Cædmon Citation Network - Week 3

Hi all!
Another short post this week, but I will try to make up for it by posting more than one blog next week as I get further and further into the project!
Most of this week was spent methodically checking our body of Cædmon scholarship against various databases (all listed in my previous post). I felt a bit bad that it was going so slowly, as I do not want to lollygag in my work at all. Several things seemed to make the task slower than I hoped, however.
First of all, when I started going through the lists I would try and find access to each article or book that was missing from our body of scholarship as I became aware of it. I soon abandoned this practice and decided that I would create a running list of what we are missing FIRST, and then find access to these pieces as my next step.
I also found that many of the works we are missing were in a foreign language, which made my search for them (before I submitted to simply creating a list) more difficult. I will need to ask Dan if we are including foreign language articles in our data. If we are I will also need to figure out how I am going to comb the articles for quotes later on if we do decide to include them. I suppose quotes of the original will be written in Old English, so that is simple enough to pick out, but paraphrasing of the poem in something like Italian or German might prove difficult.
And finally I was a bit impeded by my own inability to figure out how to add new entries to our shared bibliography on Zotero. This is not a huge deal at the moment as I eventually decided to create a running list of missing pieces before finding sources, however I did waste quite a bit of time fighting with the program to add new entries before settling on this. This is something else that I’m sure Dan can help me with. I believe I might just need some sort of permission to add to the shared database.
In any case, next week should provide fodder for a some more interesting blog posts! It will be like a mystery: The Search For the Missing Cædmon Articles…
Until then,