- Jiskoot, H, 2009. For Dan Smith and others who detected this rockslide on Google Earth. Abstracts WDCAG- 2009, Nanaimo, BC, 5-7 March.
- Jiskoot, H, & D Juhlin. 2009. The 20.01-2007 East Greenland valley glacier surge and its implications for surge mechanisms. Extended abstracts IASC-NAG workshop and GLACIODYN (IPY) meeting, Kananaskis Research Station, AB, Canada, 16-19 February.
- Jiskoot , H, DL Tessler & KE Pigeon, 2008. Trends in Snow and Ice at the Head of the Oldman River Basin. Oldman River Basin Research Forum, UofL, 28 Oct 08, Oldman Watershed Council. LINK
- Jiskoot, H & C Curran, 2008. Calculating glacier change in the Clemenceau Icefield Group, Canadian Rocky Mountains. Annual CGU Meeting, 18-21 May 08, Banff, AB, Canada, 95.
- Jiskoot, H & R Caruso, 2008. Analogue modelling of flow obstructions in valley glaciers. Annual CGU Meeting, 18-21 May 08, Banff, AB, Canada, 94-95.
- Jiskoot, H, C Curran & L Shenton, 2008. Hypsometry, geodetic ELAs, and snowlines of Clemenceau Icefield Group glaciers, Canadian Rocky Mountains. Abstracts WDCAG-2008, 6-8 March 08, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, 25-26.
- Jiskoot, H, 2007. Seismic and glaciological implications of the 2001 Tsar Mountain rockslide on a Clemenceau Icefield Group cirque glacier, BC, Canada. Eos Trans AGU 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl, Abstract C41A-0046.
- Jiskoot, H & K Pigeon, 2007. Meteorological controls on snowpack properties at Castle Mountain Resort, Canadian Rocky Mountains. WDCAG-2007, Conference Abstracts, UCFV, 9-10 March 07.
- Darling, S & H Jiskoot, 2007. Tributary-trunk glacier interaction classification in the St Elias Mountains, Yukon Territory, from satellite imagery. WDCAG-2007, Conference Abstracts, UCFV, March 9-10. See CGRG Recent Publication List No. 540, 4 March 07. LINK
- Caruso, R & H Jiskoot, 2006. Analogue modelling of flow constrictions in valley glaciers. WDCAG 2006 -Conference Abstracts, Thompson Rivers University, 10-11 March 06, 5. See CGRG Recent Publication List No. 481, 13 March 2006,
- Jiskoot, H, R Caruso, A Minke & K Pigeon, 2005. Glaciological measurements and tributary-trunk interaction in 2004-2005 on Shackleton Glacier, Clemenceau Icefield, Canadian Rocky Mountains. Eos Trans AGU 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl, Abstract C51B-0288.
- Murray, T, A Luckman, S Barr, H Jiskoot & CJ Crauford, 2004. Dynamic thinning of two outlet glaciers in Arctic East Greenland. International Symposium on Arctic Glaciology, Geilo, Norway, 23-27 Aug 04.
- Jiskoot, H, 2003. List of glacier inventories and world map. Glaciological Data Report GD-32: Snow Watch 2002 Workshop & Workshop on Assessing Global Glacier Recession, 91-99.
- Hall, D, G Scharfen, B Raup, M Bishop, H Jiskoot, A Arendt, B Manley, G Lorenzin, F Bown, SJ Singh Khalsa, B Molnia, H Pranger, T Khromova & K Steffen, 2003: Working Group 3: Glacier mapping. Workshop on Assessing Global Glacier Recession, NSIDC Glac. Data GD-32, 44-47.
- Jiskoot, H & SJ Marshall, 2003. Hypsometry of the Greenland Ice Sheet Margin, Eos Trans AGU 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl, Abstract C11C-0820.
- Jiskoot, H & SJ Marshall, 2002. Discrepancies between Greenland ice sheet model outputs and observations of margin topography and calving. 28th Annual CGU Meeting, 18-21 May 02, Banff, AB, Canada.
- Jiskoot, H, A Luckman & T Murray, 2002. Controls on surging in East Greenland derived from a new glacier inventory. NSIDC Report GD-30, p. 62-63.
- Murray, T, A Luckman, T Strozzi & H Jiskoot, 2002. Ice dynamics during Svalbard surges using Satellite Radar Interferometry. NSIDC Report GD-30, p. 71.
- Jiskoot, H, A Luckman & T Murray, 2001. Controls on surging in East Greenland derived from a new glacier inventory. AGU Fall Meeting, December 10-14, 2001. Supplement to Eos Transactions, AGU 82 (47).
- Murray, T, A Luckman, T Strozzi & H Jiskoot, 2001. Ice dynamics during Svalbard surges using Satellite Radar Interferometry. AGU Fall Meeting, December 10-14, 2001. Suppl. to Eos Transactions, AGU 82 (47).
- Jiskoot, H & T Murray, 2000. Boundary conditions for glacier surging in East Greenland. AGU Fall Meeting, December 15-19, 2000. Suppl. to Eos Transactions, AGU 81 (48).
- Jiskoot, H, AK Pedersen & T Murray, 1999. Characteristics of the 1990s surge of Sortebræ, East Greenland, analysed with multi-model photogrammetry. AGU Fall Meeting, December 13-17, 1999. Suppl. to Eos Transactions, AGU 80 (46).
- Jiskoot, H, T Murray & P Boyle, 1997. Factors controlling glacier surging: probability and residual analysis of a glacier population in Svalbard, High Arctic. AGU Fall Meeting, December 8-12, 1997. Suppl. to Eos Transactions, AGU 78 (46).
- Jiskoot, H, P Boyle & T Murray, 1997. Statistical modelling of the incidence of glacier surging in Svalbard. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on GeoComputation, 17-19 Sept 1996. Vol. II, 454-467.
- Jiskoot, H & J Oerlemans, 1994. A model study of the Greenland Ice Sheet in an East-West transect. Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Open File Series 94/13, 60-62.