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Dale's Depot

Daley Train Log
Page 70

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Thursday November 13, 2008 Lethbridge, Alberta

5:30 am

We will be in Calgary today and I hope to visit two model train shops. I have not been in Chinook Hobbies for a few years but have heard that they have improved their model train supplies. I also want to visit Trains & Such and see if they still have a person who can install DCC chips into locomotives. I will take two locos with me (CN 1706 and CN 7985) and see they can get these operational for me.

Here is a list of what I hope to accomplish today:

The following items are not essential, but I am curious to see what they have.

7:00 PM

I am back from Calgary. Now to compare what I was hoping to accomplish with what I actually accomplished.

Overall, a successful trip. I will be able to complete my remaining two cylindrical hopper cars now that I have the trucks. I am making progress on getting two more locomotives DCC installed. I now realize that I will need to buy a good CN steam loco and then install the DCC myself. I may wait awhile before trying this. And I added one new car to my layout.


In addition to the above purchases I now have two new companies to watch. Loksound produces excellent sound decoders. See Tony's Train Exchange for information and ordering. Also have a look at JMRI. I am just getting started in DCC.

My model train activities are now beginning to shift away from assembly of kits to Ship It! and DCC. There is so much to learn - this is a great hobby!

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