Having Fun:
It was so much fun having 16 keen students from Catholic Central High School visit the department!
Paul demonstrating vacuum line techniques to students from Catholic Central High School.
We miss you Edward!
Hayes Group at the Nikka Yuko Winter Lights Festival
Hayes Group at the Nikka Yuko Winter Lights Festival
Department Holiday Party at Paul's house
Department Holiday Party at Paul's house
Department Holiday Party at Paul's house
Department Holiday Party at Paul's house
Fall 2024 Convocation: Stacey Wetmore, Trushar Patel, Marc Roussel, Paul Hayes, Wayne Lippa
Thamara receiving her 1st Prize certificate for the M.Sc. Poster Division
of the 2024 Chinook Symposium - Congratulations Thamara!
Armina with her poster at the 2024 Chinook Symposium
Okuda group alumni at the International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry
Back: Ajay Venugopal (IISER Thiruvananthapuram), Debabrata Mukherjee (IISER Kolkata),
Priyabrata Ghana (IIT Gandhinagar), Crispin Lichtenberg (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
; Front: Jun Okuda (RWTH Aachen University), Paul Hayes
Paul and Masafumi Hirano (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) visiting the
Taj Mahal during a conference (International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry) excursion
Paul at the top of Pin Bhaba Pass in the Himalayas in northeastern India
Paul preparing for a 500 meter slide down the north side of Pin Bhaba Pass
Paul hiking in the Himalayas
Russ Boyd, Paul Hayes and Stephanie MacQuarrie - thanks to these site visitors for
participating in our Academic Quality Assurance Review!
Thamara, Paul and Armina at the CSC conference in Winnipeg
Rex Hanford and Paul at CSC 2024 in Winnipeg
Paul and visiting speaker Justin Walensky (UMissouri) visit Waterton.
Paul, students (both Hokkaido University and U of L) and guest professor Fernando Arteaga Arteaga
in Lethbridge upon completion of the second installation of the Hokkaido Learning Satellite Program
Paul and Takeaki Iwamoto (Tohoku University) in Sendai, Japan
Paul and family sharing spectacular Japanese cuisine with (left to right):
Koichi Nagata, Hisako Hashimoto and Takashi Komuro
Enhoying dinner after visiting Kyushu University (Ito Campus) - Left to right: Hironobu Ozawa, Paul, Ken Sakai
Paul and Ken Sakai's group after seminar at Kyushu University (Ito University)
Dinner after seminar at Kyushu University (Maidashi Campus) -
Left to Right: Takashi Niwa, Paul, Takuma Tagami and Takashi Oshima
End of a wonderful evening in Fukuoka -
Left to right: Takuma Tagami and Takashi Oshima, Paul Hayes, Takashi Niwa,
Paul and family sharing dinner with Masafumi Hirano
(Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) and family in Tokyo
Tilley Group Reunion at the 2023 CSC Conference in Vancouver.
Davit Zargarian, Rex Hanford, Laura Turculet, Fred Fontaine and others!
Paul, family and U of L students in Sapporo, Japan as part of the Hokkaido Learning Satellite Program.
It was so great to connect with former postdoc Muhieddine Safa while in Kuwait
as part of the CSC Accreditation of the Chemistry prorgam at Kuwait University
Paul at 6000 meters on Mount Aconcagua!
It sure gets cold and bright at this altitude - good thing I trained deep in the woods!
A long climb for a photo - Paul on Mount Aconcagua
Paul Hayes, Eric Rivard and David Emslie at the 2022 CSC in Calgary.
Paul Hayes, Polly Arnold and Joanne Hayes on the summit of Rimwall, June 2022,
several days before Polly's opening Plenary Lecture at the CSC Conference.
Decent view from the highest pub in Africa!
Paul at the top of Hodgson's Peak in Lesotho
Daisy receives her M.Sc. Chinook Symposium poster prize - congratulations!
Edward receives his Ph.D. Chinook Symposium poster prize - great job!
Paul conquers Mount Kilimanjaro!
The constant increase in oxygen makes one feel superhuman when descending Kilimanjaro!
It doesn't get better than having the glove box all to yourself!
Daisy presenting a poster at the 13th Annual Chinook Symposium.
Ash presenting his poster at the 2019 CSC Conference in Quebec City.
Dylan receives 1st Prize for his oral presentation at the 7th Latin American Symposium on Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry (SILQCOM7) in Cartagena, Colombia. Congratulations Dylan!
Maren Podewitz (University of Innsbruck), Paul Hayes, Ivan Castillo (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
It's so great to see old friends, especially when in Colombia!
Dylan, Paul and David Morales-Morales (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) on the Party Bus in Cartagena!
Celebrating Dylan's 1st Prize at SILQCOM7
Paul's 1st class on Canadian culture and society at Hokkai-Gakuen University in Sapporo, Japan
It's stressful to be so far from the chemistry comfort zone!
Paul's 1st class on Canadian culture and society at Hokkai-Gakuen University in Sapporo, Japan
End of semester diinner with Hokkai-Gakuen University students and outstanding friend Jik Lee
Paul and Prof. Hisako Hashimoto (Tohuku University)
43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry in Sendai, Japan
Profs. David Emslie (McMaster University), Roland Roesler (University of Calgary), Paul Hayes, Jennifer Love (UBC)
2017 CSC Conference in Toronto, Ontario
Outdoor poster session with Profs. David Morales-Morales (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Eduardo Peris (Universitat Jaume I), Ivan Castillo (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) and Keith Hollis (Mississippi State University) at the International Conference on Polymers and Advanced Materials (POLYMAT 2017) in Huatulco, Mexico
Dinner wtih Profs. Keith Hollis (Mississippi State University), Eduardo Peris (Universitat Jaume I), Ronan Le Lagadec (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)), David Morales-Morales (UNAM), Ivan Castillo (UNAM) and others in Huatulco, Mexico
Jackson delivering his Award for Undergraduate Research in Inorganic Chemistry (AURIC) lecture at the CSC Conference in Halifax.
Carthew Alderson Hike in Waterton National Park
Group trip to Calgary - Go Flames go!
Summer at Mojo's: Connor MacNeil, Brooke MacKay, Matt Zamora, Mikko Hänninen
Friday afternoon at the Zoo: Matt Zamora, Connor MacNeil, Brooke MacKay, Mikko Hänninen
Farewell Mikko!
Breanne being recognized by Dean of Graduate Studies Rob Wood for her NSERC CGS-M and Alberta Innovates - Technology Futures Scholarships
Paul with Profs. Jean-Michel Grévy and David Morales-Morales in Cueranavaca, Mexico.
2013 Christmas party - "Paul Hayes" Rainbow Jumbling Towers make another appearance!
Kevin rocking "Paul Hayes" Rainbow Jumbling Towers at the 2012 Christmas Party.
2012 camping trip to Writing on Stone Provincial Park
Kevin Johnson, Jamie Goettel, Joanne Hayes, Paul Hayes, Victoria Hayes,
Breanne Kamanz, John Hayes, Majken Villiger, Muhieddine Safa
Celebrating after Kevin successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis.
Now we have to call him Dr. Johnson!
Jackson dressed up as Prof. Peter Dibble for Halloween.
Prof. Paul Ragogna, Dr. Preeti Chadha and Prof. Paul Hayes at the Graduate
Lounge at the University of Western Ontario drinking out of the “Goblet
of Knowledge”.
Paul and Ben at the 2011 CSC Conference in Montreal.
Breanne receiving the award for best presentation at the 2011 Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Conference (WCUCC).
Friday afternoon at Mojo's: Kevin Johnson, Jamie Ritch, Craig Wheaton, Paul Hayes, Amin Moazeni
Craig, Ben and Kevin at the 2009 CSC inorganic mixer in Hamilton.
Flames game adventure: Kevin Johnson, Craig Wheaton, Lesley Rutledge, Ben Ireland
Flames for the win!!
Kevin presenting a poster at the 2008 CSC Conference in Edmonton.
The group at AJ's for drinks and an end of semester celebration.
Paul Hayes, Alex Borisov, Shayne Rybchinski, Breanne Kamenz, Lesley Rutledge, Craig Wheaton
Shayne versus the Pronghorn.
Shayne's second job.