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Dale's Depot

Daley Train Log
Page 15

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Friday January 18, 2008 10:30 am Lethbridge, Alberta

I have added the second coat of yellow paint to all of the CN wheel stops that I bought on Tuesday while in Calgary. I have 6 pair of wheel stops: 2 pair now have a third coat. I still need to add a third coat to the remaining 4 pair.

12:00 PM

I have reviewed my FileMaker Pro data base and added a record for my 5-axle passenger C-Liner diesel locomotive (including a photo). The database appears to be up-to-date.

I have added a few more items to my Future Activities. Two items can be begun immediately: repairing three box cars that were damaged when the layout experienced a severe earthquake a few years ago. Also I can draw a diagram of the layout so everyone can visualize the general track system and the location of the various centers of activity.

2:00 PM

This has been a satisfying two hours. I now have the Layout web page set up with a sketch of the mainline track and photos of each of the areas in the layout.

4:00 PM

Another enjoyable two hours. I worked on 3 box cars (CN 539027, CN 552942, CN 524270) that all needed some repairs (replacing stirrups, fixing doors). They are all now on the layout in operational mode. The data base has been updated to reflect this latest maintenance. Two of these box cars did not have a photo of them in the data base. That has now been corrected.

I noticed a lot of variability in how smoothly and easily the different cars rolled over the track. I am going to have to replace some wheel sets and even a few trucks in order to bring these all up to standard. I wonder if there are any standards for measuring this? I have posted the question on a web Forum. Now to see if I get any replies.

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