- Jiskoot, H, CM Curran, DL Tessler & LR Shenton, 2009. Changes in Clemenceau Icefield and Chaba Group glaciers, Canada, related to hypsometry, tributary detachment, length-slope and area-aspect relations. Annals of Glaciology 50 (53), 133-143.

- Vasey, PL & H Jiskoot, 2009. The Biogeography and Evolution of Female Homosexual Behavior in Japanese Macaques. Archives of Sexual Behaviour, DOI 10.1007/s10508-009-9518-2.

- Jiskoot, H & DT Juhlin, 2009. Surge of a small East Greenland glacier, 2001-2007, suggests Svalbard-type surge mechanism. Journal of Glaciology 55(191), 567-570.

- Pigeon, KE & H Jiskoot, 2008. Meteorological controls on snowpack formation and dynamics in the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 40 (4), 716-730.

- Kargel, JS, MJ Abrams, MP Bishop, A Bush, G Hamilton, H Jiskoot, A Kääb, HH Kieffer, EM Lee, F Paul, F Rau, B Raup, JF Shroder, D Soltesz, D Stainforth, L Stearns & R Wessels, 2005. Multispectral imaging contributions to Global Land Ice Measurements from Space. Remote Sensing of Environment 99, 187-219.

- Jiskoot, H, A Luckman & T Murray, 2003. Surge potential and drainage basin characteristics in East Greenland. Annals of Glaciology 36, 142-148.
- Luckman, A, T Murray, H Jiskoot, H Pritchard & T Strozzi, 2003. Automatic ERS SAR feature-tracking measurement of outlet glacier velocities on a regional scale in East Greenland. Annals of Glaciology 36, 129 -134.
- Murray, T, T Strozzi, A Luckman, H Jiskoot & P Christakos, 2003. Is there a single surge mechanism? Contrasts in dynamics between glacier surges in Svalbard and other regions. Journal of Geophysical Research 108 (B5), 2237, doi:10.1029/2002JB001906.

- Murray, T, T Strozzi, A Luckman, H Pritchard & H Jiskoot, 2002. Ice dynamics during a surge of Sortebræ, East Greenland. Annals of Glaciology 34, 323-329.
- Smith, AM, T Murray, BM Davison, AF Clough, J Woodward & H Jiskoot, 2002. Late-surge glacial conditions on Bakaninbreen, Svalbard and implications for surge termination. Journal of Geophysical Research 107 (B8), doi:10.1029/2001JB000475.

- Jiskoot, H & P Kneale, 2002. Reviewing the geography discipline network’s guides to key skills in geography in higher education. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 26 (1), 105-109.
- Jiskoot, H, AK Pedersen & T Murray, 2001. Multi-model photogrammetric analysis of the 1990s surge of Sortebræ, East Greenland. Journal of Glaciology 47 (159), 677-687.

- Murray, T, GW Stuart, PJ Miller, J Woodward, AM Smith, PR Porter & H Jiskoot, 2000. Glacier surge propagation by thermal evolution at the bed. Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth 135 (B6), 13491-13507.
- Jiskoot, H, T Murray & P Boyle, 2000. Controls on the distribution of surge-type glaciers in Svalbard. Journal of Glaciology 46 (154), 412-422.

- Jiskoot, H, P Boyle & T Murray, 1998. The incidence of glacier surging in Svalbard: results from multivariate statistics. Computers and Geosciences 24 (4), 387-399.

- Atkinson, PM, H Jiskoot, P Massari & T Murray, 1998. Generalised linear modelling in geomorphology. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms. 23 (13), 1185-1195.

- van der Meer, JJM, F van Tatenhove, H Jiskoot, JM Schoorl & E Oosterbaan, 1992. Smeltende ijskappen, hogere dijken. Geografie 5, 40-43.
- Jiskoot, H, 1999. Characteristics of surge-type glaciers. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Leeds, UK, 262 pp.

- Jiskoot, H & JM Schoorl, 1992. Description and interpretation of the (peri)-glacial morphology of the Manîtsoq and Isúngua area, Søndre Strømfjord, Greenland. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, University of Amsterdam, NL, 72 pp + map.