Motor behavior:                  

- Learning of "air-borne" movement with the help of muscle moment information

- Age-related Balancing

- Quantitatively determining the relation among sensory inputs, central nervous system (CNS) control and joint torque by using biomechanical modeling and artificial neural network (ANN) modeling

Modeling, simulation:

- Model of "air-borne" movement

- Model of weightlifting

- Model of diving board

Performance analysis:

- Soccer kicking

- Golf swing

- Running with leg prosthesis

- Landing of different movements

- Bicycle

- Martial Arts

- Volleyball

- Trampoline

- Shot Put

- Violin performance

- Dancing (Ballet, Indian dance)

- Musical conducting

Equipment design:

- Developed a new measurement for obtaining anthropometrical Data

- Perturbation platform for balancing ability test

- Bidirectional pedaling bicycle

- Device for preventing hip fracture during fall among seniors 

- Developed a 3D pressure distribution platform

Biomechanical load:

- Comfort research on seats and mattress

- Bone and muscle load during movement

- Shock-absorption in shoes

- The influence of Area-Elastic Surfaces on landing movements


- An anthropometrical research with 100 subjects

- Statistical analysis of anthropometry of different races and genders

- Built an anthropometrical data bank for individual data estimation from body weight (BW) and body height (BH)


- The influence of micro-climate of different auto-seats on driving concentration.

- The time-dependent tiring process by driving different autos under different road conditions




Course Descriptions

