Raven Caruso: Flow obstructions in valley glaciers (04-07)
Faye Nelson: Late Cenozoic magnetostratigraphy of Selkirk Volcanics and associated sediments, west-central Yukon. (04-06).
David Dixon: Watershed-scale controls on snow distribution in an alpine watershed (09- )
Kim Pearson: The effects of introduced fish on long-toed salamanders (Ambystoma macrodactylum) in S Alberta, Canada (03-04)
Rhona Kindopp: Habitat preferences and requirements of boreal forest duck and grebe populations (03-06)
Alexis Hall: Response of riparian cottonwoods to experimental flows along the Lower Bridge River, British Columbia (05-07)
Julie Nielsen: The effects of drought stress on cottonwoods of different sex (06-09)
Brendan Graham: Population genetics and phylogeography of the Hairy Woodpecker (09- )
Lana Miller: The effects of Selenium on the physiological stress response in fish (06)
Colleen Phelan: Ecohydrology of a riparian woodland along the Oldman River, AB (07)
Amie Quinn: The Impacts of agricultural chemicals and water temperature on the physiological stress response in cold and cool water fish (07)
Alison Krimmer: Behavioural and physiological response of over-wintering brook trout to instream flow from the Canadian Rocky Mountains (08)
Sandeep Mishra: (09)