How to blog...

At the Humanities Innovation Lab we are encouraging students to blog each week.
So what to blog about?
Sometimes, you can blog about important and scholarly things.
And sometimes you can blog about how you organise your life.
But sometimes, you can also blog about simple things, or things you might forget, or things that you did, or things that you might help others.
In my experience of using blogs in classes for over a decade, in working with blogging as a Digital Humanist for longer than that, and in using blogs for professional and political reasons, I think that the most important thing is that you blog. Putting ideas in writing, even briefly, in a preliminary fashion, and for your own personal use is a good way of thinking. And even though blog entries are not the same as publications, they remain something you can point to and use in future work.
In my own practice, I use blogging for a number of different things:
- pedagogy : as I’ve argued blogging is a very good way of encouraging student engagement
- logging activities : recording things you are doing with computers is what blogs (“web logs”) were originally invented to do
- exploring initial thoughts on an idea
- recording effort/actions
- recording interesting things you’ve read, seen, or heard.
So since we are encouraging in students in the lab to blog regularly, let me show you what I blogged about this week on my professional site… fixing issues with voice on Zoom.
And that’s good enough!