October |
Congratulations to Stacey and Briana for being featured on Uleth stories about their involvement with the EDI chemistry club! https://stories.ulethbridge.ca/acid-base-creates-a-safe-place-for-marginalized-groups-in-chemistry/
Congratulations to Stacey for being featured on Uleth stories about establishing three chemistry clubs to provide support and safe spaces! https://stories.ulethbridge.ca/professor-stacey-wetmore/
September |
Congratulations to Bimaldeep for winning presentation award at the 104th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE), 51st IUPAC General Assembly and 48th World Chemistry Congress sponsored by ChemGenes Corporation!
Congratulations to Bhadra for winning presentation award at the 104th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE), 51st IUPAC General Assembly and 48th World Chemistry Congress sponsored by Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Society!
The group welcomes Mark, Melanie, Pardeepak, McKenzie and Sarah to the lab as undergraduate researchers for the Fall 2021.
August |
Preethi, James, Rajwinder, Briana, Dylan, Makay, Nathania, Bimaldeep Rebecca, Bhadra, Mark and Trinity delivered poster presentations at the 104th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE), 51st IUPAC General Assembly and 48th World Chemistry Congress
Cynthia, Ryan and Stacey delivered oral presentations at the 104th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE), 51st IUPAC General Assembly and 48th World Chemistry Congress
Congratulations to Bhadra and Trinity for being featured on Uleth stories about their summer research! https://stories.ulethbridge.ca/undergraduate-research-profile-bhadra-pandya/ https://stories.ulethbridge.ca/undergraduate-research-profile-trinity-deak/
July |
Congratulations to Briana and Rebecca on their publication in the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation!
Preethi, James, Rajwinder, Briana, Makay, Dylan, Prakash, Nathania, Bimaldeep and Rebecca presented at the Virtual Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry in Canada (VSTC^3)
The group welcomes Zaki as HYRS student in the Wetmore lab.
June |
Congratulations to Mark and Trinity for being featured on Uleth stories about their research! https://stories.ulethbridge.ca/undergraduate-research-profile-mark-lea/ https://stories.ulethbridge.ca/hyrs-trinity-deak/
Congratulations to Katie for being featured on Uleth alumni stories!
May |
Congratulations to Stacey for honoured with 2021 University of Lethbridge Speaker Research Award!
Congratulations to Stacey for becoming a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry!
Congratulations to Dylan for receiving an NSERC CGS-D award!
Congratulations to Bhadra, Trinity and Mark for receiving NSERC USRAs!
Congratulations to Bhadra for winning 1st place in the URSCA 2021 Chemistry section!
Congratulations to Trinity for winning an NSERC RNA Innovation trainee award at the undergraduate level!
The group welcomes Brooklyn who will be completing Independent Studies project.
April |
Congratulations to Ryan, Nathania, Trinity and Cassidy on their new publication in the Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling!
Congratulations to Priya, Makay, Craig and Katie on their new publication in the Chemical Research in Toxicology!
March |
Congratulations to Dylan for receiving a Alberta Innovates - Data Enabled Innovation scholarship to support his M.Sc. studies!
Rajwinder, Rebecca, Briana, Dylan, Prakash, Cynthia, Nathania and Makay presented at the 15th annual Meeting of the Minds conference.
Makay, Nathania, Bimaldeep and Rebecca presented at the Three Minute Thesis (3MT).
Stacey presented the group's work at the Mount Allison University and the University of Prince Edward Island.
February |
Congratulations to Rajwinder for receiving a Alberta Innovates - Technology Futures scholarship to support her Ph.D. studies!
Preethi presented on post-transcriptional modifications at the BioNet seminar.
Makay presented on DNA aptamers at the event hosted by the Nerd Nite Victoria.
January |
Congratulations to Katie, Ryan and Simmone on their new publication in the NAR!
Preethi presented her recent publication on post-transcriptional modifications at the ARRTI seminar.
The group welcomes Jackson who will be completing Independent Study project.
2020 |
December |
Stacey presented the group's work at York University.
Congratulations to Bhadra and Kohl for successful completion of their Independent Studies projects!
November |
Congratulations to Preethi and Nathania on their new publication in the RNA!
October |
Stacey presented an invited talk at the PTC virtual seminar series hosted by the Chemical Institute of Canada.
Stacey presented the group's work at the University of Victoria.
The group welcomes James as a postdoctoral fellow.
Congratulations to Preethi and Prakash for completion of their DeepYellow Challenge as part of the RNA Innovation program!
September |
Congratulations to Stacey, Purshotam and co-workers on their new publication in the Chemical Research in Toxicology!
Prakash, Cynthia and Preethi delivered poster presentations at Riboclub 2020.
The group welcomes Rebecca and Bimaldeep as M.Sc. candidates in the Wetmore lab.
The group welcomes Bhadra and Kohl who will be completing Independent Studies projects.
August |
Congratulations to Kohl, Bhadra and Mark for finishing their summer research!
July |
Congratulations to Stefan on the recent acceptance of his last paper from his Ph.D. research to DNA Repair!
Congratulations to Stacey for being appointed the Chair of the NSERC Evaluation Group for Chemistry (1504)! |
June |
Congratulations to Stacey and Athan for securing an NSERC Research Tools and Instruments grant to support the purchase of additional GPU power!
Congratulations to Briana for receiving a SGS Dean’s and Tuition scholarship to support her Ph.D. studies!
May |
Congratulations to Briana for passing her M.Sc. to Ph.D. transfer exam!
Congratulations to Dylan for receiving an NSERC CGS-M!
Congratulations to Nathania and Rebecca for receiving NSERC RNA Innovation trainee awards at the M.Sc. level!
Congratulations to Bhadra for winning an NSERC RNA Innovation trainee award at the undergraduate level!
Congratulations to Bhadra, Kohl and Mark for receiving NSERC USRAs!
The group welcomes Mark to the lab for the summer as an undergraduate researcher.
Bhadra delivered a poster presentation at the Undergraduate Research in Science Conference of Alberta (URSCA).
Nathania and Rebecca delivered oral presentations at the Undergraduate Research in Science Conference of Alberta (URSCA).
Congratulations to Nathania for winning the 2nd place prize in the oral presentation session at the URSCA!
Congratulations to Stacey, Nehal, Mark, Paul and Mehdi for receiving an New Frontiers in Research Fund – Exploration grant.
April |
Congratulations to Rebecca for successfully defending her B.Sc. Honours Thesis! |
March |
Congratulations to Rajwinder and Dylan for having their review article highlighted by Advanced Science News! |
February |
Congratulations to Rebecca and Stefan on their publication in the Journal of Physical Chemistry!
Congratulations to Rajwinder and Dylan for their publication in WIREs Computational Molecular Science.
Congratulations to Bhadra on having his abstract accepted for the 7th annual Stanford Research Conference!
January |
The group welcomes Dylan to the M.Sc. program. |
2019 |
December |
Congratulations to Ryan on his new publication in the Chemical Research in Toxicology!
Congratulations to Makay for nominated for a Graduate Supervision Award!
Congratulations to Nathania for successfully defending her B.Sc. Honours thesis! |
November |
Congratulations to Stacey on her new editorial in the Canadian Journal of Chemistry! |
October |
Bhadra, Briana, Chalalai, Dylan, Hanzala, Kohl, Makay, Michaela, Nathania, Preethi, Rebecca, Rian, Ryan and Trinity delivered poster presentations at the Chinook Symposium.
Congratulations to Hanzala for winning the 1st place poster prize (M.Sc. Chemistry) at the Chinook Symposium!
Congratulations to Bhadra for winning the 1st place poster prize (B.Sc. Chemistry) at the Chinook Symposium!
Congratulations to Kohl for winning the 2nd place poster prize (B.Sc. Biochemistry) at the Chinook Symposium!
Congratulations to Trinity for winning the 1st place High School student and the Rookie of the Year Award in the poster presentation at the Chinook Symposium!
Congratulations to Bhadra for winning the Best Undergraduate Presentation Award from the Canadian Journal of Chemistry at the Chinook Symposium!
September |
Stacey presented an invited talk at the 9th Conference of the Asia-Pacific Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists in Sydney, Australia.
The group welcomes Cynthia, Makay and Prakash as M.Sc. candidates in the Wetmore lab.
The group welcomes Craig, Luke and Matthew who will be completing Independent Studies projects.
Congratulations to Prakash and Cynthia for winning SGS tuition scholarships!
Congratulations to Makay and Prakash for winning NSERC RNA Innovation trainee awards at the M.Sc. level!
Congratulations to Preethi for winning NSERC RNA Innovation trainee award at the postdoctoral level!
Congratulations to Priya for successfully defending her M.Sc. thesis!
Ryan and Stacey delivered oral presentations at the BioNet AB conference.
Briana, Hanzala, Preethi, Rajwinder and Rebecca delivered poster presentations at the BioNet AB conference.
Congratulations to Briana for winning the 2nd place prize in the poster competition at BioNet AB conference!
Bhadra, Briana, Chalalai, Cynthia, Dylan, Hanzala, Makay, Matthew, Nathania, Prakash, Preethi, Rajwinder, Rebecca and Ryan volunteered at the Science Commons Big Bang Opening.
Bhadra, Dylan and Rebecca delivered poster presentation at the Science Commons Opening Big Bang Weekend.
August |
Congratulations to Preethi on her new publication in the Molecules!
Congratulations to Priya, Dylan and Katie on their new publication in the Chemical Research in Toxicology!
Congratulations to Dylan for successfully defending his B.Sc. Honours thesis!
Dylan and Nathania delivered oral presentations at the RNA day celebrations.
July |
Stacey joins the Canadian Journal of Chemistry as co-Editor in Chief.
The group welcomes Dewuni, Rian and Trinity as high school research assistants.
June |
Congratulations to Katie on her new publication in the Journal of Physical Chemistry!
Briana, Dylan, Hanzala, Preethi, Rebecca and Ryan delivered poster presentations at the 102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition in Quebec City.
Priya, Rebecca and Stacey delivered oral presentations at the 102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition in Quebec City.
Congratulations to Ryan for winning a GSA Travel Award!
Congratulations to Rajwinder for winning a Board of Governors Graduate Student Research Scholarship and a SGS International Tuition Scholarship!
May |
Congratulations to Katie and Stefan on their convocation with the Ph.D. degrees. Katie was awarded the Governors General Gold Medal and the Ph.D. Medal of Merit (Graduate Studies).
Congratulations to Mohamed on his new publication in the Journal of American Chemical Society!
Congratulations to Stefan on his new publication in the Nucleic Acids Research!
The group welcomes Bhadra, Kohl and Michaela who will be completing an Independent Studies projects.
Stacey delivered an oral presentation at the 15th ICCMSE 2019 in Rhodes, Greece.
Congratulations to Bhadra, Dylan and Rebecca for receiving NSERC USRA!
April |
Congratulations to Rajwinder for passing her M.Sc. to Ph.D. transfer exam!
Congratulations to Cynthia for successfully defending her B.Sc. Honours Thesis!
March |
Briana delivered an oral presentation at the Meeting of the Minds Conference. |
February |
Congratulations to Ryan for passing his Ph.D. comprehensive exam! |
January |
Congratulations to Katie on her new publication in the ACS Catalysis!
Congratulations to Mohamed on his new publication in the Journal of Organic Chemistry!
Congratulations to Katie on her new publication in the Nucleic Acids Research!
The group welcomes Chalalai who will be completing an Independent Studies project. |
October 28, 2021
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