Daley Train Log
Page 34
A good beginning. Start the day with a few thoughts about what should be done today. I will visit the Model Baron hobby store and see if the latest issue of Canadian Railway Modeller is in. I am looking forward to an article on building operational HO switch stands. I will also try to buy the missing issues of volume 15. Reading these should help bring me up to date on recent developments in the hobby.
I need to do some web searching about information on installing DCC coders in locomotives. I also need to find information on programming these decoders. This will be the major activity during the next few months.
I should also visit Trains and Such in Calgary and see what is new.
I have just reviewed the True Lines Platinum production of the Mountain 4-8-4 steam locomotives. Tempting.
There is always something new. There are also new releases of some early CN box cars and cabooses.
The software program Ship It! ( http://www.albionsoftware.com/html/sample_layout.html ) looks very good.
I am back from a trip to Model Baron where I bought the missing issues of vol. 15 of Canadian Railway Modeller as well as the first issue of vol. 16 (I already have purchased the second issue). I am still waiting for the third issue to be published. I also bought the latest issue of Branchline (September 2008) and vol. 14 #3 of CN Lines.
Two thoughts occur to me. One is to set up a web page with a table that shows the money that I spend on this hobby. I suspect this will be a bit sobering. The second thought is to try to capture some of the important points from each issue.
Let's play with the latter idea for a moment. Here is the format I use on my Daley Journals web site:
Tags: rapido, CPR history, CN GMD1, GE ES44DC
I have enjoyed making the above notes. I think I am on the right track.
Now lets make a quick table that might be used to keep track of expenses.
Date |
Description |
locos |
cars |
scenery |
supplies | Books | Totals |
2008.09.02 | Magazines | 34.35 |
34.35 |