Run Train #500 East from Coaldale to Queenston. Switch Queenston
Train #500 was put together in the Coaldale Yard by CN 7895. It consisted of 4 boxcars, plus caboose CN 74009.

Train #500 leaving Coaldale

Train #500 pulling into Queenston siding
The switching list says to pick up CN 500899, an empty boxcar from Queenston Cartage and CN 210048 and HHX 191, two refrigerator cars, both loaded with fresh meat from the Swift Meat packing plant.
The first step was to uncouple the diesel unit from the train and then travel to the Queenston Cartage siding to pick up CN 500899.

CN 1706 returning with CN 500899, an empty boxcar from Queenston Cartage
The next step was to back into the Swift Meats siding and pickup the two refrigerator cars.

CN 1706 pulling out from the Swift Meat packing plant with 3 cars in tow
Train #500 now consists of 7 cars plus a caboose. This is the longest train I have had on this layout. The train headed onto the mainline for a few loops before heading into Prairie Dog.

Train #500 on the mainline to Prairie Dog
The switchlist for Prairie Dog involved picking up GN 78063, an empty Great Northern hopper from Dusty Coal and Cartage, and setting out CN 210048, a refrigerator car with a load of fresh meat for Prairie Meats in Prairie Dog.
The first step was to back the entire train onto a siding in Prairie Dog.

CN 1706 backing into the Prairie Dog siding
Then the two reefer cars were uncoupled from the rest of the train. CN 1706 then backed these two cars onto the siding for Prairie Meats.

CN 1706 backing the 2 reefers onto the Prairie Meats siding
Then CN 1706 pulled the remaining reefer with it, and reversed onto the Dusty Coal & Cartage siding to pick up the empty hopper car GN 78063.

CN 1706 reversing to pick up GN 78063

CN 1706 leaving Dusty Coal & Cartage with GN 78063
CN 1706 then coupled to the rest of train #500 and pulled out of Praire Dog, having completed a very successful switching sequence.

Train #500 leaving Prairie Dog
The next step is to stop at Pine ridge and set out an empty boxcar CN 500899 for loading with lumber.
Yikes! I failed to follow the train orders. Instead of setting out a boxcar, I actually picked up one instead. I just realized this now, while making these notes. I should receive at least 10 demerit points for this mistake!
Train #500 moved onto a passing siding at Pine Ridge and the diesel locomotive then went back onto the spur siding at Pine Ridge to pick up a boxcar that was sitting on the siding.

CN1706 coming to pick up the waiting boxcar

CN 1706 leaving Prairie Dog with the empty boxcar
Train #500 then proceeded west to Black Diamond where it was to setout the empty hopper GN 78063 which it had picked up earlier in Prairie Dog. This involved some clever switching. Most of the train was left on the mainline but the first 2 cars were pulled onto an end-around siding in Black Diamond and left there. Then CN 1706 continued the end-around movement and went back and picked up GN 78063. This was then setout on a siding near Mercoal Mines. The diesel then repeated the end-around maneuver and pushed the 2 cars back to re-couple with the main train.

CN 1706 pushing the 2 cars back the main train, GN 78063 is on the siding behind it.
All that is left is travel from Black Diamond to Jasper.

Train #500 leaving Black Diamond

Train #500 arriving in Jasper
I will now have to run an extra with CN 1706 to return the boxcar to the siding in Pine Ridge and to setout CN 500899 at the same time. My face is very red at the moment.