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The Journey of a Lifetime
A Cloud Chamber on the Mind
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Tuesday February 19, 2008 5:15 am Lethbridge, Alberta

It is -1 C with a high forecast of +7 C. Sunrise 7:35 Sunset 17:55 Hours of daylight: 10:20

1:50 PM

A. Morning Musings

I am awake and alert this morning. A good feeling.

I have been sub-optimal the last couple of mornings. But today I feel energized. Maybe it was the superb prime rib at the Keg yesterday evening - or the apple crumble for desert.

Perhaps because I felt like I ate too much yesterday , I am now ready to begin a spring "health" routine. This involves a strict monitoring of what I am eating using FitDay software. Well at least I thought I would. The Parallels software seems to start up just fine, but the screen is not active. There have been a few system updates in the last couple of days. I wonder if that has disabled Windows. The sidewalks are beginning to clear from the ice and it looks like a good time to begin regular walking again.

The last two days with my model trains have been frustrating. The problem appears to be electrical, but at the moment I have no idea what is happening. Basically when I am only using my locomotive it travels the mainline track without any problem. But as soon as I add the B-unit (CN 6708) which is not powered (i.e. it is just a car to be pulled) I begin to have erratic behavior. Sometimes the train shorts out when going over a turnout and sometimes it shorts out when entering a reversing loop. At the moment I have not been able to spot the pattern, although I have replaced two turnouts that seemed to be where most of the problems occurred. The last run yesterday was just using CN 6700 and it went fine - no problems. I will now try adding CN 6708 and will keep detailed notes of what happens. Then I will remove CN 6708 and add one of my other cars and see what happens. I am looking for consistency as much as for anything. At the moment I am not sure if the problem is with the track or with my cars.

In real life, our spare fridge quit working on the weekend. There was a noticeble smell (as if a motor had burned out). I am going to have a look at it this morning and see if I can isolate the problem. If I can, I have a parts list and may try to fix it myself. This is new territory for me, but it can't be any more difficult than diagnosing my model train difficulties (or the problems with Windows failing to work on the Mac).

Staying with real life, both vehicles are filthy and need to be washed. The slush on the roads during the last two months has accumulated on them to a distressing level. The warm weather the last few days has finally dried out the main roads and the car should stay clean for a while. The forecast for the rest of the week is sunshine. I also need to arrange to have the front windshield replaced on the car. It is badly pitted (sandblasted from the wind) and there is a crack along the bottom.

Learning Category Planned Activities for Today Time
Literature Begin morning with a Rumi reading
Literature Continue reading "Snow" by Orhan Pamuk
1 hr
Model Trains Check operational running of train on the mainline routes
1 hr

B. Actual Learning Activities

10:30 PM

After looking at the refrigerator I was able to see where a wire shorted out but was not able to determine what additional damage may have been done. I have now arranged for a repairman to have a look at it next week.

The car has been washed and I have set up an appointment for tomorrow morning to have the windshield replaced.

I failed to even have a look at the model train layout today.

I have made a list of the problems I am having with my Mac:

The first and third problems are fairly serious and need to be addressed.


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