Monday September 22, 2008 Lethbridge, Alberta
5:50 am
I need to try setting up a schedule for checking the three online forums that discuss model trains. Sunday is an obvious choice as many people seem to be on at that time. An hour session on at least two days a week seems like a good way to start. The idea is to see what I can learn by reading what others are doing.
I still have some housekeeping chores to take care of as a result of deleting the reversing loop around Black Diamond and adding the holding track near Queenston. One item is to delete turnouts 64 and 66 from my layout diagram. Another update to the diagram is to add two turnouts and assign a proper number to them.
I was intrigued with the description of an operating session on pages 30 - 31 of "How to Operate Your Model Railroad" by Bruce Chubb. I want to begin trying to do this with my operating sessions. It will help if I keep a blank notepad with me to jot down times and events and a few choice phrases so that I can create a narrative later.
As I was filling my coffee mug I realized that I do not have a mug with a CN logo, or any other train related image.
I also want to improve my operating technique to include some of the sounds that my locomotive is capable of providing.
Now to continue rereading "How to Operate Your Model Railroad".
How to Operate Your Model Railroad
Bruce Chubb, 1977
Chapter 5 Switching [p. 48 - 59]
- "Most modeling uncoupler devices work on the principle of coupler slack: that is, when there is no tension between couplers, the magnet will separate them. That is why ... you have to back the cars slowly into position. If the train has slowed and stopped correctly over the magnet, ... the couplers should part when the locomotive pulls forward." [p. 49]
- "If the cars fail to uncouple on the second try, there is some mechanical problem. Don't let it go uncorrected. Take both cars directly to the workbench, or fill out a bad-order slip right away amd uncouple the cars by hand. Try to repair the bad order items before the next operating session." [p. 49]
- This idea of having a record of each problem is excellent. I will begin a new web page within the Running Sessions section that keeps track of all problems encountered in my operating sessions. Done.
- "... the turnouts you encounter fall into two main categories: trailing point and facing point. Whether a turnout is facing point or trailing point depends on the direction of train travel - not on the turnout itself." [p. 49]
- Each area of expertise has its own jargon.
- "Generally speaking, spotting or picking up a car on a spur with a trailing point is easier than doing it with a facing point." [p. 49]
- "The basic procedure for a facing point is stop the train at the nearest runaround siding. The procedure calls for uncoupling the locomotive and running it on the siding to the rear of the train, where it couples to the caboose. The train is then uncoupled at the appropriate place (between the setout car and the car in front of it. The locomotive and cars back up to clear the turnout and stop. The turnout is thrown and the locomotive pushes the group of cars (also known as the 'cut') around the waiting train up the the facing point spur, where the turnout is thrown and a car is either set out or picked up. Afterward the locomotive runs the cars back around those waiting on the siding and reassembles the rear of the train. The locomotive then returns to the front, couples, and the train is on its way to the next switching assignment." [p. 49 - 50]
- Whew! This is easier to do than to describe.
- "Some locomotives may be too long or too heavy to travel over sections of spurs that are sharply curved or have weakened track. Therefore an extra number of cars (called a 'handle') may have to be placed between the locomotive and the car to be set out or picked up. The extension of cars insures that the locomotive does not have to go down the spur as far as the trouble spot to perform a task which might be at the end of the track." [p. 50]
- Neat. I cannot recall ever hearing about this strategy.
- "One task of the yard is to 'block' trains which will depart the yard , so as to make mainline switching easier. In blocking, the cars which are to be set out first are usually placed closest to the engine, with later setouts following in order. However, to make facing point switching smoother on the main line, cars destined for facing-point spurs often are placed closer to the rear so the locomotive has fewer cars to cut, run around the train, and push into the spur." [p. 50]
- I think I have this under control, but am looking forward to practicing these procedures so I can see the merit of what I have just read.
- I am impressed with the "intelligence" that is required to run a successful railroad. Switching is more about strategy than technique.
Chapter 6 The People Who Run the Railroad [p. 60 - 73]
- "When switching in areas where, on the prototype, the brakeman would have to throw the turnouts, make sure you wait long enough for the brakeman to 'walk' the length of the train and carry out the task. And then, when the job is done, don't forget to wait long enough for him to climb aboard again!" [p. 67]
- I am going to try and simulate this by placing a "person" near the turnout.
Tags: design, operations
I now want to try an operating session. At the moment CN 6700 is in Jasper, facing east bound. I want it to proceed on the mainline to Coaldale and pick up all of my passenger cars and return to Jasper, placing them on a holding spur line. I want to have a trainman with me to throw whatever turnouts need changing. I want to keep my operating speed below 60 mph and I want to have some of the sounds of my coupling and uncoupling activities.
8:00 PM
My operating session (#7) was a real success. I successfully ran CN 6700 with all of my 1950's passenger cars. I then created a narrative story describing the run. One car required a repair to its coupler, but there were no derailments. I brought the cars from Coaldale to Jasper and stored them in a holding spur track. I then carried out preventive maintenance on all 5 cars. They are all spotless and the couplers are all working perfectly. I should be able to run either an express or a local passenger train at any time. The mainline routes appear to be working just fine.