Grants, Awards & Scholarships:

- Research Grant of NSERC (National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada), 2008-2013

- Research Grant of Sport Science Association of Alberta (2008-2009)

- Research Grant of SAIPN (Southern Alberta Intellectual Property Network/Canada), 2007 – 2008

- Research Grant of NSERC, 2005-2008

- Research Grant of Sport Science Association of Alberta (2003-2006)                                                             

- University of Lethbridge Research Fund (2001 & 2004)                                              

- Research Fund of Ministry of Education and Research/Federal Republic of Germany (2001-2003)     

- Research Fund of Alberta Foundation for the Art (2002)                                                                     

- Research Excellent Envelop / Alberta Government (2002):                                                                             

- Infrastructure Renewal Envelope / Alberta Government (2001)                                  

- University of Lethbridge Teaching Fund (2000)  

- PostDoc Research Grant of National Institute of Health, USA. (1999-2000)

- Ph.D. Fellowship of the University of Muenster, Germany, (1994-1998)

- Prize of Innovation Muensterland for Science and Economics, Germany (1993)

- DAAD (German Academical Exchange Service) Scholarship (1989-1990)

- Chinese Scholarship for Scientific Visiting in West-Germany (1988-1989)

- Second prize winner in Shandong Junior Math Competition 1978


International Organization Committee Members:

- International Member of PhD Supervising Committee, Medical School, Shandong University, China (2008 – today)

- Member of Scientific Committee for the 8th World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport (2008)

Member of the jury for Young Poster Award

Section Chair (soccer)

- Member of the Editorial Board of The Open Sports Sciences Journal (2008 - today)

- Member of Editorial Advisory Board of The Open Ergonomics Journal (2007 - today)

- Member of Editorial Review Board of Scientific Journals International (2007 - today)

- Member of International Program Committee for the 2nd - 4th IASTED (International Association of Science and Technology for Development) international Conference on Biomechanics (2005 - 2007)

   Organizing a special session – Arts Biomechanics & Overuse Syndrome in Performance Artists – in 2nd IASTED conference (2005)

- Scientific Committee Member of XXIIIth International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports, Beijing/China (2005)

- International Council Member of Qatar Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Hospital (2005 – today)

- Section Chair (Models & Analysis) at the Conference of International Society of Biomechanics (2001)

- From May 1997 to June 1998: part time working in German Basketball Association for organizing

19th Albert-Schweitzer-Turnier of Junior Basketball (international, every two years), April, 1998, and

13th World Women’s Basketball Championship (every four years), May-June, 1998


Scientific Review Experience (2002 – 2008):

For Peer-reviewed Journals (26 times)

- Review for Sports Biomechanics: 3 times.

- Review for Journal of Biomechanics: 3 times.

- Review for Research in Sports Medicine: 4 times.

- Review for IPSI Transactions on Advanced Research: 4 times.

- Reviewer for Kinesiology: 2 times.

- Review for Applied Ergonomics: 2 times.

- Review for Perceptual and Motor Skills: 1 time.

- Review for Scientific Journals International: 1 time.

- Review for The Ergonomics Open Journal: 1 time.

- Review for British Journal of Sports Medicine: 1 time.

- Review for The Open Sports Sciences Journal: 1 time.

- Review for Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: 1 time.

- Review for Collegium Antropologicum: 1 time

For International Conferences

- Review for XXIII International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports: 13 papers.

- Review for the2nd - 4th IASTED international Conference on Biomechanics: 8 papers.


LANGUAGES: Chinese, German and English




Course Descriptions


Research Areas