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Dale's Depot

Daley Train Log
Page 123

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Thursday January 6, 2011 Lethbridge, Alberta

7:00 am

The goal will be to reduce some of the warning messages that appear in the Balancing Summary Report.

8:00 am

I then decided to make a copy of all my files and then try running the Deluxe Balancer. This appeared to work. It was the first time I actually ran this latter program where it would alter some of the values on my Ship It! database. This seemed to make a marked improvement on the overall quality of balance from 86 to 28. Ideally it should still be a value under 1.

But there are no errors, and only 4 warning messages so I am going to try running a new switching report and begin a cyle of operating runs.

8:40 am

I now have a Starting Car Report and a Switching List (16 pages!) for all of my Session 1 activities.

2:45 PM

I continued to tweek some of the parameters and then rerun Deluxe Balancer. I now have a situation that is much better than before. My overall quality of balance is now 5.94, still not below zero, but much lower than 28.

I then started to run a new session, and received a new set of car starting locations. The cars have just been placed at the appropriate locations. I have printed out a complete switching list for Session 1 and am now set to begin an series of operational sessions.


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