Daley Train Log
Page 88
Today was definitely a train day.
I managed to make a quick stop at "Trains and Such" in Calgary to pick up some weights for my light cars. Done. I was also hoping to buy some wheel stops for some of my spur sidings but they were out of these. I then did a quick browse of the rolling stock cars and found 2 that I liked:
Both of these kits are fully assembled (almost all kits are now like this) and both cars are appropriate for hauling coal in the 1950's. They will help with my 1950's rolling stock now that I have removed all of my modern cars from the layout.
I then went over to the fellow who was going to install the two Loksound decoders in two of my 1950's era diesels. This turned out to be far more complicated that I had imagined. I thoroughly enjoyed watching him, but I am going to start slowly on trying to do this myself. It took about 2 hours to do the "difficult" one and one hour for the more "typical" one.
In addition to incredible sound, both locomotives have forward and reversing lights. That is, when the locomotive is moving only the appropriate light is on. These are the first locomotives that I have seen with this feature. Both locomotives move very smoothly at very slow speeds, indicating that the motors are in excellent condition.
I now have three diesel locomotives that are wired for DCC. All are suitable for my 1950's layout. CN 7985 will remain in the Coaldale yard and perform yard switching duties. CN 1706 will take out my local and way freight trains and CN 6700 will handle through freights and passenger trains. With DCC I can have all three locomotives moving at the same time. That will give new meaning to the term multitasking.
When I arrived back in Lethbridge, I noticed that my Ship It! program had arrived via email. Now to install it, replacing my free trial version, and I am ready for some serious fun.