Past Web Spaces

I installed a new CMS in 2006 to handle my professional web space.
All URL used on my web space are still operative: I have not changed any pages published to my site before the launch of the new system. You can also still access my old web space directly.
** 2004-2006:
** Pre-2004:
If you discover any problems or have any questions, please let me know.

Comment [1]
Il Magnifico/El Magnifico (Sat Oct 15, 2016 (13:26:12)) [PermLink]: Hello Professor (customized pronoun, or title?)
Il Magnifico enjoyed ze Grammar column in the Globe and Mail today, particularly ey reference to His Majesty at ze University of Michigan.
The Formerly Honourable has limited ey use of customized titles and pronouns, almost exclusively, to communications with family and close friends, because even zie consider Il and El pompous, if not grandiose.
The Formerly Honourable Tom Perry
(also Il Magnifico or El Magnifico depending on ze day and ey language)
Vancouverconfused yet?