This page was first created on January 8, 2008. It consists of one table. Each row corresponds to the item identified as the top priority within each of the 5 different types of activity that are listed in the activities Future web page. This is an attempt to distribute my time across these different types of activity. There is no particular order to the items in this table.
Date |
Current Activities in Progress |
Start |
Finish |
Web Site |
2008.01.08 | I need to take photos of each of my structures and create a web page for each structure. Ideally this should include information on the assembly and modification of the structure. | ||
2008.09.11 | Set up a web page for each diesel locomotive. This will contain a photo, information on the kit, information on the prototype, links to web pages for that loco., etc. | ||
2009.04.20 | Add photos of 3 new TrueLines boxcars | 2009.04.20 | |
Operations (running the trains) |
2008.09.09 | Identify all industries on layout & what they receive and send. | 2008.11.20 | |
2008.12.14 | Install Atlas controllers for all switches in Coaldale yard | 2008.12.14 | |
2009.04.20 | Run trains with 1950's era cars to check for smooth operations | 2009.04.20 | |
2008.09.15 | Purchase one Digitrax DS64 stationary decoder for Black Diamond District. | ||
2008.09.22 | Make a note of the special sounds for running CN 6700 and begin using them when running the train. | ||
Construction of Structures and Rolling Stock |
2008.01.29 | Paint coaling tower ground, add coal to ground, add weathering to tower. | ||
2008.01.30 | Build wooden kit for an octagonal Water Tank. | ||
2008.01.31 | Paint wooden pieces red-brown before beginning assembly of Water Tower. | ||
Miscellaneous |
2008.09.11 | Review membership information for NMRA and CARM. | ||
2008.09.21 | Set up a specific time for checking online forums. | ||
2008.09.22 | Purchase a coffee mug with a train image, preferably something with CN on it. |