Daley Train Log
Page 25
I made a quick trip to Model Barons at noon and purchased a small jar of sand colored paint (for the ground cover near the Coaling Tower) and red-brown spray paint (for the wooden Water Tank). I also bought 3 electronic turnouts (2 right, 1 left).
After I returned home, I began linking the track together in Jasper. This took a little longer than I expected as I had some difficulty determining which sections of track to use to complete the reversing loop. I now have all the track resting on the foam bed and ready to be nailed into final position.
Then about 4 PM I received a phone call from Trains & Such in Calgary. They will ship two MRC auto reverse loop modules #AD520 to me. I hope to receive them on Monday. This is great news. I will then be able to see if all my wiring and track planning is working.
I am about to paint the base for the Coaling Tower. I still need to do some reading on how to add weathering detail to the Tower.
The Coaling Tower looks much better with the sandy soil base. It is impressive what a difference a little paint makes. The next step will be to add a little coal to the base. I think I have all the necessary equipment - this will be another new experience.
I have nailed down all of the track for Jasper. The next major step will be to cut a hole in the table top for the coal bin for the coaling tower. I must be very careful to position this exactly right!
I also found a couple of hobby magazines that discuss the building and painting of structures. It is time I had a look at these. I want to see if I can learn how to weather the coaling tower. Also I want to see if there are any hints about working with wood kits.