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The Journey of a Lifetime
A Cloud Chamber on the Mind
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Friday May 23, 2008 7:00 am Lethbridge, Alberta

It is +7 C with a high forecast of +10 C. Sunrise 5:36 Sunset 21:20 Hours of daylight: 15:44.
See current forecast here. See current news here.

This page last updated on: Saturday, May 24, 2008 7:05 AM

A. Morning Musings

The light rain continues unabated. We had almost an inch yesterday and are expecting more of the same for the next two days. This will be very good for the land.

I have a coffee set for 8:30 this morning at the Ugly Mug. It will be good to get back into that routine.

I am feeling refreshed and perky this morning. No chores around the house that I can think of. A good day for working on a couple of the "long term activities". This might also be a good day for having a look at my model train layout. I think that one of the activities there would be to install a digital module for controlling 4 of my turnouts. I also should get back to some serious mathematics.

Long Term Activities Planned Activities for Today Time Today Cumulative Total
Cull professional articles Review Psychology articles
5 hr
Prepare pdf files of my papers Digitize 3 professional papers
4 hr
Digitize slides Digitize slide collection
10 hr
Put away stamps    
0 hr

Learning Category Planned Activities for Today Time
Literature Begin morning with a Rumi reading
Puzzles & Games New York Times crossword puzzles
1 hr
Literature Continue reading "The Temptations of Big Bear" by Rudy Wiebe
2 hr
History Begin reading "Indian Fall" by D'Arcy Jenish
1 hr


Make a few notes on symmetry
1 hr
Mathematics Continue reading "Symmetry & the Monster
1 hr

B. Actual Learning Activities

7:00 am

Notes on Symmetry - 13

Dale Burnett

I want to make a quick note of a few principles underlying my approach to learning.

1. I build on what I already know.

2. I identify what I want to learn next.

3. I locate resources relevant to #2, based on #1.

4. I use a mix of "reading" and "doing" until I am satisfied.

That is pretty well it. But it is radically different from what occurs in most schools as I, the learner, am in control of what happens next. I set my own goals, select my own resources (which may involve discussing what I am doing with someone who is more familiar with the topic - i.e. a teacher), and follow my own schedule. And I am continually modifying all of these parameters as I proceed.

I have recently finished reading Marcus du Sautoy's book "Symmetry", but the last few chapters left me cold as I no longer felt I understood what the various people were doing as they began to identify the various symmetries that were possible in higher dimension and I had trouble imagining what they were talking about when they discussed "the monster". I have one more book that discusses this object. It is time to give that a close look. Then I need to return to more basic activities related to symmetry and group theory. I am beginning to think that the book on Fearless Symmetry as well as the online book on Algebra by Frederick Goodman are good places to focus. I also want to construct a few three-dimensional objects (the 5 platonic solids - tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron - would be a good start). I need to play with these a bit until they are firmly in my mind's eye. I should be able to close my eyes and visualize each of them, and to imagine rotating them along various axes of symmetry.

I now realize that I need to add a brief note for each entry in my Notes Index that identifies the major source of my notes for that day. At the moment I do not know which sessions contain information on my previous reading of the first 5 chapters of the Ronan book. Done. The table in the Notes Index for mathemtics now gives a much better sense of what I have been doing.

500 BCE
399 BCE
Thaetetus classifies the 5 regular Platonic solids in 3 dimensions: tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron.  
1048 - 1131
Omar Khayyam finds geometric method for solving cubic equations.  
Leonardo Fibonacci wtote the first original book on mathematics published in Europe. It introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals and place-value notation.  
  Gutenberg invents the printing press
1452 - 1519
  Leonardo da Vinci
  Columbus discovers America
early 1500s
del Ferro, Tartaglia, Cardano, Ferrari solve cubic & quartic equations  
1564 - 1642
1642 - 1727
Isaac Newton  
1775 - 1783
  American War of Independence
1777 - 1855
Carl Friedrich Gauss  
1789 - 1799
  French Revolution
1802 - 1829
Niels Henrik Abel proves that no formula exists for equations of degree 5.  
Evariste Galois dies at age 20.  
1842 - 1899
Sophus Lie: Norwegian group theorist  

The goal today will be to reread the first 6 chapters of Ronan's book "Symmetry and the Monster" and then continue the book.

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23                            
Fearless Symmetry                                                                          
Abstract Algebra                                                                          
Creating Escher-type Drawings                                                                          
Handbook of Regular Patterns                                                                          
Symmetry & the Monster                                                                          
The Celtic Design Book                                                                          
Groups & Symmetry                                                                          
Groups: A Path to Geometry                                                                          
A Transition to Advanced Mathematics                                                                          
Modern Abstract Algebra                                                                          

Mark Ronan. (2006). Symmetry and the Monster.

I have read chapters 7 - 10 today. I will try to make a few notes tomorrow.

Tags: mathematics, symmetry

1:00 PM

There was a short break in the weather this morning. The grass was able to dry out enough to allow for a mowing. Done.

My reading of "The Temptations of Big Bear" has also triggered a memory of another book that I began a few years ago, and then other priorities entruded, called "Indian Fall". This is a history of the "last great days of the Plains Cree and the Blackfoot Confederacy" and overlaps with the story of Big Bear. What is even more embarrasing is that I have lived in that part of the province for 23 years (!) and have never read either of these books.

Now that the lawn is shorter, I can sit back and read from three books:

1. The Temptations of Big Bear

2. Symmetry & the Monster

3. Indian Fall.

This promises to be a very enjoyable afternoon.

Books on the Go Today
see below



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