Saturday 23 April, 2005

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Histories of Pentecostalism in Canada:
Rudd, Douglas. When the Spirit Came Upon Them: Highlights from the Early Years of the Pentecostal Movement in Canada. Mississauga, ON: The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, 2002.
Atter, Gordon. "The Third Force." Peterborough, ON: College Press, 1962. 3rd. ed. 1970.
Kulbeck, Gloria G. What God Hath Wrought. A History of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. Toronto: The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, 1958. Edited by Walter E. McAlister and George R. Upton.
Miller, Thomas William. Canadian Pentecostals. A History of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. Mississauga, ON: Full Gospel Publishing House, 1994.

Reynolds, Ralph Vincent, and Joyce Macbeth Morehouse. From the Rising of the Sun. A History of the Apostolic Truth Across Canada and the Reflections of a Pioneer Preacher. Conexions, 1998.
Larden, Robert A. Our Apostolic Heritage. Calgary, AB: Apostolic Church of Pentecost, 1971.

General Histories of Pentecostalism:
Anderson, Robert Mapes. Vision of the Disinherited: The Making of American Pentecostalism. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.
Bartleman, Frank. Azusa Street. 1925.
Burgess, Stanley M., ed. The New International Dictionary of Pentecostal Charismatic Movements. GrandRapids, MI: Zondervan, 2002.
Cox, Harvey. Fire from Heaven. The Rise of Pentecostal Spirituality and the Reshaping of Religion in the Twenty-first Century. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1995.
Dayton, Donald W. Theological Roots of Pentecostalism. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1987.
Frodsham, Stanley. With Signs Following: The Story of the Pentecostal Revival in the Twentieth Century. Springfield, MO: Gospel Publishing House, 1946.
Hollenweger, Walter J. Pentecostalism: Origins and Developments Worldwide. Trans. R.W. Wilson. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1997 (reprint).
Nichol, John Thomas. Pentecostalism. Harper & Row, 1966. A reprint was put out by Logos in 1971 under the title The Pentecostals.
Riss, Richard M. A Survey of 20th-Century Revival Movements in North America. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1988.
Menzies, William M. Anointed to Serve. The Story of the Assemblies of God. Springfield, MO: Gospel Publishing House, 1971.
Beisner, E. Calvin. “Jesus Only” Churches. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1998.
Boyd, Gregory A. Oneness Pentecostals and the Trinity. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1992.
Fudge, Thomas A. Christianity Without the Cross: A History of Salvation in Oneness Pentecostalism. Universal Publishers, 2003.

Histories of Specific Canadian Churches:

Other Histories Relevant to Pentecostalism in Canada:
Peters, James E. Prevailing Westerlies: The Pentecostal Heritage of Maine. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image, 1988.

Women Preachers (Pentecostal and Others):
Bell, David G. “Allowed Irregularities: Women Preachers in the Early 19th-Century Maritimes.” Acadiensis 30 (2001): 3-39.
Lawless, Elaine J. Handmaidens of the Lord: Pentecostal Women Preachers and Traditional Religion. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1988.

Biographies of Canadian Pentecostals:
Morehouse, Joyce M. Pioneers of Pentecost.Doaktown, NB: by the author, 2002.
Robert Edward McAlister:
Craig, James. "Robert Edward McAlister: Canadian Pentecostal Pioneer." Eastern Journal of Practical Theology 3 (1989): 6–24.
Aimee Semple McPherson:
Austin, Alvyn. Aimee Semple McPherson. Don Mills, ON: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1980.
Bahr, Robert. Least of All Saints: The Story of Aimee Semple McPherson. Prentice-Hall, 1979.
Blumhofer, Edith L. Aimee Semple McPherson: Everybody's Sister. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1993.
Epstein, Daniel Mark. Sister Aimee. The Life of Aimee Semple McPherson. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1993.

Biographies of non-Canadian Pentecostals:
John Alexander Dowie:
Lindsay, Gordon, John Alexander Dowie. A Life Story of Trials, Tragedies and Triumphs. Dallas, TX: Christ for the Nations, 1980.

Dissertations on Canadian Pentecostalism and related matters:
Reed, David A. "Origins and Development of the Theology of Oneness Pentecostalism in the United States." Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Boston University, 1978.


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© 2005 Tom Robinson