Run Train #500 Extra from Jasper to Pine Ridge and return.
Train #500 extra needed to be assembled in the Jasper Yard. The first step was to take Train #500 and move forward until it was possible to reverse the locomotive and back the cars into the various sidings in the Jasper Yard.

Train #500 moving through the Jasper Yard
The cars were uncoupled between the lead boxcar (CN 539027) and the Home hardware refrigerator car. CN 1706 then moved forward and then reversed into the Jasper Yard siding where it was coupled with boxcar CN 500899.

CN 1706 moving forward with boxcar CN 539027

CN 1706 reversing with the boxcar. CN 500899 is on the siding.

CN 1706 moving forward after coupling with boxcar CN 500899

Train #500 Extra moving east out of the Jasper Yard on the way to Pine Ridge

Train #500 Extra arriving at Pine Ridge
The switching maneuver at Pine Ridge was a basic end-around where the locomotive comes straight into the siding, uncouples the cars, continues forward through a switch, then throws the switch and reverses back alongside the setout cars.

CN 1706 uncoupling the lead boxcar CN 539027

CN 1706 passing through the switch

CN 1706 reversing past the two boxcars
CN 1706 then returned to Jasper where it began forming the consist for Train #501, due to leave later the same day. The first step was to isolate the caboose on a siding.

CN 1706 beginning a reverse move to setout some boxcars
The next step was to setout some additional boxcars that will remain in the Jasper Yard.

CN1706 pushing some boxcars onto a siding

CN 1706 moving forward after setting out 2 boxcars
The second last step is to couple the Home Hardware reefer to the special purpose empty boxcar (grain only)

CN 1706 pushing HHX 191 to CN 445561
The last step is to couple the caboose to the end of this short train.

Train #501 is almost complete.