My Research
As a researcher, I write books, articles, and lectures on various topics, mostly having to do with medieval language and literature, the history of the book, textual scholarship, and humanities computing. My most recent major publication is Cædmon’s Hymn: A multimedia study, edition, and archive. You can find a complete list of my publications and lectures in my CV.
I am also associated with three international research projects: The Digital Medievalist Project, The Visionary Cross Project, and the Text Encoding Initiative:
I am the founding director of the The Digital Medievalist Project. This is an international Community of Practice dedicated to the development and dissemination of best practice in the use of digital media by medievalists. It operates an on-line scholarly journal, mailing list, Wiki, and resource centre.
I am currently chair of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). The TEI is an International Consortium responsible for the development and maintenance of XML standards for the encoding of scholarly texts. It is recommended by major granting agencies including the NEH in the United States and the AHRC in the United Kingdom. You can find out about the TEI, including membership and subscription options, at its website:
With Professor Catherine Karkov of Miami University, Ohio (University of Leeds, January 1, 2007-) and Dr. Roberto Rosselli Del Turco of the Università degli studi di Torino, I am co-director of the The Visionary Cross Project. This research project that will ultimately produce an electronic edition of the “Visionary Cross” cultural matrix in Anglo-Saxon England.
I will post copies and offprints from my publications here whenever possible and as time allows. At the moment these postings are biased towards my on-line work with Digital Humanities; I am investigating my copyrights on my print research.
Cædmon Citation Network - Week 14
Last modified: Friday September 2, 2016. 18:41 (MDT)
Cædmon Citation Network - Week 12+13
Last modified: Tuesday August 23, 2016. 10:11 (MDT)
Cædmon Citation Network - Week 11
Last modified: Friday August 5, 2016. 13:59 (MDT)
Cædmon Citation Network - Week 10
Last modified: Monday July 25, 2016. 10:45 (MDT)
Cædmon Citation Network - Mini Update (Week 9)
Last modified: Friday July 22, 2016. 12:03 (MDT)
Cædmon Citation Network - Week 9
Last modified: Monday July 18, 2016. 09:51 (MDT)
Cædmon Citation Network - Week 8
Last modified: Monday July 11, 2016. 10:37 (MDT)
Cædmon Citation Network - Week 7.5
Last modified: Thursday July 7, 2016. 13:30 (MDT)
Cædmon Citation Network - Week 6
Last modified: Friday June 24, 2016. 09:27 (MDT)
Cædmon Citation Network - Week 5
Last modified: Friday June 17, 2016. 10:36 (MDT)
Cædmon Citation Network - Week 4
Last modified: Saturday June 11, 2016. 11:09 (MDT)
Cædmon Citation Network - Week 3
Last modified: Friday June 3, 2016. 10:04 (MDT)
Cædmon Citation Network - The Return
Last modified: Thursday May 19, 2016. 11:27 (MDT)
The Lethbridge Journal Incubator: A new business model for Open Access journal publication (Elsevier Labs Online Lectures February 18, 2014)
Last modified: Wednesday February 19, 2014. 16:18 (MST)
Living out loud: The Visionary Cross Project and the Public Humanities (CMRS/ETRUS. University of Saskatchewan January 16, 2014)
Last modified: Wednesday February 19, 2014. 16:07 (MST)
The New Humanities. The Place and Practice of the Humanities in an Age of Ubiquitous Networked Computing.
Last modified: Friday July 19, 2013. 06:55 (MDT)
Journal Incubator Poster (Digital Humanities 2013)
Last modified: Thursday July 18, 2013. 10:59 (MDT)
A proposal for including chunk, inter, and div level children of tei:rdg and tei: lemma
Last modified: Monday July 23, 2007. 16:15 (MDT)
A Proposal for Revisions to choice, app, and model.pPartEdit
Last modified: Sunday July 22, 2007. 18:23 (MDT)
Back to the future: What digital editors can learn from print editorial practice.
Last modified: Wednesday May 23, 2012. 19:54 (MDT)
If I were “You”: How Academics Can Stop Worrying and Learn to Love “the Encyclopedia that Anyone Can Edit”
Last modified: Wednesday May 23, 2012. 19:56 (MDT)
The Ghost in the Machine: Revisiting an Old Model for the Dynamic Generation of Digital Editions
Last modified: Wednesday May 23, 2012. 20:02 (MDT)
Why should I write for your Wiki? Towards an economics of collaborative scholarship.
Last modified: Wednesday January 4, 2017. 16:25 (MST)
O Captain! My Captain! Using Technology to Guide Readers Through an Electronic Edition
Last modified: Wednesday May 23, 2012. 20:06 (MDT)
The Doomsday Machine, or, "If you build it, will they still come ten years from now?": What Medievalists working in digital media can do to ensure the longevity of their research
Last modified: Wednesday May 23, 2012. 20:08 (MDT)
Disciplinary impact and technological obsolescence in digital medieval studies
Last modified: Wednesday May 23, 2012. 20:09 (MDT)