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Dale's Depot

Daley Train Log
Page 18

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Wednesday January 23, 2008 5:30 PM Lethbridge, Alberta

I bought the wood for the benchwork yesterday. Today I began building the bench work. I have the first bench completed and it is ready for the plywood surface. I have the two end pieces finished for the bench for the 4' x 4' piece of plywood. This will be the location for Town1.

I was not able to make the girders to rest on the supports as I read the wrong numbers when at the lumber yard and am one piece of 1x2 spruce short. Not a problem as I have to go back to the lumber yard to buy the 4' x 4' piece of plywood. This is a result of continuing to fiddle and make adjustments. I originally thought I would only have room for a 4' x 3' piece of plywood for Town1 but not believe that I can enlarge this a bit. I will cut up the 4' x 3' into sections to place on the first bench that I made.

Here is my progress so far:


The plan is to have a double mainline track come from behind the Black Diamond coal mine and then come along the wall on the left. The next step is to add a bench to support a large 4' x 4' square sheet of plywood which will be right at the bottom of the photo.

I also bought 4 manual turnouts this afternoon. The intent is to replace four of the electric turnouts that I currently have in the various yard and spur lines and place these electric turnouts on the new mainline track that I will installing on the additon to my layout. This is part of the idea of using electric turnouts on the mainline where I can control them with DCC and use manual throws for the local switching operations in the small yards and spur lines. I am not sure how many turnouts will be required on the new mainline section as I am still playing with alternative ideas for the track layout for Town1.

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