PUBLICATIONS (since 1999):


Since my post-doc, I have finished 36 refereed publications, 1 single-author book, 4 book chapters, 2 jury-selected artworks’ exhibition, 11 invited/keynote presentations, 29 conference podium presentations and 12 conference poster presentations. The journal publications cover all three categories listed by ISI Web of KnowledgeSM: Science Citation Index (SCI), Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI). Details are as follows:


Articles in refereed journals

Shan, G.B. (in press) Influences of Gender and Experience on the Maximal Instep Soccer Kick. European Journal of Sport Science.

Shan, G.B., Visentin, P., & Harnett, T. (in press). A Novel Use of 3-D Motion Capture: Creating Conceptual Links between Technology and Representation of Human Gesture in the Visual Arts. Leonardo Journal.

Shan, J., Fu, Y. Dunn, B. & Shan, G.B. (in press). A Novel Measurement System for Quantitative Assessment of Age related Sensori-motor Degradation. Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications.

Betzler, N., Wallace, E., & Shan, G.B. (in press). From the double pendulum model to full-body simulation: the evolution of golf swing modelling. Sports Technology.

Yuan, J., Fu, Y., Zhang, R., Li, X. & Shan, G.B. (in press). Reliability and the Sensitivity of Indices Related to Cardiovascular Fitness Evaluation. Kinesiology.

Shan, G.B. (2008). Biomechanical Evaluation of Bike Power Saver. Applied Ergonomics, 39(1):37-45.

Shan, G.B. (2008). Sport Equipment Evaluation and Optimization – A Review of the Relationship between Sport Science Research and Engineering. The Open Sports Sciences Journal. 1:5-11.

Shan, G.B., Betzler, N., & Dunn, B. (2008). The Influences of Motor Control Adaptation and/or Human-Equipment Interaction on Issues Related to Golf-Club Design and Optimization. The Ergonomics Open journal. 1(1):27-33.

Shan, G.B. (2008). Signatures of Human Movements: Understand Gestural Content Using Motion Capture Trajectories. Journal of Creative Work, 2(1): 3_1-5.

Visentin, P., Shan, G.B., & Wasiak, E. (2008). Informing Music Teaching and Learning Using Movement Analysis Technology. International Journal of Music Education, 26(1): 71-85.

Shan, G.B., Visentin, P., Wooldridge, L., Wang, C. & Connolly, D. (2007).  A Frequency-based Characterization of Spiccato Bowing in Violin Performance. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 105:1027-1051.

Dunn, B., Bocksnick, J., Hagen, B., Fu, Y., Li, X. Yuan, J., & Shan, G.B. (2007). Senior Balance: Exercise Influence on Motor Control Response in a Dynamic Environment. Research in Sports Medicine, in press.

Shan, G.B., Wilde, B., Wooldridge, L., & Bohn, C. (2006). Comparaison 3D Entre le Grand Jeté en Danse et L’Axe Kick en Taekwondo: Évaluation du Risque par Modélisation Bioméchanique. Médecine des Arts, 53: 8-13.

Bohn, C., Shan, G.B. and Nicol K. (2006). Auftretende Belastungen beim Laufsport mit Alltagsprothesen Loadings During Running with Above-Knee Prosthesis. Orthopädie-Technik, 4/06:250-55.

Betzler, N., Hofmann, M., Shan, G.B., & Witte, K. (2006). Biomechanical Modelling of a Golf Swing by Means of the Multibody-Kinetics Software “ADAMS”. International Journal of Computer Science in Sport, 5(2): 52-55.

Shan, G.B. (2005). Comparison of Repetitive Movements between Ballet Dancers and Martial Artists – Risk Assessment of Muscle Overuse Injuries and Prevention Strategies. Research in Sports Medicine, 13(1): 63-76.

Shan, G.B., Daniels, D., Wang, C. Wutzke, C., & Lemire, G. (2005). Biomechanical Analysis of Maximal Instep Kick by Female Soccer Players. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 49: 149-168.

Shan, G.B., Visentin, P., & Iltis, P. (2005). Utility of EMG as a means to quantify activity levels in small muscles. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 20(2): 111-112.

Shan, G.B., & Westerhoff, P. (2005). Full-body kinematic characteristics of the maximal instep soccer kick by male soccer players and parameters related to kick quality. Sports Biomechanics, 4(1): 59-72.

Shan, G.B. (2005). Content Validity, Criterion Validity and Generalization of Anthropometric Studies. Applied Ergonomics, 36(1): 121-122.

Shan, G.B., & Visentin, P. (2004). Multi-dimensional Signal Analysis as a means of better understanding factors associated with repetitive use in violin performance. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 19(3): 129-139.

Shan, G.B., Wu, G., & Haugh, L. (2004). A method to determine the interdependent relationships between biomechanical variables in Artificial Neural Network models: the case of lower extremity muscle activity and body sway. Neurocomputing, 61: 241-258.

Shan, G.B., Daniels, D., & Gu, R. (2004). Artificial Neural Networks and Center-of-Pressure Modeling:  A Practical Method for Sensori-motor Degradation Assessment. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 11: 79-93.

Shan, G.B., Sust, M., Simard, S., Bohn, C., & Nicol, K. (2004). How can dynamic rigid-body modeling be helpful in motor learning? – Diagnosing performance using dynamic modeling. Kinesiology, 36(1): 5-14.

Shan, G.B., Bohn, C., Sust, M.,& Nicol, K. (2004). How can dynamic rigid-body modeling be helpful in motor learning? – Learning performance through dynamic modeling. Kinesiology, 36(2): 182-191.

Visentin, P., & Shan, G.B. (2004) An innovative approach to understand overuse injuries: biomechanical modeling as a platform to integrate information obtained from various analytical tools. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 19(2): 96-102.

Shan, G.B., & Wilde, B. (2003) The Selection of Pretest States and Parameters in Identifying the Age Effect through the Center of Pressure Measurement. Research in Sports Medicine, 11: 187-201.

Shan, G.B., & Bohn, C. (2003) Anthropometrical Data and Coefficients of Regression Related to Gender and Race. Applied Ergonomics, 34(4): 327-337.

Shan, G.B., & Visentin, P. (2003) A quantitative three-dimensional analysis of arm kinematics in violin performance. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 18(1): 3-10.

Visentin, P., & Shan, G.B. (2003) The kinetic characteristics of the bow arm during violin performance; an examination of internal loads as a function of tempo. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 18(3):91-97.

Sust, M., Shan, G.B., Korban, S., & Nicol, K. (2003). Methode zur Trennung von muskulär und nichtmuskulär verursachten Drehmomentanteilen am Beispiel eines einfachen Trampolin-sprunges. Spectrum der Sportwissenschaten, 15(2), 34-59.

Bohn, C., Shan, G.B., Korff, T., & Nicol, K. (2003). Laufen mit Obershenkelprothesen im Alltag – sinnvoll order shaedlich? Schriften der Deutschen Vereinigung fuer Sportwissenschaft, Band 135, 64-66.

Bohn, C., Shan, G.B., & Nicol, K. (2000). Running with an above knee prosthesis – a biomechanical comparison of different trials. in: Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (Suppl.), Volume 37, Suppl. 2, 812 - 813.

Shan, G.B., Peikenkamp, K., Bohn, C., Sust, M., & Nicol, K. (2000). Die Bestimmung der Relevanten Aspekte des Bewegungslernens durch Modellierung. Schriften der Deutschen Vereinigung fuer Sportwissenschaft, Band 115, 149-154

Bohn, C., Shan, G.B., Attermeyer, R., & Nicol, K. (1999). Biomechanische Untersuchungen des Sprints zur individuellen Technikverbesserung. Schriften der Deutschen Vereinigung fuer Sportwissenschaft, Band 105, 89-93.




Shan, G.B. (1999), Ein biomechanisches Modell auf Basis von individuellen anthropometrischen Daten fuer das Bewegungslernen der Flugphasen bei sportlichen Bewegungsablaeufen (A biomechanical model for motor learning of air-borne phases based on individual anthropometric data). 183 pages, Müster:Lit, ISBN 3-8258-4274-6



Book Chapters:

Betzler, N., Shan, G.B. ,  Witte, K. (2007). Quantifying the Influence of Different Golf Club Designs on the Biomechanical Characteristics of Golf Swings through 3D Motion Capture and Biomechanical Modeling. In: Witte, K. (Hrsg.). Neue Technologien im Sport.  In press

Betzler, N., Shan, G.B., Witte, K. (2006). Technikanalyse von Golfabschlägen mit Hilfe einer drei-dimensionalen Kinemetrie und Bodenreaktions-kraftmessung, 347 – 356. In: Witte, K.; Edelmann-Nusser, J.; Sabo, A.; Moritz, EF (Hrsg.). Sporttechnologie zwischen Theorie und Praxis IV. (written in German), Aachen: Shaker Verlag, ISBN 3-8322-4792-0.

Bohn, C., Shan, G.B., Schaper, H., Korff, T., Nicol, K. (2001). Entwicklung einer Beinprothese für den leichtathletischen Lauf. 207 – 210. In: 2001 Jahrbuch des Bisp (Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft/Deutschland).  2001 year-book of German federal institute of sport science.

Bohn, C., Shan, G.B., Attermeyer, R., Nicol, K. (1999). Is It Feasible to Use an Everyday Above-knee Prostheses in Mass Sport? A motion analysis, 235 – 244. In: Doll-Tepper, G., Kröner, M., Sonnenschein, W. (Eds.). New horizons in sport for athletes with disability. Aachen: Meyer & Meyer.



Jury-selected Art-works Digital'07: Pattern-Finding International Competition

The following art works were selected by the Jurors of the 9th International Digital Print Open Competition/Exhibition at the New York Hall of Science in New York City/USA (Exhibition: October 6, 2007 – January 27, 2008)

Shan, G.B. (2007). The signature of Indian Dance – elements of architectural symmetry, balance, regularity and consistency of movement.

Shan, G.B. (2007). The signature of a powerful Tae Kwon Do side kick (top view).

The same artworks were also exhibited from February 13 to March 10, 2008 in the Babbio Center Atrium and DeBaun Auditorium at Stevens Institute of Technology (Founded in 1870 in Hoboken, New Jersey/USA).  



Invited Presentations

Visentin, P. & Shan, G.B. (2009) Keynote Lecture: Informing Music Teaching & Learning Using Movement Analysis Technology: A Challenge to Traditional Practice. The Art of Teaching Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Shan, G.B. (2007) Sport Biomechanics Research and School P.E., Department of Physical Education, Luoyang Normal University, Luoyang, China.

Shan, G.B. (2006) Causes of Musicians' Musculoskeletal Disorder Revealed by 3D Motion Capture & Biomechanical Modeling. Medical School, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China.

Shan, G.B. (2006) Issues Related to Body Overuse in Competition Environments — Reasons, Problems and Solutions. Medical School, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China.

Shan, G.B. (2006) Keynote Lecture: Health, School P.E., and Research in the Canadian Context. 19th Chinese Physical Education Research Meeting, Luoyang, China.

Shan, G.B. and Visentin, P. (2005) Biomechanical Analysis of Violin Techniques. Shandong Philharmonic Orchestra, China

Shan, G.B. (2004) Biomechanics in Motor Learning. Department of Sport Engineering, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Germany.

Shan, G.B. (2004) Injuries caused by repetitive use. Department of Sport Engineering, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Germany.

Shan, G.B. (2003) The Application of Biomechanics in the Prevention of Classic, Occupational Muscle Illness – Overuse Syndrome. The VIP Scientific Forum of the International IPSI-2003 (Internet, Processing, Systems, Interdisciplinaries) Conference, Montenegro.
Shan, G.B. and Visentin, P. (2003) 3-D analysis and demonstration of motion capture of Classical South Indian Dance (sessions 1 & 2). The Beauty of Collaboration: Methods, Manners and Aesthetics, Banff, AB Canada.

Shan, G.B. (1999) Construction of Airborne Movements and Model Approaches for Learning. Department of Physical Therapy, University of Vermont, USA.



Refereed conference proceedings

Podium presentations:

Shan, G.B. (2008). Quantitative Evaluation of Three Soccer Kicking Techniques Using Full Body 3D Model. 2008 International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport. Guangzhou, China.

Shan, G.B. (2008). The Characteristics of Bicycle Kick and Side Volley Revealed by 3D Motion Capture and Full Body Biomechanical Modeling. 8th World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport. Magdeburg, Germany.

Betzler, N., Brown, S., Wallace, E., Otto, S. & Shan, G.B. (2008). Effect of 6-Iron Club Properties on Thorax and Pelvis Rotation at Key Events of the Golf Swing. The World Scientific Congress of Golf V. Phoenix, AZ, USA.

Visentin, P., Wasiak, E., & Shan, G.B. (2008). Movement Analysis Technology as a Means to Inform the Teaching and Learning of Motor Skills in Violin Performance. ISME 2008 World Conference. Bologna, Italy.

Betzler, N., Shan, G.B., Witte, K. (2007). The Influence of Different Golf Club Designs in Skilled Golfers. Asia-Pacific Congress on Sports Technology. Singapore (winner of Young Investigator Award)

Dunn, B.,  Bocksnick, J., Hagen, B. & Shan, G.B. (2007). Senior Balance: Exercise Influence on Motor Control Response in a Dynamic Environment. XXIth Congress of International Society of Biomechanics. Taibei, Taiwan

Shan, G.B. (2006). Informing Sports Practitioners through Biomechanical Modeling. 11th Congress of Chinese Sports Biomechnaics, Chengdu,  China

Li, X., Dunn, B., Betzler, N., Shan, G.B. (2006). Golfer-club interaction during swing and its influences on motor control strategies employed by advanced golfers. 24th International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS), Saltzburg, Austria

Betzler, N., Hoffman, M., Shan, G.B., Witte, K. (2006). Biomechanische Modellierung des Golfschwunges mit der Mehrkörpersimulationssoftware MSC.AdamsTM. 6th Tagung der dvs-Sektion Sportinformatik. Magdeburg, Germany

Shan, G.B., Wang, C., & Bohn, C. (2005). The characteristics of female soccer kicking revealed by 3D kinematics and electromyography. 23rd International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS), Beijing, China

Visentin, P., & Shan, G.B.  (2005). Bridge the gap between theory, science and the performers’ perceptual experience. 23rd Annual Symposium on Medical Problems of Musicians & Dancers (MPMD), Aspen, Colorado, USA

Betzler, N., Shan, G.B., & Witte, K. (2005) Koordination des Golfabschlagers. 5th divers (der deutschen interdisziplinären Vereinigung für Sporttechnologie) –Workshop, Wien, Austria

Visentin, P., Shan, G.B., & Wasiak, E. (2005) Movement Analysis Technology and Biomechanical Modelling. West Grid Summit, Banff, AB, Canada

Visentin, P., Shan, G.B., & Wooldridge L. (2004) Quantitative Biomechanical Modeling & Motor Learning Models - Two means to inform violin pedagogy. Annual Conference of Canadian Music Association, Lethbridge, Canada

Visentin, P., Shan, G.B., & Wooldridge L. (2004) EMG and kinematic examination of control patterns in violinists' the left arms during shifting. 22nd MPMD Symposium, Aspen, Colorado, USA

Bohn, C., Shan, G.B., & Nicol K. (2004). Auftretende Belastungen beim Laufsport mit Alltagsprothesen. Kongress der Orthopädiete & Rehatechnik, Leipzig, Germany

Shan, G.B, Visentin, P., & Brandie Wilde (2003) Static Load vs. Dynamic Load - A comparison of left and right shoulder load during violin performance. 21st MPMD Symposium, Aspen, Colorado, USA

Visentin, P., & Shan, G.B. (2003) The influence of bowing techniques and bowing speed on the internal load during violin performance. 21st MPMD Symposium, Aspen, Colorado, USA

Visentin, P., & Shan, G. (2003). Biomechanical characteristics of violin performance and their links to Repetitive Strain Injuries. International Arts conference “The Beauty of Collaboration”, Banff Centre, Canada

Bohn, C., Shan, G.B., Korff, T., Schaper, H., & Nicol K. (2002). Swing phase reduction in above-knee amputee running. IVth World Biomechanics Congress, Calgary, Canada

Shan, G.B., Bohn, C., & Wu, G. (2001). The Sensori-motor Degeneration Revealed by COP Measurement – A Pilot Study of Developing a Quantitative Method. XIXth ISBS Symposium, 359-362, San Francisco, USA

Shan, G.B., & Wu, G. (2001). The Quantitative Determination of Sensori-motor Relation by Artificial Neural Network. XVIIIth Congress of International Society of Biomechanics (ISB), 38, Zuerich, Switzerland

Shan, G.B., & Wu, G. (2001). The Characteristics of Sensori-motor Degeneration Related to Age. XVIIIth Congress of ISB, 38-39, Zuerich, Switzerland

Bohn, C., Korff, T., Shan, G.B., & Nicol K. (2001). Sprint Start Technique in Above-Knee Amputee Running. 6th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science – 15th Congress of the German Society of Sport Science, 227, Cologne, Germany

Shan, G.B., & Wu, G. (2000). The Use of Weights in Artificial Neural Network for Studying Human Postural Control ¾ Theoretical Considerations. 24th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics  (ASB), 271-272, Chicago, USA

Wu, G., & Shan, G.B. (2000). The Use of Weights in Artificial Neural Network for Studying Human Postural Control ¾ Quantifying Center of Pressure and Leg Muscle Relations during Quiet Stance in the Young and Aged. 24th Meeting of ASB, 219-220

Nicol, K., Bohn, C., Shan, G.B., & Korff, T. (2000). How to improve the individual running technique of above knee amputee sprinters – a biomechanical comparison. in: 5th Scientific congress Paralympic Games Sydney 2000, abstract book, 31

Bohn, C., Shan, G.B., Attermeyer R., & Nicol, K. (2000). The possibility to overload biological structures by using common above-knee prostheses for running - a biomechanical comparison of different trials. 12th Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics, 378, Dublin.

Shan, G.B., Korban, S., Sust M., & Nicol, K. (1999). Construction of Airborne Movement and Model Approach for Learning. 17th ISBS, 189-192, Perth, Australia


Poster Presentations

Yuan, J., Shan, G.B. & Zhang, R. (2008). Comparison of the Reliability and the Sensitivity of Indices Related to Cardiovascular Fitness Evaluation. 2008 International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport. Guangzhou, China.

Li, X., Visentin, P., Yuan, J. & Shan, G.B. (2007). The Risk of Static Load during Violin Performance. 6th International Scientific Conference on Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders – PREMUS 2007, Boston, USA.

Betzler, B., Li, X., Shan, G.B. & Witte, K. (2007). Validation and Application of a Full-body Model of a Golfer Swinging Two Different Drivers and Irons. 6th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport, Calgary, Canada

Betzler, N., Kratzenstein, S., Schweizer, F.,  Witte, K., Shan, G.B. (2006). 3D Motion Analysis of Golf Swings. 9th Symposium on 3D analysis of Human Movement. Valenciennes, France

Wooldridge L., Visentin, P., & Shan, G.B. (2005) Kinetic evaluation of right shoulder and elbow during spiccato technique violin bowling. XXth Congress of ISB, Cleveland, USA

Visentin, P., & Shan, G.B. (2002) The internal load characteristics during violin performance. IVth World Biomechanics Congress (WBC), Calgary, Canada

Wilde, B., & Shan, G.B. (2002) The selection of parameters and pre-test states in identifying the age effects through the center of pressure (COP) measurement. IVth WBC, Calgary

Bohn, C., Shan, G.B., Korff, T., & Nicol, K. (2001). Improving the Individual Running Technique of Above Knee Amputee Springers by Using Computer Simulations. XVIIIth Congress of ISB, 60, Zuerich, Switzerland

Shan, G.B., Peikenkamp, K., Sust, M., & Nicol, K. (1999). Anthropometrical Differences between Chinese and Germans and Their Influences on the Airborne Movement. XVIIth Congress of ISB, 778, Calgary, Canada

Shan, G.B., Bohn, C., Natrup, J., Sust, M., & Nicol, K. (1999). The Meaning of the Passive Movement for the Motor Learning. ISB XVIIth Congress, 841, Calgary, Canada

Shan, G.B., Peikenkamp, K., Bohn, C., Sust, M., & Nicol, K. (1999) Die Bestimmung der Aspekte des Bewegungslernens durch Modellierung. Apparative Biomechanik, Münster. Abstract-Band, 55

Bohn, C., Shan, G.B., Attermeyer, R., & Nicol, K. (1999). Is it feasible to use an everyday above knee prosthesis in mass sport – a motion analysis. Int. Conf. VISTA ’99, Köln, 39.

Shan, G.B., & Nicol, K (1998). The Anthropometrical Differences between Chinese and Germans. 16th Symposium of ISBS, 582-585, Konstanz, Germany