a wonderful host!
October 2022 Paul delivers presentation at the POLYMAT conference in Huatulco, Mexico. Tara and her parents attends convocation. Congratulations Dr. Dickie!
September 2022 Sam gives oral presentation at the Chinook Symposium for Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Drew Correia joins the lab as an Independent Study student.
August 2022 Edward departs for Sapporo, Japan where he will be a visiting Ph.D. student with Prof. Fernando Arteaga Arteaga at Hokkaido University for 2 months. Paul gives research seminars at Dalhousie University, Acadia University and Saint Mary’s University.
Thamara concludes her Mitacs term and returns home. We hope you join us again in the future!
July 2022 Paul takes on the role of Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Paul gives talks at the University of Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton University.
Dylan starts as an Assistant Professor at Mount Royal University in Calgary. June 2022 Paul joins the Board of Directors of the Canada Society for Chemistry as the Director of Subject Divisions. Paul attends the CSC Conference in Calgary where he serves as the Technical Program Co-chair. Sam, Daisy, Edward and Paul give oral presentations. Thamara Salazar joins the Hayes Group as a Mitacs student from Mexico – welcome to the team! Paul and Dylan attend his Ph.D. convocation. Congrats Dr. Webb!
May 2022 Tara starts job as a Chemist at Defence, Research and Development Canada.
Tara successfully defends her Ph.D. thesis. Dr. Suzanne Bart from Purdue University served as her External Examiner – thank you! Jessa Cayetano joins the lab as an Independent Study student. April 2022 Paul's undergraduate supervisor Prof. Steve Westcott (Mount Allison University) passes away. Farewell to an excellent mentor, true friend and kind soul. Daisy starts job as Research Technologist at NOVA Chemicals Inc.
Dylan successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis – congratulations Dr. Webb! Thank you Prof. David Morales-Morales (UNAM) for serving as the External Examiner.
March 2022 Paul gives seminar at Lakehead University.
February 2022 Tara’s manuscript accepted in Organometallics!
January 2022 Paul serves as the External Examiner for Dr. Ian Watson’s (Supervisor: Prof. Eric Rivard) Ph.D. defense at the University of Alberta.
- 2021
December 2021 Paul, Tara, Sam and Daisy present at Pacifichem in Honolulu. After missing last year because of pandemic restrictions, we had our annual Holiday celebration and Secret Santa gift exchange! We started at an escape room and moved to Theoretically Breing for some sustenance and chemistry-themed games. It was so wonderful to get together socially again ((in a fully vaccinated capacity)! Sam departs for her semester at the University of Wisconsin, Madison (thanks to a Michael Smith NSERC Supplement). We wish her all the best and look forward to learning all about her adventures when she returns! November 2021 Tara submits manuscript to Organometallics. Dylan publishes his first fantasy novel, The Eight Winds: Into the West! Everyone is excited to get their hands on a copy! Sam, Daisy, Edward and Dylan present their work at the 14th Annual Chinook Symposium. Congratulations to Daisy (2nd Prize) and Edward (1st Prize)! Paul gives Keynote Lecture at Catalysis Society of South Africa (CATSA) 2021. October 2021 Sam's Acta Cryst. manuscript accepted - congratulations! September 2021 Paul says goodbye to his wonderful host in Japan, Prof. Makoto Yamashita. A very special note of appreciation to the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Nagoya University and Prof. Yamashita for making the trip possible. A truly remarkable experience from both scientific and personal perspectives! Corey Wiltse joins the group to undertake an Independent Study - welcome!! Paul meets former group member Kazuma Suzuki in Tokyo for a wonderful meal of tempura. It was fantastic to reconnect! August 2021 Connor successfully defends his Ph.D. Congratulations Dr. MacNeil! A big thank you is extended to Prof. T. Don Tilley ffor serving as Connor's External Examiner. Dylan delivers an oral presentation at the joint IUPAC and CSC conference. Sam is awarded an NSERC Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement - congratulations! Paul gives research seminar at RIKEN. Dylan's manuscript submitted to J. Med. Chem. Paul delivers seminars at University of Tokyo, Kyoto University (Institute of Chemical Research and Graduate School of Engineering), Tohoku University, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and University.of Tsukuba. July 2021 Connor submits his Ph.D. thesis! Paul visits collaborator Prof. Fernando Arteaga Arteaga at Hokkaido University in Sapporo. Sam's manuscript submitted to Acta Cryst. Collaborative (with Nehal Thakor, Stacey Wetmore, Marc Roussel and Mehdi Jafarnejad (Queen's University Belfast)) $200,000 New Frontiers in Research Fund - Exploration grant approved! June 2021 Congratulations Tara for earning the C3 General Student Scholarship Award from College Chemistry Canada (C3), a national non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of the teaching of chemistry primarily at the college and university level (!! May 2021 Desmond's New Journal of Chemistry manuscript accepted in special issue dedicated to Todd Marder! Paul finishes his quarantine in Nagoya and starts work to undertake high pressure reactions. Dylan successfully completes his Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination - congratulations Dylan! April 2021 Sam is awarded an NSERC CGS-M scholarship - congratulations! Paul's receives visa from Japan to start his JSPS Invitational Fellowship at Nagoya University, hosted by Prof. Makoto Yamashita! In conjunction with Prof. Fernando Arteaga Arteaga of Hokkaido University, Paul's Learning Satellite Project was approved. These funds will make it possible for 12 undergraduate students from Hokkaido University to visit the University of Lethbridge over each of the next two years! Jackson starts as Lab Manager for Blue Sky Analytical Labs! March 2021 Dylan's US Patent issued (No. 10,954,208)! Desmond submits manuscript to special issue (dedicated to Prof. Todd Marder) of New Journal of Chemistry. February 2021 Congratulations to Dylan for being awarded the Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship! January 2021 Paul receives an Invitational Fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science! The Hayes Group welcomes Jean-Denys Hamel (organofluorine chemistry), the newest department faculty member!.
- 2020
December 2020 The Hayes Group Christmas Party takes place via Zoom because of COVID-19. Although we missed the normal in-person celebrating, the virtual format made it possible for group alumni from outside of Lethbridge to join the party! Paul serves as external Ph.D. examiner for University of Manitoba - his third time in that role in 3 months! November 2020 Paul serves as external Ph.D. examiner for University of Victoria. Paul gives virtual research seminars at St. Francis Xavier University and the University of New Brunswick. October 2020 Paul summits Mount Kilimanjaro (5,895 meters above sea level) – his 43rd peak of 2020!! Paul serves as external Ph.D. examiner for McMaster University. Dylan's Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry III book chapter is accepted! September 2020 Sam Drescher and Daisy Cruz-Milette begin M.Sc. programs - everyone is thrilled they elected to remain in the group! Paul gives a research seminar at his alma mater Mount Allison University. Connor's Chemical Communications manuscript accepted and featured on the front cover of the journal!! August 2020 Connor begins a postdoctoral fellowship in Prof. Paul Chirik's lab at Princeton University. July 2020 Connor and Edward submit a manuscript reporting the reversible dehydrogenation of a primary borane to Chemical Communications. June 2020 Tara and Ash's Organometallics manuscript accepted! May 2020 The lab re-opens at partial capacity! Paul renews his NSERC Discovery Grant! Edward passes his Ph.D. Transfer Examination joining Tara, Connor and Dylan as a Ph.D. student!! April 2020 Daisy successfully defends her Honours Thesis - congratulatons! Tara and Ash submit manuscript detailing synthesis of diphosphazide-supported throium trialkyl complex to Organometallics. March 2020 Prof. Fernando Ateaga Arteaga (Hokkaido University) visits the lab to discuss opportunities for collaboratiive research projects and student exchanges. Collaborative (with Nehal Thakor, Stacey Wetmore, Marc Roussel and Mehdi Jafarnejad (Queen's University Belfast)) $200,000 New Frontiers in Research Fund - Exploration grant approved! Lab closes down because of COVID-19 pandemic - stay safe everyone! February 2020 Edward's Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry III book chapter is accepted! Connor's Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. manuscript accepted! Dylan successfully completes his Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination - congratulations Dylan! January 2020 Dylan submits an invited book chapter on the coordination chemistry of phosphinimine-containing ligands to Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry III. Connor rejoins the group after a 4 month visit to Paul Chirik's lab at Princeton University. He submits a manuscript to Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. based on the cobalt chemistry he did during that period. Kazuma Suzuki, a 4th year undergraduate, joins the Hayes Team!
- 2019
December 2019 Annual group Christmas party is held at True North Axe Throwing. We had a great time and everyone left with all of their limbs! Paul receives Mitacs Accelerate grant for $90,000! Tara and Connor's uranium paper accepted into Dalton Transactions! Paper is featured on the back cover of the journal - congratulations! Edward submits an invited book chapter on yttrium coordination chemistry to Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry III. November 2019 Tara and Connor submit group's first uranium manuscript to Dalton Transactions! Connor's IUCrData manuscript accepted! Jackson successfully defends his M.Sc. thesis! Congratulations! Special thanks to Prof. Laurel Schafer (UBC) for visiting the group and serving as Jackson's M.Sc. external examiner. October 2019 Paul presents at the 7th Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ACCC) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Paul gives invited talk at the International Conference on Polymers and Advanced Materials (POLYMAT 2019) in Huatulco, Mexico. Edward, Daisy, Dylan and Ash present at the 13th Annual Chinook Symposium. Congratulations Edward (2nd Prize) and Dylan (1st Prize)! Daisy recognized as a U of L "Shining Student" for her academic, research and extra-curricular achievements. Great job Daisy!! Dylan, Igor and Paul submit patent application on the synthesis of cannabinol. Connor submits manuscript (in collaboration with Stephen Ojwach at University of KwaZulu-Natal) to IUCrData. September 2019 Paul serves as external Ph.D. examiner for La Trobe University in Australia. Connor departs for a semester as a visiting Ph.D. student in Prof. Paul Chirik's laboratories at Princeton University. This opportunity was funded by an NSERC CGS Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement. Welcome Sam Drescher and Bryan Mills - the newest undergraduate researchers to join the team! August 2019 Paul gives invited keynote lecture at the 7th Latin American Symposium on Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry in Cartagena, Colombia. Dylan also attends the conference and earns 1st prize for his oral presentation. Congratulations Dylan! The new Science Building is named Science Commons. Ash successfully defends his Honours Thesis - congratulations! July 2019 Paul begins his 5 year term as the Tier I Board of Governors Research Chair in Organometallic Chemistry. Tara successfully completes her Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination to become the newest Ph.D. candidate in the group. Congratulations Tara! June 2019 Paul accepts role as the Technical Program Co-Chair for the 2022 CSC Conference in Calgary. Dylan, Ash, Tara, Connor and Paul present at the CSC Conference in Quebec City.
May 2019 The group moves into a vastly superior (and much larger!) lab in the state-of-the-art new Science Building!! Congratulations to Tara for successfully completing her Transfer Examination to move from the M.Sc. to the Ph.D. program! Connor's manuscript reporting the first structurally characterized rhodium silylene accepted into Chemistry – A European Journal. Because of the extremely positive words from kind reviewers the manuscript was selected as a "Hot Paper" and featured on journal frontispiece!! April 2019 Connor submits a manuscript to Chemistry – A European Journal. Ash receives a Chinook Summer Research Award - congratulations! March 2019 Dylan submits invited manuscript to Inorganic Syntheses. February 2019 Dylan, Igor Kovalchuk and Paul submit patent application on the semisynthesis of 9-THC from cannabidiol. January 2019 Paul returns from a truly remarkable time in Sapporo where he was treated exceedingly well by his hosts at Hokkai-Gakuen University. Many close friendships were formed that will last a lifetime. Daisy Cruz-Milette joins the group as the newest undergraduate - welcome! Paul tours the new Science Building for a 3rd time - the labs look fantastic. Detailed plans for the upcoming move begin.
- 2018
December 2018 Paul receives $25,000 NSERC Engage grant for collaborative work with Igor Kovalchuk (Department of Biological Sciences) on the semisynthesis of cannabinoids. Since Paul is iin Japan he is forced to attend the group Christmas party virtually. Nonetheless, it was great to celebrate the group's hard work and success, share stories and play a few games from a distance. November 2018 Paul gives research presentation at Nagoya University. October 2018 Connor and Kayla's manuscript accepted to Organometallics! Paul delivers invited seminar at the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry. September 2018 Edward Hsiang joins the group as the newest M.Sc. student. Edward completed his B.Sc. at UBC where he learned synthetic chemistry while working in Prof. Laurel Schafer's lab. Connor and Kayla submit manuscript to Organometallics. Dylan and Desmond present posters at the 12th Annual Chinnok Symposium. Congratulations to Dylan for receiving 1st prize! Paul presents at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. August 2018 Paul begins a 5 month term as Visiting Exchange Professor of Canadian Studies at Hokkai-Gakuen University in Sapporo, Japan. Tara presents at the 10th International Conference of the f-Elements in Lausanne, Switzerland. July 2018 Paul presents at the 43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC) in Sendia, Japan. Tara is awarded a travel grant from the 10th International Conference of the f-Elements. June 2018 Jun Okuda visits from RWTH Aachen University and gives a research seminar to the department. Paul has a great time touring Prof. Okuda around nearby Waterton Lakes National Park. Tara receives a School of Graduate Studies Travel Award - congratulations!
May 2018 Connor successfully completes his Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination - congratulations to the newest Ph.D. candidate! Tara, Desmond, Connor and Paul present at the CSC Conference in Edmonton. Chalalai Chawaphootanon joins the group for an undergraduate Independent Study. April 2018 Paul takes his 2nd tour of the new Science Building. The labs have yet to be completed, but the skeleton for the entire building is now in place - wow, it's huge! Paul presents at the Dalton Discussion 2018 conference in Coventry, England. Paul visits Prof. Jun Okuda at RWTH Aachen University for the first time since 2015 when he spent his sabbatical in his lab. He delivers a lecture to the department and enjoys strolling through town checking out his favorite sites. March 2018 Paul is awarded a Tier I Board of Governors Research Chair in Organometallic Chemistry for a 5 year term (July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2024). Connor Receives a NSERC CGS-D Scholarship - congratulations!! February 2018 The Hayes Group hosts a visit from David Emslie of McMaster University. Congratulations to Jackson for receiving an Alberta Graduate Student Scholarship! January 2018 Paul delivers a research seminar at the University of Southern California.
- 2017
December 2017 Paul awarded NSERC Engage grant of $25,000 for collaborative work with Nanalysis Corp.
Congratulations to Connor for receiving the Alberta Graduate Citizenship Award! Great time was had by all at the annual group Christmas party. Rainbow Jumbling Towers makes an appearance and Tara unveils Hayes Against Humanity which becomes an instant classic! November 2017 Tara and Connor’s actinide pincer book chapter accepted!
October 2017 .Paul presents at the International Conference on Polymers and Advanced Materials (POLYMAT 2017) in Huatulco, Mexico. Connor, Desmond, Chris and Jackson present at the 11th Annual Chinook Symposium. Congratulations to Desmond for being awarded 2nd place in the M.Sc. category!!
September 2017 A hearty welcome to new Ph.D. student Dylan Webb make the long voyage from New Zealand to join the group. Dylan completed his B.Sc. and M.Sc. at the Victoria University of Wellington working in Prof. Robin Fulton’s lab.
Tara receives a Ph.D. Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship - congratulations!! August 2017 It was a pleasure to host Prof. Stephen Ojwach from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) as a guest of the lab for 2 weeks. July 2017 Paul attends Matt and Aveena's wedding in Kingston, Ontario. A wonderful event for a beautiful couple. It was great to see Matt's former supervisors and good friends, Steve Westcott (Mount Allison University) and Hirano Masafumi (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)! June 2017 Tara and Connor’s actinide pincer book chapter submitted to The Chemistry of Pincer Compounds (edited by David Morales-Morales). May 2017 Paul presents invited seminar at the 93rd Florida Annual Meeting and Exposition (FAME2017) in Palm Harbour, Florida. Tara, Desmond, Chris, Jackson, Connor and Paul present at the 100th CSC Conference in Toronto.
April 2017 Paul tours new science building for the first time – only 2 more floors to go!
Paul received $6,000 from the University of Lethbridge Research Fund!
Congratulations to Desmond for receiving a Chinook Summer Research Award! March 2017 Jackson and Mikko’s J. Organomet. Chem. (Invited Submission in Special Issue Dedicated to Gerard van Koten) manuscript accepted!
February 2017 Paul serves as external Ph.D. examiner for the Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Paul gives research seminar at Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Jackson and Mikko’s manuscript (in collaboration with Heikki Tuononen at the University of Jyväskylä) submitted.
Paul delivers research seminars at the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Regina.
January 2017 Ashraf Aborawi, 3rd year undergraduate, joins the group – welcome!
- 2016
December 2016 Group has Christmas party at The Great Escape Lethbridge! Chemistry gifts exchanged and games played next door at Pop's pub. November 2016 Connor and Kevin's Acta Cryst. manuscript accepted. October 2016 Jackson featured in University of Lethbridge promotional video: Connor, Chris, Jackson, Tara and Kayla present at the 10th Annual Chinook Symposium. Congratulations to Tara for earning 1st place in the M.Sc. category!! Manuscript submitted to Acta Cryst. (Connor and Kevin). September 2016 Preston Chase of GreenCentre Canada is hosted by the group during his visit to the department. After the work was done Paul and Preston summited Vimy Peak in Waterton National Park! Connor offically starts his Ph.D. August 2016 Paul elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Paul serves as external Ph.D. examiner for the University of British Columbia. Paul gives research seminar at University of British Columbia. Paul serves as external Ph.D. examiner for Memorial University of Newfoundland. Jamie Ritch gets married to Deidra Wallace in Winnipeg - congratulations!! To celebrate a highly productive summer the group has a fun-filled evening at the new Escape Room in town - thanks to Tara for planning everything! July 2016 Paul presents at the XXVIIth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC) in Melbourne, Australia. Craig and Hudson's RSC Adv. manuscript (in collaboration with Rory Waterman at the University of Vermont) accepted. June 2016 Paul, Kayla, Connor and Tara present at the CSC meeting in Halifax. Jackson gives his AURIC award lecture to a full audience! Craig and Hudson's manuscript (in collaboration with Rory Waterman at the University of Vermont) submitted.
Group attends sod turning ceremony for new Science Building! May 2016 Jackson and Brooke graduate with their B.Sc. in Chemistry. Jackson starts his M.Sc. April 2016 Connor successfully transfers from the M.Sc. to the Ph.D. program. March 2016 Matt proposes to girlfriend Avena Ross...and she accepts! Congratulations!! February 2016 Paul gives research seminars at the University of North Dakota, the University of Manitoba, Lakehead University and the University of Winnipeg. January 2016 Jackson chosen as the recipient for the 2015 Award for Undergraduate Research in Inorganic Chemistry (AURIC), which is given by the Division of Inorganic Chemistry of the Canadian Society for Chemistry for the top undergraduate researcher in Inorganic Chemistry!! Congratulations Jackson!!! Training on, and installation of, new X-ray diffractometer (Rigaku SuperNova dual source (Cu and Mo)) scheduled to take place. Chris starts his M.Sc. Undergraduate students Desmond Chisholm, Karen Graham and Alex Jekschtat join the group. Welcome!
- 2015
December 2015 The annual group Christmas party to take place at Hudson's Taphouse and Paul's place. New X-ray diffractometer (Rigaku SuperNova dual source (Cu and Mo)) scheduled to arrive! November 2015 The first late transition metal (Rh) manuscript from the Hayes Group accepted in Chem. Commun. Congratulations Mikko, Matt, Connor and Jackson! October 2015 Paul accepts a position as Associate Edior of RSC Advances. Kevin's manuscript accepted into "University of Calgary 50th Anniversary" special issue of Can. J. Chem. Matt visits from Kingston! September 2015 New M.Sc. student Christopher Forfar joins the group from the University of Winnipeg. Chris is the Hayes group member to have worked for a group alumnus (Prof. Jamie Ritch)! Welcome Chris! Paul and his family attend Kevin and Breanne's wedding in Winnipeg. His 6 year old son John was the ring bearer for this fantastic event and psuedo Hayes Group reunion (Jamie Ritch, Craig Wheaton and Majken Villiger were all members of the wedding party)! Congratulations to Kevin and Breanne - we always knew there was true chemistry between you two! Manuscript submitted to Chem. Commun. (Mikko, Matt, Connor and Jackson) Jackson, Tara, Brooke, Kayla and Connor present at the 9th Annual Chinook Symposium for Chemistry and Biochemistry! Congratulations to Brooke (2nd Prize - Undergraduate Division) and Connor (1st Prize - Graduate Division)! August 2015 Book chapter published in Topics in Organometallic Chemistry. Invited manuscript (Kevin Johnson) submitted to "University of Calgary 50th Anniversary" special issue of Canadian Journal of Chemistry. Kevin's Polyhedron manuscript (Invited submission to "Modern Canadian Inorganic Chemistry" special issue) accepted! July 2015 The group partakes in a backcountry campung trip along the breathtaking 19 km Carthew Alderson Trail from Cameron Lake to Waterton townsite. As always, the Canadian Rockies provided a remarkable venue for group bonding (aided by the occassional dip in a glaciar-fed lake)! New group motto established (by Jackson) to be "More compounds, new compounds!" Matt presents research seminar at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Former group member Jamie Ritch awarded tenure and promotion to rank of Associate Professor at the University of Winnipeg - Congratulations Jamie!!! June 2015 Paul and Matt present at the CSC meeting in Ottawa. Paul serves as external Ph.D. examiner for the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa.
May 2015 Paul renews his NSERC Discovery Grant ($225,000 over 5 years, Bin G)! Tara Dickie joins the group from McMaster University (Honours Thesis with Prof. David Emslie). The group welcomes our newest M.Sc. student at the Calgary airport, followed by a great afternoon at a lockout room and massive trampoline facility! After a 12 month COOP work term at NOVA Chemicals, Jackson rejoins the group - welcome back! April 2015 Invited manuscript (Kevin Johnson) submitted to special issue (Modern Canadian Inorganic Chemistry) of Polyhedron. March 2015 Paul is promoted to the rank of Professor - Congratulations!! Paul presents at the 249th ACS National Meeting in Denver, USA. February 2015 The Tragically Hip come to Lethbridge on their Fully Completely tour! Paul lands front row tickets - 23 years ago he saw the show, but the seats didn't compare! January 2015 Kayla Glynn becomes the most recent undergraduate to join the group - welcome!
December 2014 Paul hosts group annual Christmas party at his house. Lots of fun playing Risk, "Rainbow Jumbling Towers" and watching SNL. Paul presents at Symposium Celebrating NMR Spectrscopy and Fluorine Chemistry at the University of Lethbridge. Matt leaves the group to begin a postdoctoral position in Cathy Crudden's lab at Queen's University. Good luck and be sure to visit! November 2014 After an absolutely outstanding 10 months, Paul bids farewell to Aachen, Germany and returns to Lethbridge. A very special thank you is extended to Prof. Dr. Jun Okuda, Dr. Spaniol and the rest of the Okuda group for making the stay so rewarding, both personally and professionally. Undergraduate Gregory Craig joins the group. October 2014 Paul submits NSERC Discovery Grant application. Mikko starts an independent researcher position at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. Good luck! Manuscript accepted in special issue of Aust. J. Chem. honouring the lat Prof. Richard Langler (Matt, Saif, Clay, Craig, Kevin and Mikko). Rick taught Paul, Matt and Craig organic chemistry at Mount Allison University. You were a true inspiration and will be missed. Paul serves as external Ph.D. Examiner at University of Oxford in England.
September 2014 New M.Sc. student Connor MacNeil joins the group from Mount Allison University - Welcome! Paul presents at Molecular Complexity in Modern Chemistry 2014 in Moscow, Russia. Brooke returns to the lab after completing a 16 month COOP work term at NOVA Chemicals in Calgary. Paul gives research seminar at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. Matt, Mikko and Jackson present at the 8th Annual Chinook Symposium for Chemistry and Biochemistry! Congratulations to Jackson for earning 1st Prize in the Undergraduate Division! Manuscript submitted to Aust. J. Chem (Matt, Saif, Clay, Craig, Kevin and Mikko). Paul presents at Selectivity in Chemo and Biocatalysis Aachen-Osaka Joint Symposium in Aachen, Germany. August 2014 Paul presents research seminar at University of California, Berkeley. Paul presents at the 2ndInternational Symposium on Polymer Ecomaterials in Kunming, China. Paul presents at the 248th ACS National Meeting in San Francisco, USA. Book chapter submitted to Topics in Organometallic Chemistry. July 2014 Paul and Matt present at XXVIth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry in Sapporo, Japan. Matt presents research seminar at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Matt gives research seminars at Asahi Kasei R&D (Nobeoka, Japan) and Ube Industries R&D (Ube, Japan) June 2014 Kevin and Breanne's Organometallics manuscript accepted! Manuscript accepted in special issue of Inorg. Chim. Acta dedicated to Prof. T. Don Tilley - Congratulations Kevin!
May 2014 Matt, Mikko and Jackson present at the CSC Conference in Vancouver. Jackson's poster earns 1st prize in the undergraduate division - Congratulations! Paul gives research seminars at University of Oxford in England and Lund University in Sweden. Welcome to Clay Barnson, the newest undergraduate to join the group. Dalton Manuscript (special issue honouring William Kaska's 80th birthday) accepted (Matt, Mikko and Kevin)! Jackson starts a 12 month COOP work term at NOVA Chemicals in Calgary. April 2014 Paul attends COST Action CM1006: European F-Element Chemistry inNürnberg, Germany Paul presents at Okuda group Quarterly Meeting in Schleiden, Germany. Kevin submits manuscript to Inorg. Chim. Acta. The new 700 MHz NMR spectrometer is installed! March 2014 Paul presents at the 247th ACS National Meeting in Dallas, USA. Kevin and Breanne submit manuscript to Organometallics. Manuscript accepted to Dalton Trans. (Matt, Mikko and Kevin) February 2014 Paul leaves for Aachen, Germany for his year-long sabbatical leave at RWTH Aachen University! He is very much looking forward to being an honorary member of Prof. Dr. Jun Okuda's (his gracious host) group! Paul presents a seminar at RWTH Aachen University. January 2014 Group field trip to see the Calgary Flames take on the Nashville Predators! Everyone had a great time as the Flames managed to come from behind to force overtime. The Flames took the game after a nail-biting shoot-out! Paul serves as external M.Sc. Examiner for Memorial University of Newfoundland. Prof. Filip Wormald visits the group from St. Andrews, Scotland. Great to see him back in Lethbridge!
December 2013 Paul hosts group Christmas party at his house. Lots of fun playing "Rainbow Jumbling Towers" and drinking egg nog! Kevin's Dalton Trans. manuscript accepted! November 2013 Good luck to Breanne as she starts her new job as Occupational Hygiene Technologist at the University of Manitoba! Manuscript submitted to Dalton Trans. (Kevin) Jamie, Delphine, Shayne, Kate and Kevin's Dalton Trans. manuscript accepted! October 2013 Welcome to Dr. Mikko Hänninen who joins the group from Finland! Kevin starts his new job as a Research Scientist at Can Am Bioresearch Inc. in Winnipeg. Best of luck! Paul presents at the 2013 Lationamerican Symposium on Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry in Huatulco, Mexico. Paul gives seminars at Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (Cuernavaca, Mexico) and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) (Mexico City). September 2013 Sarah Jane Hayes (Paul's 2nd daughter) is born! The infamous Dr. Matt Zamora joins the group. Welcome! Kevin and Breanne move to Winnipeg - you will both be missed very much! Jackson, Chuchu and Eric present at the 7th Annual Chinook Symposium for Chemistry and Biochemistry! Congratulations to Chuchu for 2nd Prize (Graduate Division) and to Jackson for taking home both 1st Prize (Undergraduate Division) and Rookie of the Year! August 2013 Group has second annual camping trip (to Cyprus Hills Provinicial Park this year)! Breanne successfully defends her M.Sc. thesis! Congratulations! Special thanks to Prof. David Emslie (McMaster University) for visiting the group and serving as Breanne's M.Sc. external examiner. Paul and David summit Turtle Mountain in the Crowsnest Pass. July 2013 Shayne accepted into Pharmacy at University of Alberta. Congratulations Shayne! Kevin's Organometallics manuscript accepted! JACS manuscript accepted! June 2013 Manuscripts submitted to Organometallics (Kevin) and Dalton Trans. (Jamie, Delphine, Shayne, Kate and Kevin) Kevin and Breanne announce their engagement. Congratulations!!! Manuscript submitted to JACS. May 2013 Saif and Jackson present at the 2013 Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Conference in Saskatoon. Breanne is awarded the Arthur Bollo-Kamara Graduate Scholarship. Congratulations Breanne! Saif and Majken are accepted into the University of Calgary Medical School. Congratulations! Paul presents at the CSC conference in Quebec City. Brooke starts a 16 month COOP work term at NOVA Chemicals in Calgary. April 2013 Paul serves as external Ph.D. Examiner at University of British Columbia. Paul gives research seminar at University of British Columbia. March 2013 Breanne is awarded an Alberta Graduate Student Scholarship. Congratulations Breanne! Westworld Magazine (circulation >500,000) publishes story that discusses Hayes group research! Check out page 35. February 2013 CFI provincial matching grant for four channel 700 MHz NMR spectrometer approved! Total funding secured for instrument: $1,599,114! Finally, it's time to go shopping!! Breanne is awarded Alberta Graduate Citizenship Award - congratulations! January 2013 Brooke and Eric join the group. Welcome!
December 2012 Kevin and Breanne once again host a fantastic group dinner and games night! Loads of Fun! Jamie comes to town to visit. Great night spent on the town. November 2012 Moh accepts position as Research Scientist at Petroleum Research and Studies Center (PRSC) of Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research! Congratulations Moh! Kevin's Chem. Soc. Rev. manuscript accepted! October 2012 Hudson accepts position as Team Leader at Loring Tarcore Labs in Calgary! Congratulations Hudson - we'll miss you! CFI provincial matching grant for 700 MHz NMR spectrometer submitted. September 2012 Paul presents at the XXVth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry in Lisbon, Portugal. Kevin, Breanne, Hudson, Moh, Majken (Rookie of the Year prize) and Saif (2nd prize, undergraduate division) present at the 6th Annual Chinook Symposium on Chemistry and Biochemistry. August 2012 Paul gives research seminars at Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC), Beijing Normal University, Henan University and Inner Mongolia University of Technology. Paul presents at the 1st International Symposium on Polymer Ecomaterials in Changchun, China. Invited Manuscript submitted to Chem. Soc. Rev. (Kevin). Jackson and Nicole join the group. Welcome! July 2012 Kevin successfully defends his Ph.D. Thesis. Congratulations Dr. Johnson! Special thanks to Prof. Michael Fryzuk of UBC for serving as External Examiner! The group goes on its first camping trip to Writing on Stone Provinical Park! A fabulous time was had by all! June 2012 Andrea is accepted into the Doctor of Optometry program at Waterloo - congratulations! Breanne is awarded an Alberta Innovates - Technology Futures Graduate Student Scholarship. Congratulations Breanne! CFI grant ($959,468) awarded for new four channel 700 MHz NMR spectrometer!!! May 2012 Kevin, Breanne, Hudson, Alex and Paul present at the CSC conference in Calgary. Paul's "Metal Mediated Polymerization" (co-organized with Mike Shaver of UPEI) and "Warren Piers' 50th Birthday" symposia are great successes! Happy Birthday Warren! Paul serves as external Ph.D. Examiner at University of Victoria. Paul gives research seminar at University of Victoria. Breanne is awarded an NSERC CGS-M scholarship. Congratulations Breanne! April 2012 Paul serves as external Ph.D. Examiner at University of Alberta. Paul gives research seminar at University of Alberta. NSERC RTI ($250,000) awarded for a new console for the 500 MHz NMR spectrometer! Saif and Majken are both awarded an NSERC USRA for the summer! Congratulations! March 2012 Paul becomes the proud father of his first daughter (Victoria Alexis Hayes)! February 2012 Muhieddine joins the group - welcome Moh! CFI grant (with Profs. Gerken and Hazendonk) submitted for four channel 700 MHz NMR spectrometer submitted. Matt accepts a scientist position at Marquis Alliance Energy Group in Calgary. Congratulations Matt! January 2012 Manuscript accepted in "New Talent Americas" Special Issue of Dalton Trans. Congratulations Kevin, Matt and Jamie! Craig's J. Organomet. Chem manuscript accepted!
December 2011 Invited manuscript submitted to "New Talent Americas" Special Issue of Dalton Trans. (Kevin, Matt and Jamie) Kevin and Breanne host a group dinner and games night! Fabulous evening for all! Jamie comes to town to visit. His first semester as an Assistant Professor at the University of Winnipeg went great! Majken joins the group. Welcome! Hudson and Jamie's Dalton Trans. manuscript accepted! November 2011 Manuscript submitted to Dalton Trans. (Hudson and Jamie) Craig's Comments Inorg. Chem. manuscript accepted! October 2011 The new GPC gets installed! Andrea is awarded the Governor General's Silver Medal - Congratulations!!! Manuscript submitted to J. Organomet. Chem. (Craig) NSERC RTI grant (with Profs. Boere, Gerken, Hazendonk, Dibble and Siminovitch) submitted for new console for 500 MHz NMR spectrometer. September 2011 Craig's Catal. Sci. Technol. manuscript accepted! Paul presents at the Sustainable Chemistry Summit in Kingston, Ontario. Paul gives a seminar at Queen's University. Breanne is awarded an M.Sc. Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship. Congratulations Breanne! Kevin, Alex, Breanne (1st prize, undergraduate division), Saif (2nd prize, undergraduate division), Matt, Hudson and Amin present at the 5th Annual Chinook Symposium on Chemistry and Biochemistry. Paul co-organizes the event. August 2011 Manuscript submitted to Catal. Sci. Technol. (Craig) Invited manuscript submitted to Comments Inorg. Chem. (Craig) Craig leaves to begin his Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship with Prof. Mark Stradiotto at Dalhousie University. Good luck Craig - you'll be missed! July 2011 Craig successfully defends his Ph.D. Thesis. Congratulations Dr. Wheaton! Special thanks to Prof. Philip Mountford (University of Oxford) for serving as External Examiner! Hudson and Jamie have Inorg. Chem. manuscript accepted!! June 2011 Kevin, Jamie, Breanne and Paul present at the CSC conference in Montreal. Paul serves as external Ph.D. Examiner at University of Western Ontario. Paul gives research seminars at Dalhousie University and University of Western Ontario. May 2011 Breanne presents at the 2011 Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Conference in Winnipeg and wins Best Overall Presentation! Congratulations! Breanne is awarded the ACPA Undergraduate Scholarship in Chemistry - Congratulations!. Manuscript submitted to Organometallics (Craig). Manuscript submitted to Inorg. Chem. (Hudson and Jamie). Kevin successfully completes his Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam! Breanne is accepted into the MSc program to start in September! April 2011 Paul receives $64,821 from NSERC RTI and the University of Lethbridge for a GPC!! Jamie accepts a faculty position at the University of Winnipeg!!! Congratulations Prof. Ritch! Hudson hosts a fun-filled group karaoke and billiards night at his house! Matt joins the group. Welcome! Paul has a paper accepted in Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis! Saif and Breanne are both awarded an NSERC USRA for the summer! Congratulations! March 2011 Saif joins the group. Welcome! Craig receives a prestigious Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship to work with Prof. Mark Stradiotto at Dalhousie University!!! Congratulations Craig! Paul gives research seminars at Texas Tech University, the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Lethbridge. Jamie gives research seminar at the University of Winnipeg. February 2011 Paul and Prof. Boere travel to Billerica, Massachusetts to visit the Bruker EPR applications laboratory. Paul gives research seminar at Canadian Government lab, Lethbridge Research Station (Agriculture Canada). Jamie hosts another successful group games night at his house! Shayne travels down from Calgary for the event. January 2011 Paul and Prof. Boere receive $441,105 from CFI for an EPR spectrometer! Amin Moazeni joins the group as an MSc student. Welcome!
December 2010 Kevin, Craig, Breanne, Jamie, Hudson and Paul present at Pacifichem 2010 in Hawaii!! Jamie hosts a group games night at his house! Great night of movies, poker and customized "Jenga"! Rachel starts in the lab. Welcome! Delphine gets engaged to be married in Normandy in August 2011! Congratulations Delphine! November 2010 Kevin's Organometallics manuscript accepted!! Paul gives invited seminar to Alberta Provincial Government and senior University of Lethbridge Administrators in Edmonton. October 2010 Kevin (Loren Hepler Gold Medal for Ph.D. Research Excellence), Craig, Alex, Breanne (1st prize, undergraduate division), Andrea and Sophia present at the 4th Annual Chinook Symposium on Chemistry and Biochemistry. Paul submits an NSERC RTI application for a GPC. September 2010 Kevin is awarded a School of Graduate Studies Fellowship Award! Congratulations Kevin!! Chem. Commun. (Craig) manuscript accepted!!! George joins the group. Welcome! Paul gives research seminars at the University of Alberta and The King's University College Paul gives CAFA Distinguished Academic Early Career Award Lecture in Edmonton. August 2010 Kevin's J. Organomet. Chem. paper is accepted! Manuscripts submitted to Organometallics (Kevin) and Chemical Communications (Craig). July 2010 Paul presents at the XXIVth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry in Taipei, Taiwan. June 2010 Paul receives the CAFA (Confederation of Alberta Faculty Associations) 2010 Distinguished Academic Early Career Award!!! Alex visits Prof. Andy McWilliams at Ryerson University and receives training on his GPC. Thanks Andy! May 2010 Paul, Alex and Craig attend the CSC in Toronto. Alex presents a poster and Paul and Craig give talks. Both a communication and review are published in J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym. Mater. Congrats Alex! Kevin submits a manuscript to a special issue of J. Organomet. Chem. The 2010 Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Conference takes place in Lethbridge and is a huge success! Congratulations to Breanne for organizing such a great event! Sophia and Andrea start in the lab. Welcome! April 2010 Paul is awarded an NSERC Disocvery Grant of $61,000/year for 5 years!!!! There are grad students positions available immediately! March 2010 Paul is awarded tenure and promotion to Associate Professor!!!! (Offical as of July 1, 2010) Sophia is awarded a Chinook Summer Research Award. Congratulations Sophia! February 2010 Andrea is awarded an NSERC USRA for the summer. Congratulations Andrea! Paul and Prof. Boere submit a joint CFI application for an EPR spectrometer. January 2010 Postdoctoral fellow Dr. Hudson Sun joins the group! Organometallics (Ben & Craig) manuscript accepted! Revised Dalton Trans. (Craig) manuscript submitted.
December 2009 Postdoctoral fellow Dr. Jamie Ritch (Ph.D. with Prof. Tristram Chivers at the University of Calgary) joins the group! Group outting to Calgary to see a Flames game! Afterwards Hudson hosts the entire group at his house for a spectacular dinner of home cooked Chinese cuisine and karaoke! Farewell to Delphine who is off to Switzerland (hopefully to a PDF at the ETH in Zurich) and Ben who is off to do a Ph.D. in Prof. Deryn Fogg's group at the University of Ottawa! J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym. Mater. (Alex) manuscript published! November 2009 Sophia Vathracoulis and Andrea Glover join the group! Kevin is awarded a Ph.D. QEII Graduate Scholarship - Congratulations! Organometallics (Kevin) manuscript published! October 2009 Ben successfully defends his M.Sc. thesis (Special Thanks to External Examiner Prof. Eric Rivard from University of Alberta). Congraulations Ben! Paul submits NSERC Discovery and RTI Grants! Ben, Craig (Loren Hepler Gold Medal for Ph.D. Research Excellence) Kevin (2nd prize, graduate division), Breanne and Shayne (2nd prize, undergraduate division) present at the 3rd Annual Chinook Symposium on Chemistry and Biochemistry. September 2009 The U of L learns they will host the 2010 Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Conference (WCUCC) in May! Breanne and Paul are on the organizing committee. August 2009 Paul becomes the proud father of a baby boy (John Angus Hayes)! July 2009 Vanessa Lee joins the group. Alex starts his Ph.D. Dalton (Craig & Ben) manuscript published (featured on cover of issue 25)! June 2009 Paul receives $90,140 grant from the Canada School of Energy and Environment! Alex successfully defends his M.Sc. thesis - congrats! Craig successfully completes his Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam! May 2009 Paul gives plenary lecture at the Alberta/BC Inorganic Discussion Weekend. Ben, Craig, Kevin and Paul present at the CSC conference in Hamilton. Breanne presents a poster at the Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Conference in Kamloops, BC. Delphine presents at the Alberta/BC Inorganic Discussion Weekend. Paul gives research seminar at the University of Vermont. April 2009 Craig is awarded a Ralph Steinhauer Award of Distinction - Congratulations! Paul gives research seminar at St. Andrews University in Scotland. Breanne receives a University Research Enrichment Award! March 2009 JACS manuscript accepted! Shayne Rybchinski receives a Chinook Summer Research Award! Kevin and Ben receive Government of Alberta Graduate Scholarships! Kevin presents at the national ACS Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah. February 2009 Manuscript submitted to JACS. Paul gives research and recruiting seminars at the University of Regina and the University of Saskatchewan. Breanne receives a Keith and Hope Ferguson Research Scholarship! January 2009 Dephine Julienne joins the group. Paul gives research and recruiting seminars at the University of Prince Edward Island, Mount Allison University and Saint Mary's University. Dalton Cover accepted - Look for Issue 25!!
December 2008 Organometallics manuscript accepted! Dalton (Craig & Ben) Transactions manuscript accepted! Art work submitted to Dalton Transactions. November 2008 Provisional Canadian and U.S. patents filed on new lactide polymerization catalysts. October 2008 Ben, Craig and and Kevin (2nd prize, graduate division) present at the 2nd Annual Chinook Symposium on Chemistry and Biochemistry. Papers were submitted to Dalton Transactions (Craig & Ben) and Organometallics (Ben & Craig). September 2008 Group BBQ. August 2008 The elemental analyzer arrives. July 2008 Paul presents at the XXIII Internation Conference on Organometallic Chemistry in Rennes, France. Paul gives research and recruiting seminars at Cape Breton University. June 2008 Breanne Kamenz joins the group. Prof. Andy McWilliams (Ryerson) visits for 1 week. Paul receives a $288,000 Alberta Ingenuity New Faculty Award!! May 2008 Joline Utri joins the group. Kevin, Craig, Ben and Paul present at the CSC conference in Edmonton. New double station MBraun glove box (equipped with CCD for crystal manipulation) arrives. April 2008 Paul attends and presents at the ACS National Meeting in New Orleans. The GC/MS arrives. March 2008 Ben is awarded an NSERC CGS-M award! February 2008 Paul successfully extends his tenure track probation period. Ordering of CFI equipment completed. January 2008 Jasmine Hango joins the group. Manuscript published in the J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym. Mater. (Alex)!!
December 2007 Craig's NSERC PGS-D upgraded to an Alexander Graham Bell Doctoral CGS! November 2007 Ben's NSERC PGS-M application sent to Ottawa competition. October 2007 Ben (1st prize, undergraduate division) and Kevin (2nd prize, graduate division) present at the 1st Annual Chinook Symposium on Chemistry and Biochemistry. Ben convocates. Paul participates as a faculty member on the platform. Paul is awarded $300,000 in the form of a CFI Grant! This will purchase a GC-MS, EA, glove box, etc. September 2007 Craig Wheaton (B.Sc., Mount Allison University; M.Sc., University of Western Ontario) joins the group. July 2007 New double station glove box arrives! June 2007 Province funds provinical portion of CFI application (30% of $298,000). May 2007 Ben is awarded 1st prize for his oral presentation at the Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Conference (Inorganic, Organometallic and Materials Division). Paul and Ben attend the CSC conference in Winnipeg. April 2007 Ben and Craig receive AIF scholarships for graduate studies - Congratulations! Kevin Johnson (B.Sc., University of Victoria) joins the group. The lab is finished and we move in!! March 2007 Craig Wheaton awarded NSERC PGS-D scholarship to pursue a Ph.D. Paul gives research seminar at the University of Alberta. Paul is awarded NSERC Discovery and RTI (Double Station Glove Box) Grants. February 2007 Construction begins on the new lab! Paul gives research seminars at Lakehead University and the University of Manitoba. January 2007 Ben Ireland joins the group to start his honours thesis.